Chapter 3 : Love confession and Pete's Pregnancy

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I was really tensed seeing how Pete reacted after his dad came which was quite obvious , i think i did mistake by posting that officially which created problem to Pete so far . Pete finally slept after long cry . I just hugged him tight . He was so damn afraid he spoke a lot in his dreams may be . When i knew he was Pete's father I tried my best to hide Pete from him at any cost . I  was so angry knowing that our first child died due to his dad and Pete wanted to keep the baby alive , there were tensed weeks in my life due to my online confession which made many rumors about me , but many fans supported me but showed disappointed . Pete was in Porsche's house and I made the security tight for Pete . 

" Hia , where is your lover me and Venice wants to see him desperately . " Macau spoke with excitement . 

" let's go meet to him tonight . I haven't been able to see him about 2 weeks due to loads of work and pressure .  "

" Ok let's go "

" Hi porsche , we came to meet Pete where is he "

" Well , he went with his fiancé  "

" what do you mean ?"

" Yeah he went to go look for their marriage Venue "

" Fuck  Porsche I have rashes  " I heard Pete's voice and ran pushing Porsche . I saw him naked only wearing white vest and no boxers . 

" What are you doing here ?" He screamed his lungs out and pushed me till door and told me to go out .

" Hey , I only came to umm ..... but not bad " His effort was so tiny I grabbed his hand and slammed his back at door and kissed  him .

" Hey , Hia are you fine ?" 

 He broke kiss .

" don't look here i am changing " He said to me rudely 

" What are you hiding I have already seen everything " I said  being flirty 

" Shameless bastard " 

" Yepp , meet my wife is here " I said with cheering smile .

But his eyes was fixed in Venice but why 

" He ....... he is your son , I did thought that he looked familiar " Pete said and went to carry Venice and Venice was playing with him giggling like wtf , as he never get along with stranger not even me . He was speaking his baby words .

" How do you know Venice ?"

" Well I worked at babysitter at a hospital . "

Venice was playing with Pete so much he forgot us , even his bestfriend I found the way to bring him back to me .

" He is not my son but my little brother . My father's another wife's son . "

" Aww i said that because you two look quite similar type ."

" Really "

I looked at the boy with confused and disgusted expression and i guess same was from his side too

" Why did you come ?" Pete said with angry and annoyed tone .

" I am Macau his younger brother , you can ignore Hia  . I specially came to meet you .  I heard rumor about you two are lovers and i saw the post which was deleted already but my friends kept the screenshot and sent to me . "

" No that is not true , I have husband to be soon . " 

" what?"

" But you are legally my wife . I have proof " Vegas said looking Pete at his eyes . 

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