Novels & Fanfiction Worth Reading

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My weaknesses in literature: dystopian novels, historical fiction, war novels, or science fiction.

This list will obviously be continued...


Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury- I had to read this for my 10th grade English class, which sounded like a nightmare at first... until I read the back cover. From then on I was hooked, and I'm pretty sure I was the only one to love it. Not because it wasn't good, but students tend to hold grudges over novels they are forced to read. There are some novels where I like to put sticky-notes on the pages, because it's important for me to track my thoughts/commentary. Well I was going insane from this book, because it was just so intriguing. It's set in the futuristic and dystopian United States, where reading books is illegal. Yeah, I just said that. Illegal. If you are found with books, firefighters will arrest you and burn the books. Fahrenheit 451 (the title, and temperature at which paper burns) is centered around this firefighter who begins to question why literature is so dangerous. He begins to read.

I think the reason why this book stuck with me so much is because it was written in 1951. Ray Bradbury wrote about the future as he thought it would happen, and 2015 is the future. When he pictured the future, that was pretty much our generation. I loved everything about this novel, absolutely everything. They reference Icarus, and I almost collapsed. It's probably my favorite mythological tale, so I was really proud that I recognized it and overjoyed that it fit so perfectly in the novel.

Slated by Teri Terry- This whole novel intrigued me, from the futuristic environment to the complex yet believable plotline. When you have committed a crime, you are Slated. It gives you a "clean-slate"; a second chance at living without posing a threat to those around you. Your memories are erased and your personality is blank. Obviously there are positives and negatives to the system that England has in place (according to her plot)- but that's what makes this so believable. No justice system or government is flawless, and I truly believe that the Slating process is plausible for our future (you never know). This girl who is sixteen, named Kyla, has been Slated. She does not remember anything of her previous life, like all Slaters (until they turn twenty-one and are free from monitoring). This novel is about Kyla's struggle to find the truth (and if she really wants to know), and what she does with the new and foreign life presented to her. It's a trilogy, and I'm really excited to read the two sequels.

The Icemark Chronicles by Stuart Hill- I'll admit, I got a bit bored at times, which caused me to skim read some pages. But I was in eighth grade, and this idea of large books had already frightened me. I had turned down Harry Potter because of the hundreds of pages, so this was pretty much my first attempt to actually get through a longer book. Man, was I entranced by this medieval-like fantasy. The first book, The Cry of the Icemark, is about a princess named Thirin (Thirrin? I don't remember how to spell it), who's father is the King of Icemark. He dies in battle (it happens within the first few pages, okay? Not a spoiler) and she must somehow take control of the kingdom at a young age. The second and third books follow, so if you don't like the style of writing or the plot, don't continue. Although I was bored at times, my heart was pounding at certain points. I was ranting to my friend about the characters and their choices, and going on and on about Icemark and the fascinating fictional world I had read about. It was pretty much the first time I had realized that books actually have an emotional effect on me. Sure, I had grown up reading The Magic Treehouse (my first fictional love, besides princess stories) but the Icemark Chronicles made me sad, angry, happy- pretty much every emotion. I remember I had finished my state tests for history, so I wanted to continue reading The Blade of Fire (the second book). Well I read the fastest I had ever read before, until I reached a certain scene. I had to reread it a couple of times because I just couldn't believe what had happened. I started crying in my seat, and so many people were wondering what was wrong. "It was this book," I said to my friends "it is so heartbreaking." So yeah, go read them. The Cry of the Icemark, The Blade of Fire, and The Last Battle of the Icemark.

Ghost Hawk by -
The Things They Carried by Tim Obrien-
Looking for Alaska by John Green-
Maze Runner Series by James Dashner-
Divergent Trilogy by Veronica Roth-

---Fanfiction (All are found on AO3 unless marked otherwise)---

Twist and Shout by (Destiel)- Not sure if I can express any greater love for literature than with this beautiful Destiel masterpiece. It is just too breathtaking. Twist and Shout is a historical fiction set during the Vietnam War Era; where homosexuality was a disease, a sin, and a draft loomed over American citizens. I read it within a couple of days, because it is long, and some of the chapters just gave me too many feels to carry on. It balanced pure love with smut and just the brutality of the public during this time was accurate. The two authors who wrote this worked together so well, and they perfectly captured Dean and Cas as characters... but, you know, changed their sexuality. I just cry whenever someone mentions Twist and Shout, or Elvis. My best friend and I were actually crying after school in my teacher's classroom. We were flailing our arms, laughing, crying, and just repeating "Oh my god, oh my god, I can't." Please, please, please just check it out.

Carry On by TamrynEradani (Destiel)- I didn't know that I'd be into the whole dominant/submissive stuff, because I wasn't interested in Fifty Shades... but Carry On was great. Even though there is smut in almost every chapter, it oddly balances pretty well with the emotional struggles that Dean is going through. It gets pretty deep (haha, emotionally and sexually) and is very long, but is worth the read. Warning: there is a slow building romance, it's not like "Oh my gosh I need to confess my love for you in the third chapter." I hate that, so I'm glad it was slow building. But some people prefer the love to be realized in the beginning, and have amazing headcanons come true, but this isn't that. Basically, Dean needs some money to help Sammy through college. Working at Bobby's garage won't be enough, so he turns to a old friend for a job. Cue the dominant/submissive smut.

You Could Go Blind From That by shanology (Stucky)- This Stucky fic had me literally sweating. It's four chapters long, and it satisfied my fictional sexual frustration. Bucky and Steve, just perfectly captured, and so hot. If you're looking for some hot but short smut, this is the one. It's post CA: Winter Soldier, and Bucky hasn't been able to get himself off. Somehow, Steve figures that out, and really wants to help Bucky through the obstacle of "letting himself go". The only problem is that Bucky is way too turned-on by his roommate, and his sexual frustration just keeps building.

Buck Me by OhCaptainMyCaptain (Stucky)- As smutty as it is, I loved this too. Basically, Steve has been in love with Bucky for years but has been able to hide it (They're in high school). However, Steve accidentally stumbles upon a porn link, one that leads to Bucky's profile. He really shouldn't watch what Bucky does to himself on camera, but it's too hot not to.

Why Then Oh Why Can't I? by ladyblahblah (Stucky)- This is probably my favorite short fic, you just need to read it. I was overwhelmed with feels in every chapter, and the writer knewSteve and Bucky's personalities so well (and Tony, who gives Steve some love advice). I love, love, love it. There is smut, so don't worry. Beautifully written from start to finish, I have no idea how ladyblahblah can capture them so well

Hard Road by Aleisha Potter (Destiel- found on Fanfiction is a blessing... seriously. I am glad i stumbled upon this, because "Hard Road" gave me so many feels. Basically, Dean and Cas go to this gay relationship therapy camp in order to investigate the recent deaths at the site. This requires them to actually attend this camp, thus leading to Dean and Cas pretending to be dating. However, Dean become alarmed when a new feeling rises about Cas. I highly recommend this fic because i was literally squealing in my bed saying "I'm dying, oh my gosh, did that just happen?" I think i screamed too, and pounded my fist against my mattress. I didn't know what to do with the feels lol.

Snake Eyes by boopboop (Stucky)-

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