Chapter 10 = End [ part 1 ]

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Kinn POV

I chose to betray Pete which was my plan B . Actually my original plan was to make pete work with me against Vegas but looking at him , how he still cared for Vegas I had to withdrew the plan .

2 months ago

After father was gone . Everything went under control of Vegas . Though I was given my title back each of our business partner wanted confirmation from vegas . All the money related stuff were handled by vegas. Even my own bodyguards and worker trusted him more . I felt inferior but I didn't lose hope and did my best to spend time with Porsche but he was with vegas all the time . I was mad . The more mad I got when our loyal bodyguard Chan also was defending Vegas more . So that's why pa wanted the power . He wanted for us .

After spying a lot I finally found where my pa was and I made secret team of mine . The most loyal one , they helped to track pa and we finally saved him . Vegas's aunty was in coma because I hit her head multiple times with rod . My spy told vegas and pete are having cold moments and the reason was either tay or Porsche . F*ck he is after my lover . He took my everything . Pa and I planned to bring back the power . When Pete ran away , Vegas became like mad dog . He became more powerful . the terror was there when Vegas name came in Mafia society . My planned back backfired me . I was searching for Pete more than Vegas so I can control Vegas . My hope almost was at end point when some loyal villagers from island called me saying pete is back . I got information he married and had child too . Now I got it how I should make plan to kill Vegas .

After some weeks I got bad news that my all spies were killed brutally . And I knew who did it . [ kinn doesn't know that spies r*ped Kanok . ] .

" Pa what is the next move ."

" Now we will fight face to face . Didn't you send more spy to bring pete ."

" Yes pa " . Korn had actually gave those spies to kill pete's wife and his child . And manipulate pete that it was vegas's men who did it .

" Kinn you have to do one thing for pa before I die promise me ."

" OK pa ."

" I will tell you when time comes ." After some hours I got information that Vegas has went to island . That made me panicked and I also got ready for final battle and headed towards island .

Pete POV

I was heading towards home with gifts on my hand for Kanok . But when I reached home .....

" Kanok hey sweety where are you ?" I roamed around but didn't find her .

" Kanokkkkkkk" I saw kanok lying on ground . Blood was flowing from her stomach I was crying loud

" pete Grandma went to visit her friend and our ... ba . Our baby is ... I .." and she stopped talking . She didn't blink and all her body was unmovable .

I searched for our child in our house . I had build secret place in our house for safety after the incident . And Nokte [ Pete's child ] was sleeping and he had ring at side . It's our wedding ring . I took my child and kissed him in his cheeks . My clothes were filled with blood of Kanok . I saw some evidences . VEGAS ....... I VOW TO GOD I WILL KILL YOU .

Suddenly house gate was opened and I saw Vegas , macau and Venice .

" pete ......" I shot his leg . All his bodyguard had gun on me .[ silencer was used ]

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