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" Baby can i kiss the stomach " I said making cute face so that Pete can allow me to kiss 

" No just let me sleep , I am carving for ice cream . And are you even available at social media do you know the pic of you kissing my abdomen is viral . Thank God my face is blurred " Looking at his moving lips I wanted to take a kiss . 

" Phi Pete you got big stomach now ." Macau said looking at me .

" Aww venice " I can see how Venice is willing to go with Pete but not me . 

[ venice is  11 month baby ]

  I captured the memory of him playing with Venice. I was just having simply 5 minutes family time when Nop informed me about main family's arrival.  They never leave my Pete alone . I just wanted to have simply good family time . Thankfully the party of my win was over our house handled by company , so many celebrities were coming . But i requested them to call only important people . 

Party started at mid day , every one were having fun while I was jealous of Venice who was sleeping peacefully with Pete . But when i saw abdomen i felt very happy and grabbed the abdomen and though to take a short nap . While Macau and Nop helped me to have some time with Pete . Suddenly I heard Thakhun shouting from top of his lungs . I remembered Pete hasn't eaten anything after breakfast he went to sleep . Venice was already awake while Pete has been sleeping for 3 hours . He was sleeping very cutely . I couldn't handle the cuteness so i kissed his pink lips which made him to wake up .

" Bastard what were you doing .Anyway i am hungry " Suddenly Pete's dad arrived bringing food . He enjoyed having food and he cried .

" Why are you crying son"

" No,  just never though I will get to have some happy moment with you in this lifetime . "

" Idiot , don't cry all is well now "

" Pete Vegas is not letting us to meet you Bastard .Should I tell Pete how you cried in front of us like baby "

" Ohh really is that true ." I wanted to hide my face .

Party started 

All were invited despite of telling the company not to bring them . I was looking for Pete but he was in room . He didn't want to join party so I let him do what he wants . 


" So Mr Vegas , we heard lots of rumor of you getting married is it true ."

" yep , i am going to marry him ."

" Wow you are going to break lots of heart ."

" sorry  fans ."

" is he your first love "

" yes he is my first love "

" sir why is not he in the party ."

" well he needs rest and he doesn't like to get engaged with media . And i also want to keep my private life secure ."

" Are you guys engaged ."

" no but soon it will be ."

" where is the venue "

" well it's secret . But it won't be in  city that's for sure"

" Sir  the most popular picture in internet was it true or fake ."

" Yep it's true i love my wife and baby a lot . "

 " Sir are you doing live tomorrow ?"

" yes it's been a long me not doing live so stay tuned tomorrow morning ."

After a long interview and meeting  , finally the party was over neither Pete came nor Venice . When i went to my room I saw Thakun , Arm , Pol and venice with Pete watching animated cartoon film. 

I made everyone to leave my room along with venice . When I came from bathroom , i saw Pete topless he asked me to massage his lower abdomen , legs and arms . 

" Baby i think i can't control you topless "

" Want to do "

" yes"

" we can't i am pregnant . "

" why can't we  , it is recommended by doctor that we should do a bit while pregnancy ."

" Is that doctor's saying or your saying " Pete said smirking 

" well both "

" How was the celebration ."

" I didn't like it though you were not there so "

" Aww Mr lover "

" are we doing or will continue to waste time . "

" let's do it " I  started kissing his abdomen then went to his neck and cheeks to his mouth to his lips . Then he suddenly made a scream of pain so I stopped immediately . 

" I will call Dr Top wait a minute ."

" Awww it hurts Vegas it hurts a lot ."

After Dr top's arrived 

" It's nothing , it is normal during pregnancy ."

" I was scared a lot ."

" It's not matter to worry ."

" Dr is it ok to do s*x "

" Well looking at the condition , may be some period of time is required . "

" Ok then ."

" Thank you doctor for coming this late at night ." Macau said with a huge smile and puppy eyes ,

I saw Pete sleeping peacefully . He was awake at about 11 am . I massaged his stomach with coconut oil , then suddenly I realized that i was going to do live i grabbed my guitar and made clear angle and did live about 2 hours .

" Baby let's have lunch , don't be lazy ."

" Vegas where is Macau ."

" he already went school ."

" And where is Venice ."

" Porsche is babysitting him today ."

" And what about your work ."

" No schedule and I have to rake care of you too ."

After a while 


" What happen Pete are you feeling uneasy ."

" You had done live , didn't you see the background first idiot ,"

" why what happen are you jealous that i was shirtless with guitar ."

" Shut up bastard i was there seen shirtless ."

" WTF , How can it be . "

" Scroll the twitter idiot . The picture is being popular ."



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