Chapter 32

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The next day found us in the same courtroom, but with different mindsets. We were all confident that this plan would work, and after a lot of consideration, Mrs. Jacobs agreed to the plan and went to the prison to talk to Mr. Fuentes. All of us were praying that this would work, but there was no doubt in my mind that I would.

Everyone complied with the rules of the court, rising and sitting when asked. I was so ready for the verdict and to be able to see what was going on that I didn't even realize I was tapping my foot loudly until Vic put his hand on my knee and tapped his finger on his lips.

"Sorry," I whispered, facing back forward and watching everything unfold. I figured it wouldn't take as long as yesterday, seeing as there were no witnesses and the only thing to go over was fingerprints and very vague security footage.

I sat for hours with Vic's hand in mine, patiently waiting for my name to be brought up. There was no telling how long something like this could actually drag out, but I didn't care that much. All I wanted was for Mr. Fuentes to be okay.

"Were you aware of the fact that Mr. Bostwick had a son?" The defendant, Mrs. Jacobs asked, reeling me in on the conversation.

"Yes, I was. He's the reason all of this happened in the first place. He was being abused, and was a friend of my sons, so of course I was going to help him. I lashed out because my son had told me about the horrible things that were done to Kellin, and how he felt so helpless. I can't stand abuse, and the fact that Kellin couldn't do anything because of the powerful position his father had really killed me. I couldn't just let the boy suffer in silence, so when I got the call from my boss that night, I knew it was the perfect time. Sure, it was terrible to end his life like that, but he was a monster, and if I hadn't done what I did, then who knows where Kellin would be now," Mr. Fuentes concluded. An audible gasp was heard from people around me, but I knew better.

"Why wasn't this heard of before?" The prosecutor wondered, standing up but being hushed by the judge.

"I didn't want to bring Kellin into this. He's a good kid and I didn't want him to be dragged into something so vile. I figure that the consequences are as is, and that Kellin didn't deserve to have his name in this, but I got his permission to speak out," Vic's father spoke.

"If you knew that this information would affect your future, then why did you withhold it?"

"I told you; I didn't want to bring Kellin into it," Mr. Fuentes said, sighing in annoyance.

"The jury would like some time to discuss things, your honor," One of the jury members said, passing a slip of paper up to the judge.

"Okay," he said, slamming the gavel down and dismissing everyone. There was really nothing else to talk about in the case since all of the evidence had been analyzed yesterday, so I didn't know what exactly there was to talk about.

Vic led me over to the benches outside of the courthouse. There weren't a lot of people there, but everyone who was there seemed to be in a pretty somber mood.

"Do you want to go get something to eat? We have about a twenty minute recess before we're supposed to go back in. We could go to the fast food place across the street, if you want," he suggested. I wasn't opposed to it, seeing as I hadn't eaten in about four or five hours and our daughter wasn't very happy about that.

"That's fine. Our little girl isn't very happy with me about being food deprived, so I think it's in all of our best interest to get something to eat," I tell Vic. He nods his head and we both head off to the restaurant, ready for something to get our minds off of what is going on in the building behind us.


The five of us went back to our seats in the courtroom, none of us concerned with what the verdict would be. We did all we could, so if the jury decided that Mr. Fuentes was guilty, then we would have to accept it. At least that's how I felt.

"All rise." We did as told, going through the motions before the jury whispered a few things to each other and one of the members stood up to clear his throat.

"We have come to a conclusion," he tells us, handing a piece of paper to an officer who walks over to the judge and places the paper in his hand.

"And that decision is?" The judge asks, trailing off a bit.

"We, the jury, find Victor Fuentes guilty of the murder of Marcus Bostwick," the juror begins, pausing when the crowd roars, people yelling their reliefs and grievances. The judge bangs the gavel, hushing the crowd. "But, he will have a shortened sentence due to the motive. Mr. Fuentes shall serve two years in the state prison, then to be released on October twenty-ninth, 2017."

I was shocked still. I didn't think they would lessen his sentence so much, but I definitely wasn't complaining.

"What the fuck," Vic whispered, staring at his father in happiness and confusion. I don't think there was anything I could say that would describe how overwhelmingly happy we were.

For the remainder of the time we were in the courtroom, I watched Vic hug his father and talk to him animatedly before we had to leave. His father waved at me and smiled the brightest of smiles, and you would think that someone who was going to prison wouldn't be that happy, but he was. He was truly thankful, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. I was proud that Vic and I managed to pull this off. For his father, and for the both of us.

"What do you say we go home and celebrate?" Vic asked when he walked back over to me. His father was being brought back into one of the back rooms of the courthouse, so we all got up and left.

"Hm, I think that would be amazing," I whispered in his ear, kissing right under it and laughing as I grabbed his hand.

"I just want to say thank you for doing what you did. I know he's still going to prison, but thanks to you I will actually get to see my father outside of prison one day soon. I love you so much," Vic tells me, pulling me in for a hug and kissing the top of my head.

"It's really no problem," I reply back, kissing his collarbone. Vic releases me out of the hug and turns around, both of our hands clasped, and walks down the stairs of the courthouse.

We walk home in content silence, both of us taking the time to appreciate life as it is and see things in a new light. Today has brought a lot of wisdom to me, and I really learned that you can't take things for granted. Sometimes you get what you get, and sometimes you have to work for what you want.

When we arrive to the house, Vic unlocks the door for both of us and leads me inside, dropping his keys in the bowl on the entryway table. He brings me upstairs and into the bathroom, where he runs a bath for the both of us and sits behind me in the tub, his hands resting on my stomach as we both sit back and relax for the first time in a few days.

"You know I love you both more than anything, right?" Vic asks, leaning his head into the crook of my neck. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath and replying.

"I know, I love you, and I wouldn't have it any other way."


The end.

Just kidding

I love you

Until tomorrow x

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