Chapter 15

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It is game day. We have a friendly against The Netherlands, our first match of the season for England. I was feeling nervous, but everyone was good at calming me down. We played a lot of games, talked a lot and bonded even more. Leah and I have gotten closer, we're now inseparable. She's truest brightened up my life. I cry a lot when I think of how much she's helped me. Beth has helped me so much as well. I love Beth, and Jordan, as older sisters. You know the people who just look after you, people you always can talk to about everything? That's them. Lucy has finally backed off me too. She talks to me, as purely friends, which is all I've wanted all along. It's like she finally got the message. It's made camp a drastic amount easier. Being back with Keira and Chloe has also been so nice, so refreshing. They're my first 'football friends', they just mean so much to me.

We spent the morning in our rooms, stretching and getting ready for the match. It was a late kick off, being at 7:30pm. I don't really like late kick offs too much. It gives me too much time to overthink the match. Beth helps calm me down though. She distracts me by asking silly questions that she knows will make me laugh. We were sat on our bed, packing our game day bag.

"What's your favourite type of pasta?"
Beth asked me, looking up.

I giggled. These are the sort of questions she likes to ask.

"Um. Id have to say spaghetti. It's just a crowd pleaser."

"That is insanely basic Miss Holl. What about that swirly one? The short curly one?"

I just laughed at Beth.

"Do you know how many 'swirly, short curly' types of pasta there is? I don't know what your on about."

We sat and laughed together. Acting stupid with Beth was one of my favourite things to do at camp. It was just a guaranteed laugh, every single time. We heard a knock at the door, followed by the door opening. Leah walked in. She already had her warm up kit on. I think it is one of my favourite things to see her in. It just fitted her absolutely perfectly.

"What are you guys up to huh? Beth, you trying to steal my girlfriend?"

I blushed. Leah hasn't actually asked me to be her girlfriend yet, even though she calls me it. On one hand it's really nice, I like her seeing me that way. But on the other hand it's frustrating. What is she waiting for? What am I waiting for?

"I couldn't steal her easily, I make her laugh more."
Beth spoke, while winking at me.

"Easy girls, I laugh with yous both."

Beth started to get up. I gave her a confused look.

"I'm going to talk to Viv. She's asked to see me and I think we need to talk about things. If it doesn't work at least I'll have gotten into her head for later, right Holly? Tactical."

"You know me Beth, all about the tactics. Good luck though."

"Good luck Mead. If you need us, just text okay?"

Beth headed out the door. It was me and Leah alone. She ran straight up to me and gave me a hug.

"I've missed this beautiful."

I squeezed Leah tighter into me.

"I've missed this too Lee."

Words were not spoken for some time. I believe that sometimes, just sometimes, words aren't strong enough. Actions are stronger, they show more love. When I'm with Leah, words aren't strong enough. There are not enough to describe how happy she makes me, or the love I feel for her. She is one of a kind. My one of a kind.

"Lee can I ask you something?"

Leah turned round so we were facing each other. Her deep, gazing eyes glaring into my soul, almost reading my mind.

"Of course you can."

I took a little gasp of air, before asking my question. I was nervous about what the answer could be.

"Why aren't we officially together?"

Leah smiled at me. This released a lot of anxiety, but not removing all of it.

"We don't have to be labelled to appreciate each other's company, the other persons love. I was saving it for a more planned and special day thank you. Is that okay?"

I gave Leah another hug.

"Yes Leah it is."

We sat and hugged for another prolonged time. Beth soon walked in, with a happy expression spread across her face.

"I'm guessing it went well then Beth?"
Leah said, noticing the smile.

"It did. We're going to start over fresh, with no expectations. I think that is what's best for us right now. So we're all good."

I ran up, giving Beth a big hug.

"I'm so happy for you Bethy. You deserve to feel this way."

"Thanks kiddo, I appreciate it."

"I hate to break this cute little display but we've got 20 minutes before the training session. Beth please get ready. We know what your like."

Leah left us be, after turning back into the captain. There was something hot about that, her authority and demand. I can't explain it one bit, but there was something so attractive about it I didn't want her to leave the room.

Beth got changed quickly as we left for the pitch soon after. Some of the girls were gathered, talking in small groups. I walked over with Beth to Millie, Alessia and Rach. They were talking about a new tik tok they were planning on making. Rach doing dances is hilarious. God bless her, she doesn't have much rhythm. Mille though, she was a natural dancer. She was just so good. I could tell Alessia thought the same. Her jaw was on the floor, which I found so funny.

Sarina soon called us over.

"Girls, today will only be light training session. We will be going over our roles for tonight and our game plan. If anyone doesn't understand, todays session is the time to speak up. I don't want yous going out tonight with any doubts. We're keeping this clean sheet. Goalkeepers over there, the rest over there."

We ran over some set moves, defensively and from an attacking point of view. The session was really beneficial, it made me feel less nervous about tonight. About my senior debut.

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