Chapter 9

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The Hilton Chicago

Allison lay in bed cuddled up with Jay and Mouse, the brunette had her head resting on the detective's chest while her legs were intertwined with Mouse's. The sound of a knock on the door is what woke the brunette from her peaceful sleep. 

Allison sat up with a groan rubbing her eyes looking around the room noticing Mouse and Halstead passed out on either side of her. A smirk played on her lips for a moment until there was another knock on the door only louder this time. The agent sighed climbing out of bed carefully not walking either of the guys. 

The brunette threw on a shirt off the floor before walking over to the door and opening it slightly to reveal Reid and Morgan. "Morning sleepy head, have a fun night?" Reid asked with a smirk on his face. "What do you want?" he grumbled rubbing the sleep out of her eyes just wanting to curl back up into bed again. "We gotta head to the airport, wonder woman" Morgan told her, "I thought we were leaving in the morning?" she said more than asked. "We have a case, it's urgent. we got 20 minutes before we take off," Reid said. "So you might wanna get pretty boy and lover boy out of there," Morgan said with a smirk. 

"Okay, I'll meet you guys at the jet," she said before going to walk back into the room. "We'll wait for you, we don't mind," Reid replied as Allison walked back into her room and instantly started to get dressed. "Where are you going?" Halstead groaned from the bed half asleep but still noticing her absence. "I gotta fly out, my team has another case" Allison replied still half asleep. 

"Mouse," she heard Halstead say and noticed the detective nudge the man awake. "Wha-what?" Mouse asked sitting up startled awake. "I gotta get going," Allison repeated again as she finished getting dressed and picking up her Go- bag tossing it over her shoulder. "I guess this was fun while it lasted," Halstead said as she pulled his pants on looking toward the brunette who smirked. "I will definitely be coming back, and soon" the agent replied looking at the detective before her gaze shifted to Mouse who was up and getting dressed. 

"You better or I'll track you down, and we both know I can." Mouse said causing her to let out a chuckle. "and if you had to track me down... what would you do when you found me?" she asked softly walking over to him with a devilish smirk on her face. "Don't make me spank you," Mouse replied looking down at the brunette who was biting her lip. "You promise?" she replied being a bratty as she let out a giggle. 

"Just wait till you get back babe," Halstead said with a smirk, "Can't wait," she replied a knock came from the door. "CARTER WE GOTTA GO" Reid called through the door. She let out a sigh, "I'll message you guys later?" she said as she pulled them both into a hug lightly kissing both of them before she walked out of the room where Reid and Morgan were waiting. 

The agent shut the door behind her and started walking towards the elevator followed by Morgan and Reid. "Nice hickey," Morgan stated as they got in the elevator. "Don't be jealous," was all Carter said as the elevator went down to the lobby. "Who said I was jealous?" the agent replied as they walked outside and climbed into the government-issued SUVs. "Okay, sure" she replied not believing him as they drove to the airport which only took 5 minutes since it was 4 in the morning. 

BAU Privet Jet

"So was it everything you hoped and dreamed," Prentiss asked as she saw agent Carter, Reid and Morgan board the jet. "Sorry pardon?" the brunette asked confused as she plopped down in the seat across from her best friend. "You and your military lovers," Prentiss said causing Allison to laugh. "Lovers? sounds so serious," she replied, "Weren't they still there when we left?" Morgan said more than asked already knowing the answer. "Don't we have a case? Hence why I was dragged from bed without being able to caffeinate." The brunette replied as the jet began to take off down the runway. 

Allison stood up going to brew a cup of coffee and dodging the conversation with her colleagues. The brunette grabbed the Tim Horton's coffee grinds out of her bag brewing a fresh pot of coffee and filling her cup before the pot. She added 3 teaspoons of sugar and some flavoured coffee creamer from the fridge before walking back to her seat. "Just be careful, you might end up pregnant at the rate you're going," Emily said causing Carter to cackle. "Can't have kids if you don't have ovaries, Prentiss," She replied sitting down in her seat again. "Wait what?" Morgan said confused as the brunette sipped her coffee. "How does a 25-year-old woman not have female reproductive organs?" Reid asked just ask confused as everyone. 

"Well considering the special forces only has 1000 members and 15 of them including myself are female. We ended up just getting them removed, in case," she replies casually. Everyone stared at her horrified. "Weren't you 16 when you joined the military?" Hotch asked as she sipped her coffee and nodded. "I never wanted kids anyways, after spending my entire childhood surrounded by unwanted unloved kids it'd be selfish to have my own when there are so many kids living really shitty lives," Allison replied. "So where are we going? and what kind of psychopath are we hunting today?" she asked changing the topic to the case.

"Kristy Taylor, runaway, drug addict, Reported missing from Farmington New Mexico 3 years ago. Yesterday she turned up off a freeway outside Rio Rancho," JJ said starting to present the case to the team. "Sexual assault combined with ligature marks on her wrists and ankles. She was Asphyxiated," Reid said going over the file JJ handed out to the team. 

"3 victims in 5 years, all the woman are connected by marks. Chains," JJ says, "Definitely Sexual Sadist he sticks to his type, 16 and 19-year-old girls all blondes," Allison said. "Hangs onto them for a while too. Look at this, an average of 2 years between abducting them and killing them," Reid added. "Low body count, long time frame. These guys in control of his urges," Morgan says going over the file. 

"Too controlled, Sadists need new victims, new ways to torture, There are a lot of guys out there that like chains, are we sure this is the same unsub?" Rossi asked. "Kristy Taylor's autopsy report also indicates a second connection between these victims," JJ adds. "she was pregnant," Reid said going over the autopsy within seconds. "She'd given birth, very soon after the unsub killed her," JJ said. "How soon after? Morgan asked, "Minutes," JJ replied.

"This unsub isn't our sexual sadist, the captivity and assault we've seen before. What we haven't seen is this signature, The role he forces these women to fulfill before he kills them...motherhood," Hotch said. "So why would a sexual sadist make a woman carry his children?" Prentiss asked  Gary Heidnik kept a harem in a dungeon. His goal was to create a large family as a replacement for his own broken home." Reid said. "And this makes me thankful I don't have ovaries," Allison muttered to herself as her phone buzzed from the table in front of her. 

The agent grabbed the phone off the table noticing a message in a group chat with Mouse and Halstead. 

Hey, figured it'd be easier to keep in touch this way -Mouse 

A group chat really? -Halstead

Yea a group chat, get with the time's bro. How's the case going Athena? -Mouse 

Makes me happy I don't have reproductive organs... I got that feeling in my gut this case is gonna be... fucked up -Athena

Wait you don't have reproductive organs?!?!- Halstead

Do you really think we'd be fucking around like we do if I did... -Athena

She's got a fair point -Mouse 

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