Chapter 5 : Marriage

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Vegas POV

I saw Pete was staring at the ring . My surprised was doomed , the ring was specially designed for Pete . Father in law and I decided to  buy ring and our wedding dress too , the venue is on his island at yaiee's  [ grandma ]house . Everything is moving smoothly but the case with tawan only is left . I haven't even proposed him . And I have even not told him that our marriage is in 1 week all the cards are prepared the venue setting everything is ready . Food services everything . I wanted to make it private but as it is in island all people know about Pete so . There will be huge mass . About my family side only his friends my some close friends and macau with his friends . 

" Baby if you have anything in your mind just please share with me don't make misunderstandings . what happen are you hungry ? Let's have ice -cream . "

" When are you going to propose to  me ."  I was stunned to say anything . 

" it's surprise "

" the ring , well nothing I want to meet Porsche . "

" I will drive you there /"

" Hey Pete you are getting married before me bastard so fast and even going to have baby soon ."

" What do you mean Porsche . Don't joke around ." I tried to escape when suddenly Pete stopped me and dragged me in garden .

" Pete that "

" Explain "

" Well we are getting married within 1 week ."

" What I don't know about my own marriage ."

" Father in law knew everything . We wanted to surprise you ."

" So Pa also . where is the venue the arrangement clothes food what about all . huh "

" I have planned everything the cards are given to all already ."

" So where is the venue ."

" In your island . I already asked every details with yaiee and  we are going tomorow ."

" You still didn't propose to me bastard should I say that too ."Pete sounded sad and frustrated . 

" Be patience Pete , soon you are my wife and  parent of the child ."


" Again , I said grandma to not do it ."

" You are quite popular Pete . I see , I am jealous man ." Porsche arrived first time here . He was shocked how the crowd was for Pete .

" Welcome everyone , welcome son in law ."

" How did you knew ."

" Pete told me . The baby bump is huge now how many months . "

"  5 months "

pete pov

" Ok now let's discuss about some  matters ,. " Grandpa made vegas and macau scared . 

Everyone were enjoying the food . They made less spicy . All were having their talk while grandpa and vegas were having different conversation in different room .

There was only 3 days left before marriage , I was shocked myself that i am getting married . Before marriage bride and broom can't meet each other which my yaiee followed strictly so my poor vegas use to satisfy himself by looking apart from me . He didn't unfollow the rule though . And that surprised everyone . 

Porsche was complaining  that the islands girl were after Mile and vegas . I was a bit jealous though that all girls were after my vegas even though they know about the marriage . Every thing were done i was not allowed to know known . I was home spending my times with yaiee and grandpa . All the surrounding was mess , thakhun playing around sadly troubling pol and arm . 

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