Extra 4 : - Miserable Vegas

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Second proposal 

Vegas always had moto . His moto was to make Pete happy through going through his stomach . Pete is foodie , so he thought about bring food of Pete's taste and that's always the food having high spice level . 

" Nop do you think this idea will work ?" Vegas was a bit sad that Pete denied the roses . 

" Ofcourse,  Khun Vegas" Vegas happily brought all the food to Pete only to be just been left out in fridge .  Pete saw the food gave big a$$ sigh and kept it on Fridge . It was their for more then 3 days . After that it was not their so he thought Pete threw the food .

[ Actually Pete was not feeling good so he couldn't eat his dish despite wanted to . Later after feeling well he ate it without letting Vegas know .]

 Third proposal 

It was plan of Arm this time . Once Vegas was jealous of him but now he is helping him to get Pete and him together . Seriously time changes everything . He gave idea of movie date . This time Pete was excited as he was finally able to enjoy movie together with his friends . Pete was waiting for the day . After the film ended Vegas went in front all lights  were off . The light showed Vegas and Pete only . Pete knew what was coming so before Vegas could say anything he just went to Vegas .

" Please Vegas stop it , you know . We are never gonna be ok ." With that Pete left dissappointed Vegas behind . 


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Fourth Proposal 

This time Vegas thought of proposing Pete in beach area . He knows Pete loves beach . He wanted it publicly this time . And Thakhun helped Vegas too . He somehow convinced Pete that Arm , Pol and he was having breakfast their . But when Pete reached to the destination , He saw was just a handsome Vegas smiling widely at him and waving his hand while other's were eyeing those muscular arms and chest along with Vegas's  handsome face.Pete wanted to run away but he was so hungry and tired . He wanted food . 

" What are you staring at ?" Pete felt his tone being rude . 

But Vegas softly replied  " Nothing , i feel happy seeing you healthy ."  

" Ohh you do ? " Pete knew that would hurt Vegas . And he was doing it .

" Pete please i am sorry . Can't .. Can't we just " And Pete just said No . Still he continued his plan .When Pete was about to leave resturant after eating , he heard Vegas's voice saying 

" I   LOVE     YOU . PETE    PLEASE    MARRY ME " When Pete turned around he saw Nop ,  Porsche Arm , Pol, Khun Noo, Macau, Venice and other 2 bodyguard carrying board of " I LOVE YOU " by each one.

But Pete just walked out . He could hear the murmur of people saying how can he reject such handsome person . Some saying Is that handsome person blind cause the one he was proposing isn't even pretty .  Pete just felt ugly inside after he heard the last comment saying " That Vegas can get anything he wants he can get anyone easily ." It was true . Pete still didn't get it why is Vegas playing these stupid heart game with him . 

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