Chapter 23

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There'll be a time skip once in a while in order to move the book along. It's getting rather extensive and the main things haven't even happened yet.

1 month later.

When Vic said he wasn't going to go easy on us, he wasn't kidding. I was in the library, cramming for some random ass quiz he had warned us of the day before. It was only on a focused period in the development in English, but it was really kicking my ass. Speaking of something kicking my ass, this pregnancy became harder and harder as time went on. My mornings were spent in the bathroom, and my afternoons were spent propping my feet up on pillows while Vic gave me a massage. I didn't understand why the pregnancy was so hard on me, considering I'm only three months, but I figured it was normal. This was my first child, after all, so I was bound to have a few unusual occurrences.

College was going fine, though. I was excelling, and doing it in stride. I never thought that I would be able to do something so gratifying while dealing with something like a boyfriend and a baby, but I'm glad I was able to overcome these obstacles I had built for myself without even having any experience. I sometimes sit back and laugh at my younger self. All of the things I told myself I would never accomplish are being overcome each day, and I'm actually so proud of myself for that. I don't mean to sound prideful or anything, but it's huge that someone who was homeless at the beginning of the year became a college student with a great life ahead of them. Things really do get better; no matter how hard it seems at the time, you may look back on it one day and laugh at how childish it was for you to prematurely judge your future abilities.

The hour bell rang, indicating that it was now ten in the morning. Ten was the time for my class with Vic, so I packed up my things and left for the classroom. The walk was a little long, but it gave me time to prepare myself for the quiz. Apparently I took too long, though, because I found myself walking into the classroom a full five minutes late.

"Kellin, nice to see you could make time for this class," Vic's voice boomed through the auditorium.

"Sorry, I was, uh, I was on my way from the library and I took longer than expected to get here," I tried to explain, but the eyes of my other classmates made me far more nervous than usual.

"Maybe walk faster next time. Unless my class is just unimportant to you and you don't intend to care much," he said, shrugging his shoulders for affect. Why is he being such an asshole?

Instead of answering him, I just shook my head and walked over to where Oli was sitting. He saved me a spot today.

"Do you have a death wish? I told you, Fuentes doesn't fuck around," Oli muttered to me when I sat down. I knew he meant well, but I wasn't in the mood to be yelled at again after Vic's little stunt.

"I know! I'm just stressed; give me a break," I spat back, rolling my eyes in the process.

"Whatever, dude," he replied, sitting back in his seat and paying attention to Vic again.

For the period that Vic was talking, I was tuned out, lost in my thoughts about Vic's behavior. He being my teacher doesn't give him the right to be an asshole to me. He has never called any of the other students out, so I have no idea why he thinks it's okay to do so to his own boyfriend, and mother of his child.

"With that being said, you may begin on your quizzes when you receive them," I heard Vic say. When I focused back in on him, I noticed he was staring right at me, too. He looked pretty annoyed, but at this point, I couldn't care less.

"That quiz was brutal!" Oli whined when we walked out of the room. I had to agree with him, Vic must have been angry quizzing, because that shit was not even possible.

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