Chapter 11 = End { part 2 }

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Happy ending part 2

[Here this ending contains happy ending  . It may contain extras too and officially this fanfiction ends  . So story resumes after Pete plans to run . In end part 1 pete successfully runs but here Pete was captured by Nop before Arm and Pol could catch him. ]

Author pov

After searching Pete for almost two hours Nop brought Pete home successfully . Vegas was waiting for Pete with anger and afraid emotion . It was second time he felt this emotion like his home was behind destroyed infront of him and he couldn't do anything just watch helplessly .

The mansion was scared about how silent Vegas was even Chan was afraid . Macau and Venice were given order to shift in main family house by Chan . When Nop stepped in with Pete on minor mansion all bodyguards were surprised to see the head bodyguard Nop being injured . His arms were shot and blood was dripping from his left side of head . Pete's clothes were stained with blood . Nop was uttering little words

"Khun Vega..Vegas i.." And suddenly he fainted . Vegas slowly taking step towards pete . The atmosphere was filled with high pressure and temperature . Pete though he was going to be hit and he was ready for that but Vegas suddenly grabbed his both cheeks and kissed him . Fat tears were dripping down  landing  on Pete's cheeks too . The kiss was way too intense so was the atmosphere . Bodyguards were confused , ashamed , admiring and so on . Vegas continued until they were sort of oxygen .

" Kill me already . " Pete screamed and started punching Vegas . He jumped on Vegas as soon as kiss ended , grabbed his collar and started hitting his face , bodyguards came in rescue . They  were now more scared of Pete than Vegas . On other hand Vegas was bleeding from side of his mouth . And still he ordered his men to leave pete .

" Wifey , please don't be so cruel to me . I agree that I did was not forgivable . Can we be like we use to be ?" Vegas was pleading infront of everyone not caring about anything .

" what should I do pete just say what should I do ?" And the reply of Pete surprised vegas. He asked for Kinn's presence ,  within half an hours kinn was infront of Pete .

" How does it feel Khun Kinn . I trusted you so much more than myself . You destroyed them . "

" Vegas you still trust him . Vegas he just ran away from you vegas . " Before Pete could speak Porsche came and slapped Kinn .

" why kinn why you had to do this can't you see happiness . Can't you see us have justice . Your father was at fault our parents were innocent we were not meant to suffer . You knew everything and still ." Porsche was stopped by Vegas's men on other side pete again laughed at situation .

" here comes Porsche the great with devil's advocate ." After that he went near Kinn

" look Kinn you should be the one running with me instead of trapping me in your crap plan . Should I spill beans dear . " Vegas and Porsche became more confused .

" Peteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. " Vegas screamed .

" no no Vegas you spoke wrong name it should be Porsche or tay ." Pete said smiling .

"don't smile like any stranger would to me pete please ." Vegas grabbing Pete's neck with both hand and touching his nose with lips .

" I was forever yours but I never realized you were never mine . Wanting love from you like beggar and losing self respect . It's my last straw now I am giving up finally . " Each words was heavy to Vegas's ears . He realized how has he torn each part of heart with thorn .

" Don't close door of heart for me wifey I will be homeless ."

" You sounded so good Vegas anyone would fall those fake words but I won't . " Before Pete could speak more words he fainted .

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