Chapter 22

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The first day of college, also known as the first day of the most intense portion of my life. On top of having to attend a school that would determine my way in life, I was pregnant. Stress and pregnancy don't make for a happy morning. I was in the bathroom for what felt like hours before I was finally able to hold something down and make it to school. Vic promised to stay with me, but because of the bathroom detour, he was forced to leave before me in order to make it to his class on time. I didn't mind, though, because it gave me time to myself. Part of this time was spent wondering why the fuck I signed up for this, and why Vic was still being so goddamn distant. Sure, I didn't expect everything to be rainbows and roses when we found out I was pregnant, but it could at least be a little better, right?

Anyway, I had luckily gotten some scheduling advice from Vic and his father, so I was able to schedule my classes where I only went to school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. It was nice to be able to have a three day weekend, seeing as that's all I ever wished for when I went to high school.

I walked into the building Vic instructed me to a few weeks ago when we did a sort of walkthrough. The campus was really nice, and I really liked the area it was in, to be honest. Vic's father truly did run an awesome place.

The classroom was upstairs and the third door on the left, so I quickly made my way there. I was happy that Vic would be my first class this year, seeing as I still wasn't as confident as I would like to be with the whole thing.

"Kellin, nice to see you made it," Vic's voice booms when I walk into the lecture room. The place looks almost like a stadium.

"Hi," I greet in a shy voice, walking down the steps in the center of all of the seats. I hear a few murmurs on the way, but brush it off as just curious college students.

"There's a seat up here if you like," a deep voice whispers from beside me. I look over and see a tattooed man with dark hair. He appears really thin, and has weird dots under his eye.

"Thanks," I mutter when I make it to the seat. The guy just nods in return, focusing back in on whatever Vic was saying.

"So, I'm not going to be going easy on you all. I don't think you should be babied like in high school, so that won't happen. In fact, I have a project that we will start tomorrow. It's a semester project, and should be worked on when possible, so don't think you can blow it off until the last week," Vic announces, a chorus of loud groans coming from everyone around me. I figured that Vic would let me go a little easily, seeing as I'm pregnant with his kid, but I in no way plan on slacking off. I mean, sure I'll have to take more breaks than anyone else, but I don't want to lean on the fact that Vic is my boyfriend. I want to be independent so I can make it through this class with the credit I deserve.

"Mate, what are you doing?" the boy from before asks, standing over the desk I was sitting in with a confused look.

"Oh, class is over already?" I wanted to know.

"Yeah, short classes on the first day," he explains, lifting his hand in front of me. "'Names Oli, by the way."

"Kellin," I tell him, taking his hand and shaking it slightly.

"Okay, Kellin. Do you want to get something to eat, or do you have a class next? I'm free until noon," Oli tells me, shrugging his shoulders.

"We can go now," I agree, picking up my bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

Oli and I walk to the school cafeteria, and he explains the different things Vic said while I wasn't paying attention. I could have just asked Vic when I got home, but I didn't want him to think I wasn't interested in what he was talking about, so I let Oli tell me all the things I missed.

The cafeteria was pretty packed, to say the least. I thought the school was small, but apparently my judgement was very jaded. Students were crammed in the seating area, fingers tapping away at their laptops as they wrote down different things for their classes.

"So tell me, Oli, how do you like Professor Fuentes?" I wanted to know. I wasn't really wanting to set him up for anything, I just wanted to know what other people thought of the man I lived with.

"I guess he's pretty cool. I mean, my brother had him last year, and he said that Fuentes was a hard ass, but he was really chill. Like, if you make a mistake or miss a deadline, he helps you out. He just doesn't tolerate any bullshit. I like teachers like that, though. I came to college with the intent of getting a realistic education, and I don't want a slacker of a teacher to make me miss out on that," Oli explained, shaking his head or shrugging his shoulders while he spoke.

It made me feel proud to hear someone talk so highly of someone so close to me. I really liked Vic; I could almost say I loved him, so the fact that other people thought he was as great as I did meant a lot to me.

"I gotta go. See you later, mate," Oli told me after a while of us eating and getting to know each other. I liked that I was able to make a friend so easily, and the whole idea of college didn't seem so daunting after Oli and I's talk.

"How was the first day?" Was what Vic asked the second I walked into the house. I stayed behind for a while in order to tour the campus and get more comfortable there, so Vic made it home long before I was there. He did have other classes, but the short schedule made the day go by much faster for him.

"It was good. I made a friend, and got to know more about the school and stuff," I told him. I walked into the kitchen, dying for something to eat. Even though I had had a nice sized meal with Oli, I still felt like something was trying to tear a hole through my stomach. Probably because something actually was trying to do so.

"I'm happy for you," Vic let me know. He still sounded a little robotic, but I was just happy he was still talking to me.

"Yeah? Thanks. I'm pretty happy, too," I said.

I was making a sandwich when Vic walked into the room, a worried look on his face as he leaned up against the counter.

"What is it?" I asked, knowing something was going on in that head of his.

"Nothing, I just, I don't want to stress you out with my problems. It's nothing, anyway. Just something my family said that bothered me," he sighs, running a hand through his hair and walking to the fridge.

"Really? I didn't notice that you were upset there. You can talk to me, you know?" I assured him.

"I know, I just don't know if I want to even talk about it, to be honest. I mean, it's petty."

"If it's bothering you, then it isn't petty. Just tell me. I promise I'll try to listen and be understanding," I say, trying to get him to spill the beans.

"It's just the whole marriage thing. Like, I don't want us to just be together because of the baby, you know? And that fact that my family is going to bother me until I marry you really annoys me," he rants, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, well, I mean, you don't have to listen to them. I didn't realize that marrying me was such a horrible thing to think about," I mutter, looking down at the floor.

"No, that's not what I mean at all. I just mean that I don't want to rush into this relationship. We've only been together for, like, a couple months, so I don't think marriage is something to really talk about right now," Vic explains, coming up behind me and hugging me.

"I know, I know. It's just the baby talking. I don't want to rush into anything, either, if that makes you feel better. I do understand where your family is coming from, though, and you have to realize that they only have your best interest in mind."

"I get it. I just wish they'd stay out of my business," he tells me.

"It'll get better. I promise," I say, turning my head to kiss his lips.

"I suppose it will."

I tried to make this chapter a little longer but I was out all day so it's not as long as I'd like.

Love you all

Until tomorrow x 

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