Chapter 11

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After a bit of thinking, I've concluded that Vic is either insane, or extremely sexual. I didn't know whether to be enticed or offended by Vic's advances, but his intentions didn't seem harmful, so I decided to let it go.

I looked back to the website, seeing a step-by-step list on how to get off, and it was honestly starting to scare me. I wasn't that sexual of a person to begin with, so seeing these things put me off a bit.

Vic is supposed to come home in about an hour, and I'm not sure how to respond when he gets here. I don't exactly know where he was going with all of this, or if he was doing anything other than poking fun, but it was kind of freaking me out. I didn't want to let him down if he wanted this to go somewhere, but how was I supposed to process this information?

I chewed at my nails, trying to think of something that makes sense. Vic obviously wanted me to get to this point, but what he wanted after this was unclear. I will admit, this was sort of a turn on, but the mystery of the whole situation just confused me.

Instead of harping on the information, I ignored it, as I seem to be doing a lot today, and found something else to busy myself with. Vic had tons of games on his computer, and once I found the perfect on, there was no getting me away from the laptop.

The game was some kind of shooter game that involved aliens and some spacecraft in the middle of space. It was pretty cool, seeing as I was playing a master sergeant who everyone sort of looked up to. It helped me to put myself in a superior position that I would never be in in real life.

After about forty five minutes of gameplay, I started to get blurry eyed, so I quit the game.

I walked out of the room, realizing the time and thinking that Vic would return home soon. The more I thought about it, the more anxiety I felt, but I did what I do best, and ignored it, settling on a nice television program to draw in my attention for the remaining few minutes.

Soon enough, I heard the sound of the door opening and closing. I didn't want to seem too eager, so I stayed put, no matter how badly I wanted to turn around and greet him.

"Hello, Kell," Vic greeted, coming over to the back of the couch and putting his hands on my shoulders. I was anticipating a massage, but that didn't happen.

"Hey. How was work?" I asked politely.

"Boring, but I had a nice time talking to my dad at lunch. I don't know why, but every time we talk about you, my family members give me this weird look. It's like their eyes light up a little, and they have this strange smirk on their faces. I'm probably just looking too far into it, but I thought I should share since it's been bothering me a little bit," he explained, walking over to me and lifting my legs up, then sitting and placing my calves on his thighs.

"Ah, I don't know. I've noticed it too, but it's probably nothing. Let's just chill out, yeah?" I suggest, really not wanting to stress him out after he's been working all day.

Vic nods his head, but stops after a moment. His face changes to one of thought before he speaks again.

"So, what did you think of my notes today?" He asks cheekily.

"Well, uh, they were...different," I reply, not knowing what exactly to say in the moment.

"Which ones did you see, exactly?"

"Umm, there were the ones on the newspaper and by the kitchen sink. I also saw, the, uh, one on your laptop," I say, blushing madly.

"Oh my god. I hope that didn't offend you. I was just...I don't know. It was a spur of the moment thing, and if you don't want it to happen again, then it won't," Vic rambles, tangling and untangling his fingers as he talks.

"Vic, its fine. I didn't really know what to make of the situation, but I get that you were just playing around. There's no issue with it," I tell him, grabbing one of his hands and squeezing it.

"Really? Because I don't want you to feel like you have to say that. I-"

"It's perfectly fine. I don't have a problem with it at all, okay? Calm down," I laugh. It's kind of weird seeing Vic insecure.

"I just wanted to make sure. Anyway, how was your day?" He asks, quickly changing the subject.

"It was good. A little boring until I found your notes, to be honest. I was planning on staying in bed all day, but I'm glad I didn't," I tell him.

"Interesting. Well, what do you feel like doing? I know it's, like, six in the afternoon, but I figured we could do something. I hate siting still and doing nothing for a while," Vic told me, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know. I like going to the park. I also like going to the movies," I said simply, shrugging my shoulders toward the end.

"Okay. Which one of those things would you prefer?"

"Um, let's go to the movies," I told him, hoping that would be okay. He nodded, then patted my legs, standing up and walking toward the door.

The moment he reached the doorframe, he put his hand on it before turning to the side a little and whispering something along the lines of "Let's get ready, then."

We had just arrived at the theater, and since it was my idea, I got to pick out the movie. I decided that Unfriended would be a good decision, seeing as it looked pretty cool in the previews.

We paid for the tickets and settled down in the movie room; me sort of huddled into Vic while he had his arm around me.

Things were all hunky-dory until the lights dimmed and that creepy scary movie noise came out of the speakers really loudly. Vic grabbed onto me, pulling me further into him.

I think he was scared, too.

The title frame came and went, and I already knew I was done for. Vic seemed to be on the edge of moderately okay and extremely nervous, which didn't help me.

This is going to be a long movie.

That was probably the worst decision I could have made. The movie was horrifying, and even if it was to most people, it still left me shivering in the end.

"Okay, next time I pick the movie," Vic says, clearly shaken as well, but not as much as I.

"Agreed," I tell him, shaking my head and cuddling up to him as we walk to the car.

Vic places his arm around my waist, pulling me into him and nuzzling his face in my hair.

"You know, I had a lot of fun tonight," he murmurs, kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah, I did too," I reply, smiling to myself at the way this whole situation has turned out.

"I think when we get home I might need some comfort," Vic tells me. I don't know whether to assume its innuendo or just him wanting to cuddle, and I'm honestly not sure which one I prefer.

"I can provide that," I say.


If you want this to be a daddy kink then comment on this section.

If you don't want this to be a daddy kink then comment on this section.

Majority rules.

I love you all

Until tomorrow x

Also please for the love of kellic do not ask me to update right after I just updated I think if that happens again I may implode. 

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