Chapter 30

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Cherry Wine by Hozier is the song for this chapter I guess. I'm not even going to try to put it the link thing.

I had the coolest dream ever last night okay it was where I was Kellin and I had to go through all kinds of shit and like knights and stuff to get to Vic who was the king or something and we had been in love for a while and we got separated somehow because of something and it was kind of weird because I, as Kellin, was pregnant and I had to get to Vic somehow so Tay helped me get to him and when we snuck into the palace it was dark and Vic couldn't see so he asked who the heck was there and then Tay was like, "it's Sir Kellin Quinn Bostwick," and Vic was so happy and he tackled me and we cried and then yeah it was so cute I want to have those dreams more often.


"Ugh," I grumbled, throwing yet another pair of jeans to the side. I was starting to outgrow my clothes, and it was a major pain in the ass.

"You okay, baby?" Vic wonders when he sees my frustration.

"No. None of my clothes fit anymore and it's annoying me," I sigh, walking over to Vic and leaning my head on his shoulder. He kisses me lightly on top of the head and rubs a hand over my back for a moment before pulling away slightly.

"Why don't we go shopping? Unless you want to wait and just wear some of my clothes; I don't mind," he offered sweetly.

"That would be nice. I don't think I'm big enough to go buy new clothes yet. If we go now then I'll probably end up having to buy more later on," I explain. Vic nodded his head, then went over to his side of the closet and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and a short-sleeved shirt.

"Put these on for now. You can just pick out whatever when you want. Just don't use my work clothes because I need those, but I don't think that'll be an issue."

"Okay, thank you," I told Vic appreciatively, kissing him on the cheek.

"It's no biggy. I have to go into work. I'll call you when I leave," he tells me, kissing my lips sweetly.

"Bye, love you," I say, a smile lighting up my face. Vic smiles brightly, then goes to walk out the door, but hesitates and walks back.

"One more," he whispers to himself, walking over to me and grabbing me by my waist, pulling me into a sweet kiss.

"I love you, too." With that, he heads off, cheeky smiles spread on both of our faces as we pull away from each other.

When the door closes, I sigh to myself, thinking of things to do today. I could go out, but I don't know where. There's not really much to do where we live, and the Fuentes house is out of the equation because of what went down recently. I'd call Mike, but he's probably out with Alysha. They can't ever leave each other alone for more than five minutes, or so it seems.

My phone rings, so I hurry into the kitchen and grab it off the counter, seeing Oli's name on the screen. I've been feeling a bit awkward about the whole thing that happened between us, and I want to tell Vic, but I feel like that could cause unnecessary drama for the both of us. Things have been going well lately, and I really don't want to ruin that. So, because of that, I let the phone ring until it goes to voicemail. I know it's probably rude, but kissing someone when it's kind of obvious that they're in a relationship is equally as bad.

Oli left a message, pretty much just asking me to call him back and that he was sorry, but I wasn't hearing it. I was tired and hungry, and I missed Vic already on top of all of that, so I wasn't going to even attempt to deal with what Oli wanted to talk about right now.

My stomach started to growl, and the baby started to kick a little, so I assumed she was awake and hungry. Do babies get hungry in the womb? I guess, I don't know. Anyway, I went to the fridge and pulled out some of the leftover pancakes and bananas foster sauce Vic made the other morning and warmed them up. This man sure as hell knows how to cook. I wish I could do that. Maybe I should take a cooking class.

After the food finished heating up, I took it out of the microwave and practically scarfed it down. There wasn't a crumb left on the plate, and even after four pancakes, I was still hungry. Instead of eating more, though, I walked into the living room and watched a little television. There wasn't really anything that interesting, but it was alright. I watched Naked and Afraid for a while before I heard someone knock on the door.

"Hello?" I called out when I reached the back door. I didn't want to open it just yet for fear that it could be Oli or someone I didn't want to talk to right now.

"It's Mike and Alysha," Mike said. I opened the door for the pair, stepping aside and letting them enter.

"Vic's at work. Should be home in an hour or two," I told them when I noticed their questioning expressions. Mike nodded in understanding before walking over to the living room.

"We just stopped by to say hey and check up on things. I think dad's court date is set for later on in the month, but I'll talk to Vic about that later," Mike sighed, stopping for a moment. "Hey, do you know Oliver Sykes? I think he's in Vic's class with you..."

"Yeah, I do. What did he want with me?" I ask sharply, pretty annoyed that Oli is reaching out to other people about me.

"He mentioned something about a crush he had on someone and how he made the mistake of kissing them...the description he gave me matched you pretty well, but he wouldn't give me a name. Did he really kiss you? Did you tell Vic?" Mike wanted to know. I was hesitant to tell him for fear of him possibly telling Vic, but I guess if I explained myself well enough then he wouldn't have a reason to tell.

"Yeah, he did. He told me about this crush he had on someone while we were sitting at the diner. I was kind of playing along until he kissed me out of nowhere and sort of freaked out and ran away. I didn't want to tell Vic because I didn't want to start unnecessary drama, but I kind of feel guilty for not telling him. I'll get over it. I mean, we've been doing so well lately and I just didn't want to mess that up. Please don't tell him about it. I feel like he might get really be upset that I didn't tell him if he finds out," I plead with Mike, who just nods and changes the subject.

"I think Alysha and I may leave soon. Vic told me something about going somewhere later, so we're gonna go before he gets back. See you later," he says, taking Alysha's hand and leading her away. I found it kind of odd that she didn't speak at all, but brushed it off. The conversation was pretty short anyway.

After the door closed, I just sort of sat around and waited for Vic. The house could be really boring when no-one else was around, and as time passed, I realized that more and more. Thankfully, though, a certain someone walked through the door before the boredom could totally engulf me.

"Honey, I'm home!" his soft voice rang through the house. A smile landed on my face as he walked through the door, wearing a cute sweater vest and khaki pants with a dozen roses carefully placed in his hand. He was beaming when he saw me, and his smile only grew wider as his eyes trailed to my stomach.

"Hey," I greeted, walking over to him and kissing his cheeks softly. Vic moved his head so he was kissing my lips, and I felt him smile into it before he pulled away.

"I'd like to take you somewhere, if you'd do me the honor of being my date," Vic whispered against my lips. He was being so cheesy and it made me happier than ever.

"I'm not opposed to that," I muttered shyly, sort of caught off guard by the whole act. I was shy and nervous for some reason, but I didn't know why. I guess because Vic was being so different and treating me so perfectly that I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. He was truly the most perfect person for me, and in that moment I couldn't think of another person I would want so spend my life with.

"Come on then, angel. Let's go then," he told me, wrapping an arm around my waist and leading me to the door where he allowed me to put my shoes on. When I was done, he grabbed my hand, kissed each of my fingers, and then led me to the car.


Love you all

Until tomorrow x 

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