Chapter 29

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Okay, so this will be the last chapter until probably about Sunday or Monday. I have ACT's and I'm going away with friends after, so yeah. Also, congrats to PTV for best fan base! I hate that people are commenting that MCR deserved it, though. I mean, I love MCR, but I find it disrespectful to PTV to comment about how MCR deserved it. It's okay to have that opinion, it just sucks that people feel the need to comment that on the members of PTV's photos. I don't know, just a pet peeve of mine. Anyway, enjoy!


It's been about a month since the whole ordeal at the police station, and Vic has been set free since. He's been much happier, and he won't leave me alone. Every chance he gets, he hugs me or kisses me, and I can't say I don't like it.

Even with everything that happened, Vic was welcomed back to the college with open arms. All of his students were kind of weird around him and asked questions often, but after a week, things went back to normal.

Now, I'm 5 months pregnant, and things have taken an interesting turn. Vic has to go to the grocery store, like, twice a week in order to keep up with how much I've been eating, and I get really pissy at times. Like, I thought it was bad earlier on, but just yesterday Mike spilled water on the counter and I almost killed him. I don't regret anything, though. If all of this is for the sake of me seeing my daughter, then I think I can make it through.

Vic continues talking about the turn of literature, and I know I should be paying attention, but all I can focus on is his lips and hips. He's so hot. The way he bites his lip when he stops to think of something, or when he flexes his arms as he talks passionately about something. I'd die to do something with him tonight, but I think the both of us would feel weird doing that while I'm pregnant.

"Come on, mate. Class is over," Oli mumbles, nudging my side. I stand up and walk out the door, but not before looking behind me one more time.

"Hey, you wanna go grab some lunch?" Oli wonders, walking beside me and away from the commons.

"Sure. Same diner?" I ask. Oli nods, and we make our way there.

The sun is shining brightly today; clouds high in the sky. I've never really stopped to appreciate the outdoors, but now that I have, I feel a little more peaceful. This whole month has just been hell, but seeing something so amazing and beautiful has really helped me to clear my head.

Oliver and I both walk into the diner, taking our usual seats and waiting for our food to come out. We come here so often now that the waitress knows what we want to eat without even coming over to us.

"Kellin, can I talk to you?" Oli asks seriously. He looks me straight in the eyes, which makes me feel kind of weird.

"Uh, yeah, I guess," I tell him, sort of confused by the whole situation.

"Well, like, I have this crush on this person, and their super sweet and cute and caring, and I don't know what to do. Like, I've tried to make hints and stuff, but they don't pick up on them and it's sort of weird, but I guess that's another reason why I like them," Oli starts, being strangely vague about this crush which causes me to guess that the person is either me or someone I'm close to. I play along, though, not trying to make things weird.

"Okay, well, is this person someone you know well? Are you good friends with them?" I ask him slowly.

"Yes, yeah I'm pretty close with them," he says, almost in an excited tone.

"Alright...who is it? I promise I won't tell," I gush, the temptation getting the better of me. I know I wanted to stay low-key for a bit, but I really need to know if Oli has a crush on me.

"I, uh, I can't really tell you that much. They would find out and never talk to me again. Especially since I know there's someone else," Oli tells me sadly.

"Just tell me," I plead.

I expected an answer, but what I didn't expect was for Oli to press his lips to mine quickly.

"I'm so sorry! Uh, I should go. I'm sorry," Oli yells frantically, throwing money on the table and leaving quickly.

Instead of eating, I just leave the money on the table and decide to walk home. I don't have an appetite after what happened, and I feel like I should get home before it gets dark.

On the way home, it starts to get cold, so I pull my jacket around myself. The town is pretty peaceful in the afternoon, which makes walking easier.

I make it to the house, walking up to the door and unlocking it, then going into the living room where I hear the television running. Vic looks over to me when I walk into the room, and smiles a bit.

"Wanna sit?" he asks quietly, standing up to help me take my coat off.

"Yeah, I wanna cuddle. I'm a little cold," I admit, shivering a bit as the coldness hits me. Vic frowns and goes to the fireplace, turning it on and kicking the heat up a little.

"Go sit on the couch. I'll be over with a blanket in a minute," Vic instructs, kissing my forehead before walking over to the closet and grabbing a fleece blanket.

"How was your day?" I ask him when he comes back to me, sitting down and laying the blanket over the both of us.

"It was nice. I tried hard to ignore your stares in my class, but sort of failed. That left me with a problem for a while. You know how hot you are when you stare at me with those big eyes?" Vic teases, kissing me and rubbing my sides.

After a little while, I can't help but feel a tinge of guilt when I think of where those lips were just an hour ago.

Vic and I are going to see Doctor Montgomery again today. It's not really a normal checkup, though.

Lately, the baby has been kicking really roughly and I can't seem to sleep. When I do, it's only for an hour, and I can't shake the feeling that something could be wrong. Vic hasn't been able to calm me down. I read online that it's normal for babies to kick, but not necessarily like this.

"Bostwick," one of the nurses calls out. I release my grip on Vic's hand and stand to walk to the room.

"The doctor is already in there," she informs us when we make it to the door.

Vic and I walk in, and Doctor Montgomery smiles immediately.

"Kellin, Vic, how nice to see you. I assume you're doing alright?" she asks politely.

I go to nod my head, but end up wincing as our daughter kicks me roughly.

"Kellin's been worried out of his mind," Vic tells the doctor, coming over to assist me.

"Oh, what's the problem?" she wonders, concerned.

"The baby has been kicking really hard and I barely get any sleep because of it. I didn't think it was normal for her to be kicking this hard at this stage," I explain.

Doctor Montgomery sighs a little, then helps Vic bring me over to the exam table.

"Kellin, this is actually kind of normal. I mean, I wouldn't say to the degree that you're describing, but it's definitely okay. Kicks aren't really your main concern. If anything, you should be really happy that she's moving around! I get your concern, though, and you should know that everything is perfectly fine. Nothing to worry about. Is there anything else?" the doctor wanted to know.

"No, I don't think so. When should we come back for a checkup?" I ask.

"Let's say two weeks."

"Alright," Vic and I both say, grabbing each other's hands and bidding the doctor a farewell before walking out the door and to the car.

Love you all

Until Sunday/Monday x 

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