EU House 4 - 9:09 AM
EU House 4 is where the Baltics live. Yeah, all the Baltics in one house, there's no order there.
Greece (🇬🇷) opens the kitchen fridge. Just about all the food and drinks have names on it. He opens the cabinets, there's unclaimed cereal.
🇬🇷 - Finally, something in this house not territorized.
Kosovo (🇽🇰) runs to the kitchen and frantically opens the cabinets.
🇽🇰 - Where is it?? Where are they??
Kosovo grabs Greece.
🇽🇰 - Where did you put them! I swear I'll get you!
🇬🇷 - I don't even know what you're referring to!
Serbia (🇷🇸) walks in the scene.
🇷🇸 - Kosovo when did I say you could leave the room. We're not done yet.
🇬🇷 - Ayoo??
Albania (🇦🇱) and North Macedonia (🇲🇰) run down the hall to the tv, Albania gets there first.
🇦🇱 - I told you, we're playing Project Cars today!
🇲🇰 - Ain't nobody wants to play that 2015 as game bootleg as Forza shit!
🇦🇱 - Aye shut the fuck up!
They're really about to fight right there.
🇬🇷 - Guys, stop.
Croatia (🇭🇷) walks in the living room.
🇭🇷 - Goddamit Albania, you had your turn six days in a row! M.K., you can't keep letting Albania take advantage of you! Albania, get off the console and let him play. Matter of fact, go cut the lawn, it's getting high.
🇦🇱 - When did you ever make the rules? I'll kill you!
Slovenia (🇸🇮) walks in on the chaotic mess.
🇸🇮 - Who's going grocery shopping with me.?
🇭🇷 - I would, but then who would run the house?
🇬🇷 - I'll keep everyone managed.
Montenegro (🇲🇪) is in his room with the door locked asleep. He sleeps through everything.
Bosnia and Herzegovina (🇧🇦) walks from one side of the room to the other in a hurry.
🇧🇦 - It's a shame the bathroom's on the other side of the house.
Bosnia opens the bathroom door, Moldova (🇲🇩) runs out the door and into his room.
🇸🇮 - When the?
🇧🇦 - What the fuck were you doing in there!
A vacation with these guys would be hell.
Geothology (Season 1)
Humor✅ COMPLETED! Unbothered geographical comedic 3am history channel bizz