Chapter 6

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Day by day things were getting more and more comfortable around Vic's house. Even though we had done some sexual things, there was still the lingering uncertainty there, but now it feels like that has been lifted.

Vic and I had been more touchy-feely since the night I gave my first blowjob. He's gradually started kissing me more, and sometimes cuddles with me, or puts his arm around my waist when we're out and about. It's strange to think that I'm doing these things with someone who was a stranger to me just two months ago, but I've sort of gotten over the shock.

I actually think I may have a bit of a crush on him, too.

It's nothing big. Maybe just a little bit of a schoolgirl crush on a hot teacher, or something, but it's definitely there and I definitely do not know how to handle it. I mean, what am I supposed to do? Do I approach him? I feel like it would be near impossible for me to talk to him about something like that, seeing as I barely know how to say 'good morning' without blushing.

I cannot believe my childishness.

"Hey, Kell, it's family night at my parents'. Wanna come?" Vic asks, peeping into my room.

Every Saturday night, Vic's parents have a get together with just the family. I haven't really ever been, but Vic told me they just eat dinner together and chill out for a while. Every Saturday Vic asks, and every Saturday I decline, but the hopeful look on his face almost forces me to say yes.

"Uh, I guess. It wouldn't hurt, would it?" I say slowly, internally screaming at myself for agreeing to go and officially meet his family outside of school.

"Okay! We're leaving in an hour, by the way," Vic tells me, smiling and walking out the door.

He actually looked excited that I was going.



We're on our way to Vic's parents' house, and he will not stop rambling for the life of him.

"They're really great. I mean, you already know my brother and my dad, but wait until you meet my mom! Man, she will probably ask you so many questions. Let me know if you get uncomfortable, okay? She likes to pry-"

"Vic, it's fine. You're rambling," I say with a chuckle.

Vic looks down, seemingly embarrassed, and I decide that I hate that look, so I turn the conversation back around.

"So, tell me a little bit about your mom," I tell him, looking over to see him smile a little bit.

"Well, she's really sweet, just don't do anything to get on her bad side. She will kill you if you end up hurting her kids. She likes boys like you, who are shy and cute and smart," He says, causing a blush to form on my cheeks. He called me cute. "She likes people who have manners, and who are willing to spark up a conversation about anything. She also really loves to embarrass Mike and I. Mama will probably show you some baby pictures and laugh about things we did as children, which kills me, but I let her have her fun," Vic explains, almost like he's reminiscing.

"She sounds really great," I tell him in a sad voice, kind of jealous that he has that great of a mom and dad.

"She really is. I'm sure you'll love each other."

I smile at him, shaking my head and looking out the car window. We're in a more suburban part of the area, so I can tell we're getting close to his parents' house.

The houses begin to grow in size, going from average sized homes to near hotels. We reach the end of the street, circling into a cul-de-sac.

One house literally took up the entire cul-de-sac.

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