Dreams to Save

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I have some really random dreams, but some are just too epochal to forget. I want to remember some of these dreams, so here they are (fake names are used).


We sit on my front lawn, facing each other.  We talk about his unexpected move to Mississippi and why his mother wouldn't let him stay here. I frown at Jack "I can't believe you have to go, I'm going to miss you so much..." and I become overwhelmed with sadness. He says, "I know, I'll miss you too. I'm sorry ."

We then hold each other for a while as a tear streams down my face. His body is familiar, comforting. There are no words to describe the emptiness I'm feeling, knowing that the man I fell in love with is moving far away. We stay silent in the embrace until I manage to whisper "I just wish we could've had a chance."  In my dream, Jack and I had feelings for each other. Our friendship was on the verge of transitioning into something more, and we both knew that. He talks into my ear but I can't really hear, because the dream is ending. I wake up with a horrible feeling in my gut, and it only becomes worse as I realize that Jack probably doesn't have feelings for me in real life. I'm back to the same frustrating relationship with him, as more of an acquaintance. (5/04/15)


I've had two identical dreams. In the first one, a few months ago, I was Captain America. I know it's weird, not sure why I was Steve for the dream. I was in this giant building running from a few agents (probably S.H.I.E.L.D. agents turned Hydra because ugh). I was running through Mall-like walkways, jumped over barrier/ledge to land on the first floor, and then sprinted to the grocery section. I then weaved through fruit stands and different aisles with bread and chips... you get the idea. The agents were still chasing me, so I had to find a place to hide in. That part was the same for both dreams.

The first time, I chose the cereal aisle. I moved a bunch of boxes aside and laid still on the bottom shelf, tucked in enough for the agents to miss me. Unfortunately, I was caught.

There's this theory called Lucid Dreaming, or something similar, where you know that you are in a dream. Due to this self-awareness, some people can control their actions in dreams. My friend and I were talking about how cool it would be to do that, and he rambled on about certain things that someone can do to cause that.

Back to the story, now. In the second dream I had followed the same paths. But it was odd because as I (Captain America) was running, I thought to myself, "Well I hid in the cereal aisle last time, so I need to go somewhere different." I then turned to the candy aisle and hid there. I know it doesn't sound like much, but when I woke up I was in complete shock that I controlled my actions. (Dates are irrelevant)


I had a random ass dream that I was working at my grandfather's farm on a summer day. There was some kind of party going on, but this guy and I were asked to stack wood and stuff outside. This boy's name was Cam, but he looked like Paul Wesley (Stefan Salvatore... like I said, pretty random). We were flirting and talking, it was quite cute. I was filling containers with gasoline from this old tank, and gas was spilling all over me. Cam (Paul Wesley) and I started laughing at what a klutz I was, and I think I even ran over to hug him (jokingly) with my body that smelt like gasoline.

When we finished we decided to hang out in the workshop with two of my friends (more like acquaintances from my school, which added to the random nature of the dream. All of us were just chatting about random stuff, and there was this giant apple outside for some reason. One of my acquaintances is an extreme "know-it-all" kid and he says "That apple isn't stable, it won't hold you (if you sit on it)." Well, we sat on it and it broke open, causing us to fall onto the ground. The four of us laughed at the whole situation. Then the "genius" adds "Cam, you can make the apple skin into earrings for her (me), you know" (random yet again). I blush, and Cam (Paul Wesley) rips a piece off, which implies that he will eventually make earrings for me.

I get a text saying that my family and I are leaving soon, so I got completely bummed that my time with Cam was over. He gestures for me to walk over to him, and we hug cutely (with my arms coiled around his neck). His right hand is on my lower back and my left hand is on his chest for him to read from this note that he hand in his left hand. We shielded ourselves from the two acquaintances, so that our goodbye could be more private. He looks at the paper (which has his number on it) and then speaks in a low voice something like "I'm not really sure what to say, but this day with you has been so great. I really like you-" but before he finished (from some weird confidence inside me) I turned his face and kissed him. We kissed a couple of times before I woke up, and boy was I disappointed. I tried to immediately fall back asleep to stay in the dream, but it was like time fast forwarded to a week later. I was at the farm again at a picnic table with one of the acquaintances, and she was talking about how a bunch of kids were going to come over to work that day. I asked if Cam was going to be there, but then I woke up again. A weird but sweet dream. (06/16/15)


(Prior to this dream, Stephen Amell had a #AskAmell on twitter.) As weird as it sounds, my dad and I (who doesn't even know who Stephen is) were going to go ask Stephen (Oliver Queen on Arrow) a question in-person. He and David Ramsey (who is Oliver's best friend on Arrow) appeared. The four of us were standing on flat, endless ground, with nothing else but a blue sky and beautifully calm clouds.
Before i could ask a question, Stephen Amell morphed into Paul Walker. I stood there speechless, in awe of my favorite person in the universe standing in front of me (Not to be confused with Jensen Ackles, who is my favorite alive person in the universe). Paul was practically glowing, and my dream-self actually made note that it must have been Heaven they were currently in.
My Dad walked up to Paul and shook his hand. Paul was smiling, even as my Dad said "So that was it? Just like that, you were gone forever?" This was referring to Paul's sudden death, in 2013. I approached Paul in tears, not quite knowing what to say, so i collapsed into his embrace. We hugged so tightly, my tears staining his shirt as my face was buried into his chest (his right collar bone/pectoral region to be exact). I finally spoke up, saying that I missed him. I also added "I'm sorry my Dad is so upset, he just so much of you in himself." Then I woke up. I rolled over to lay on my stomach, with my elbows propping me up. I stared straight ahead muttering "That was Paul Walker" because I was still in awe of my dream. I couldn't fall back asleep after that, and for the rest of the day I just felt so weird. (07/23/15)


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