Chapter 7

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Vic and I stayed in the same room that night. There was no sexual meaning to it, it was just the fact that Vic had admitted his feelings for me and I had willingly allowed him a more intimate position in my life.

It's only the morning after his admission, but things have already started to feel a bit lighter. I don't feel like I'm walking on eggshells anymore, and I also don't feel like I have to filter the things I say in order to hide my true feelings.

I start to squirm, but the fact that I'm lying on Vic's chest, nose touching the crook of his neck while his arm drapes around my back only reminds me that the movement is pretty much impossible.

I decide to halt my movements, not wanting to disturb Vic when he looks so peaceful in his sleep. He's always been such a graceful person, unless things became sexual; then he was a dominating and ruthless person who enjoyed watching me squirm.

Speaking of sexual actions, Vic has been showing a more sadistic and dominating side to himself than I've ever seen. Usually, he's just bossy, but he's become the type of person who enjoys being called 'Sir,' and seems to enjoy pulling my hair just a little too hard or forcing me down just a little too far.

I can't say I don't like it, though.

"You're awake," Vic says, lifting the arm not around my body up to rub the sleep out of his eyes. The other arm so carefully runs up and down my bare back, sending a shivering sensation through my body.

"As are you," I reply, lifting my head slightly to see him looking down at me. I smile a little, then sit up, grabbing my shirt and throwing it over my head.

"You love teasing me, don't you?" Vic asks playfully, rolling his eyes dramatically.

"Oh, it's just my favorite thing to do. At least you get something out of it sometimes," I laugh, pushing his chest slightly.

"Yeah, if only you would open up just a little more," he tells me. My face falls slightly and I look toward the ground.

"Sorry," I mutter, turning to leave the room.

"No, I didn't mean it seriously. At least not that seriously. Sure, I'd love to be with you like that, but I can wait." I nod my head, feeling slightly better.

"We have only been...whatever we are since last night, so I think my reasoning is fair," I explain, looking back at him.

Vic stands, stretching a bit and going to put his shirt on as well.

"It is. I wanted to talk to you about what's going on between us, by the way. Is a breakfast date okay with you?" He inquires, walking to the bathroom and running a brush through his hair.

"That's fine. Just let me get ready," I tell him. He nods slightly and I turn away to leave the room.

"So, I just think we should talk about this relationship thing. Like, I know we kind of came to some kind of agreement last night, but I want us to both understand the relationship, if that makes sense," Vic says when we take out seats at the restaurant.

"Yeah, I get it. I think we should take it slow, to be honest. I mean it doesn't have to be taken slowly as far as sexual things, but I think we should just kind of go out on dates and test the waters before we decide to be boyfriends. I think we should both focus on each other, though. Like, no getting into relationships with someone else or anything like that. If we're going to do this, then we have to put in some effort, you know?" I explain. Vic shakes his head, thinking for a moment before speaking again.

"I agree with you. I mean, there's no reason for us to stop being physical with each other if we've already sort of started that. I'm actually kind of excited...that sounded lame. I just, I've never really been able to open up to people that easily, but the more I get to know you, the more I want to open up to you. Also, I know my family will be psyched since they were all practically placing bets on when we would start dating," he says, laughing a little towards the end of his last sentence.

"Um, speaking of sexual things and stuff, I wanted to talk to you about that," I say nervously, biting down on my lip and playing with the edge of the menu. Speaking of menus, why hasn't the waitress come over yet?

"Well, what did you want to talk about?" Vic asks me, quirking an eyebrow.

I sigh, mentally preparing myself before replying.

"Just, I don't know, I wanted to talk about sex. Like, the boundaries and things like that. Obviously we haven't done anything yet, but when we do I want to be ready and I want us both to know what the other wants. I know a lot of people who just jumped into sex, and I'm determined not to let that be me," I explain, looking anywhere but at Vic.

"I understand. I want to do the same, actually," He says simply.

"Oh, okay. Well, what exactly do you like?" I inquire, interested for his answer.

"Obviously I'm into some BDSM, but if you aren't comfortable with that, then we don't have to do it. I like to be dominant, and I'm a little sadistic, if you haven't noticed. What about you?"

"Uh, well, I know what I saw on your computer that day kind of interested me, so I would be willing to slowly work towards that. Maybe not extreme, but I don't mind the bondage and spanking and things of the sort. I find that I enjoy it when you're rough with me, so yeah. I also see myself as a submissive, which works in both of our favors. I don't really know. I feel like we should just try some things when I'm ready for sex and then move from there. I'm telling you, though, things aren't going to be rough and crazy the first time. I want me losing my virginity to be meaningful, not quick and dirty," I say sternly, making sure he understands what I'm saying.

"I totally understand. I wouldn't want to make it too much for you. I also think that starting slow and discovering what we like is best, by the way. I don't want to push you into things that you won't enjoy. There are certain things that I know I'm fond of, but I don't know if you would be," Vic tells me, easing a bit of the stress from my shoulders.

"Also, I don't want to have sex until I know I'm ready. I know its lame, but I don't want to just jump right into that. It won't take long, so just let me prepare myself a little before I decide I want to go all the way," I say, trying to make sure Vic is getting where I'm coming from.

"Yeah, I wouldn't want to have sex until you're ready anyway, so that's not a problem."

"Good." Just as Vic was about to respond, a waitress comes up, apologizing for the wait and saying something about the place being short staffed. I briefly wonder if Vic and I's conversation was appropriate for a restaurant, but brush it off when I realize no one was paying attention to us.

The rest of the meal was sort of quiet, just Vic and I munching away at our meals and enjoying being out.

I woke up the next day in Vic's arms, this time facing away with him while his chest was pressed against my back.

Trying not to disturb him, I slip out of the bed, waking down the hall and into my bedroom. I take a new set of clothes out, planning for a shower.

"You know, I can never sleep when you're not there. It's kind of weird how much I've adjusted to having you there in such a short time." A stretching Vic says, walking into my bedroom. His voice is groggy and cracks a little when he talks, sending my mind into a spin.

"Yeah," is all I manage to say, trying – and failing – to snap out of the stare I have on him.

Why must he be so attractive?

"Oh, I don't know. Just comes naturally I guess," Vic says, a devious smirk on his cute face.

I said that out loud.

"Yeah, uh huh. Keep telling yourself that," I say sassily, walking around him to get to the bathroom door.

"Whatever. Hurry; I want to take you on a date," Vic says, almost as if it's nothing.

"Oh- okay," I mutter, walking into the bathroom for a new reason.

I take a quick shower, not even bothering to wash my face due to the time constraint.

"You ready?" A patient Vic asks, standing at the door with his keys in hand.

"Yep," I tell him, ready for whatever he has planned.

Ily all

Until tomorrow x 

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