Chapter 1

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B.A.U Office, FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia

Allison's slim brunette figure sauntered through the glass doors of the BAU with a smirk on her face and a to-go cup containing a cup of Tim Horton's coffee that she brewed at home before coming into the office. The brunette walked into the round table room with her go bag over her shoulder and took a seat with a smirk on her face next to Morgan and her partner Reid. "Someone's gotta little extra pep in their step this morning," Morgan said from next to her taking note of the agent's behaviour. "Well it's a good morning, and I put a red bull in my coffee, I can hear colours now," she whispered jokingly. 

"That much caffeine's going to send your heart into cardiac arrest," Reid told her earning a light laugh from the brunette. "What's got young Alison Carter up all night anyways or should I say who?" Morgan said with a smirk. "Meh nobody serious, I had a few drinks last night and didn't get home till late," Allison replied hiding her smirk by taking a sip of the delicious caffeine. "When'd you get home? 2? 3? 4?" Morgan asked and a smirk pulled at the corners of her mouth. "4 am for sure," Reid said instantly noticing her smirk. "Look at you go, wonder woman," Morgan said patting her shoulder as Prentiss walked into the room. "Tom or Robby?" she asked the agent, "Neither Tom was getting kinda needy and Robby couldn't keep up," she replied shrugging. 

"Have you ever maybe thought of settling down?" Reid asked the brunette seriously causing Morgan, Prentiss and her to cackle. "And be shackled to a man that thinks he owns me. No thanks," she replied. "Don't you wanna fall in love and meet your prince charming?" Garcia asked walking into the room along with Rossi and Hotch. "Love, relationships and commitment aren't my thing," she replied. "No kidding," Prentiss said from across the table looking at her best friend she met when she was working for Interpol in Iraq that's where they met 5 years ago while she was serving in the special forces with the Canadian Infantry. "What was the name of your fox hole partner?" Prentiss asked as the agent took a sip of her coffee causing her to inhale the substance and start to cough on the liquid nearly choking which caused a bit of snicker all around the table. 

"He was my fireteam partner first of all and second we're not talking about that," Allison said after she finally stopped choking. "Oooo did Black Widow get steamy with a Mr someone over there?" Morgan asked with a smirk. "Didn't you say you thought he was the one?" Prentiss added earning a glare. "He's Married and don't we have a case?" the brunette replied shutting down the conversation about her time in Afghanistan almost 8 years ago now.

"Yeah, 2 fires, 2 families in 3 weeks," JJ said pulling up crime scene photos on the screen at the front of the room. "The first Family, the Jarvises, all died." The blonde agent said pulling up a photo of the family. Wife, husband and 2 twin daughters that couldn't have been older than 6. "Last night the Cutlers, only 1 survivor Charlotte Cutler," JJ said pulling up another photo of the family that only had 1 son that was in his late to mid teens. " She's in critical condition with burns to over 60% of her body," JJ said before sitting down at the table. "Well it's no accident and it's the same victimology for sure," Carter said looking at the photos of the families. "What do you mean?" Morgan asked. 

"Look at the photos of the families, husband wife kids, not to mention if your gonna take out a family arson is a fast way to do that and using kerosine as an accelerant would spread the fire like," Allison snapped her fingers. "Families are an easy target while they sleep too, they don't even have to go inside to do the job," Rossi added. "I think our unsub did though, there was accelerant found all throughout the crime scenes but my question is how'd he not get burned when he lit the fire?" The brunette said looking over the photos. 

"Chicago has a serial arsonist," Hotch said, "Statistically 94% of arsonists are male, 75% are white, and few if any are ever caught," Reid said. "Few? you don't have a percentage?" Carter asked. "16% and that 16% set 30 plus fires before they're ever apprehended. I'm trying to be more conversational." Reid said the last part looking at his partner. "Ohhh, It's not working," Carter replied jokingly causing Morgan to chuckle. 

"Most serial arsonists don't intend to inflict harm. Injuries or deaths, those are accidental. It's not about violence." Prentiss said. "For this one, it is," Hotch said, "It's also about Power," Rossi added. "Seeing the destructive force of their fires, watching the chaos, For them fires just a substitute for sexual release," Rossi said. "Oh great so if these guys don't get laid they start fires?" Garcia said more than asked in disbelief. "Or in this case burn entire families to death," Rossi said. 

"No statistic?" Carter asked Reid who just shook his head, "No they don't have statistics on this guy. One of a kind," Rossi replied. "Thank God," Garcia said, "3 weeks ago this serial arsonist escalated into a serial killer whose weapon is fire. Why?" Reid said more than asked. "A major event, possibly the break up of his primary sexual outlet, a separation, a loss," Hotch replied. 

"All right what about the victims?" Rossi asked, "CPD can't connect the Jarvice's and the Cutlers, but witnesses put an unidentified late-model gold sedan near both fires," JJ said. "Run the car, Garcia, run the victims through your system. If there's any connection we need to find it," Hotch told the blonde bubbly tech analyst. "Yes sir," Garcia said getting up and walking out of the room. "Reid, Prentiss Victimology, Morgan and Carter, can you meet CFD at the crime scenes? I'll head to the burn unit to talk to Mrs. Cutler," Hotch said. "I'll go with you," Rossi said knowing how difficult it was to talk to burn victims especially when the chances they'd survive were so low. 

"Wheels up in 20 minutes," Hotch said as the team took off out of the round table room and down the stairs. Allison walked past her desk taking her keys, phone and go bag off her desk before she walked through the double doors and down the stairs. She hated elevators, they were the easiest way to get trapped or ambushed. 

The brunette walked through the door of the parking garage before the team even got halfway down from the office. Alison walked over to her classic GT500 Mustang and climbed in starting the engine before driving off towards the airport and to the Bau's privet jet. 

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