Chapter 3

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21st District Police Department, Chicago 

Halstead walked into the breakroom after Allison watching her pour herself a mug of coffee. He instantly recognized the smell and held out a mug to her. "Please," he said giving her that look she fell for 7 years ago. The brunette agent poured the liquid into the mug he held out with a smirk on her face. "I remember when I'd make you say that a lot..." she replied earning a smirk from him. "As I recall, we had a lot of fun and you weren't complaining," Halstead said with a smirk before taking a sip of his coffee as he checked her out. 

"It was especially the three of us," she said with a smirk drinking her coffee. "How's Abby doing though?" She asked him causing him to almost choke on his coffee. "Abby and I went separate ways a year after we got married, you heard about that though?" he asked ask Allison nodded as she took a sip of her coffee keeping her eyes on the extremely fit and still attractive man who hadn't changed much physically since she saw him last. 

The agent's phone rang causing her to fish the device out of her pocket and answer it keeping her eyes locked on Jay's bright blue eyes. "SSA Carter," she said, "Hey Allison, It's Kelly Severide from Squad 3. I was wondering if you still wanted to go through a walk-through of the scenes? I can take you through the Cutlers and our fire chief Boden could take Morgan through the Jarvise's" The squad lieutenant said through the line. "Yeah, sounds good. Do you want us to meet you at the station or- Yeah come down to 51 one and we'll head to the scene from there," he suggested. "Alright, we should be other there in, 15?" she said more than asked. "Alright, see you soon agent," he said in a tone that caused her to fight a smirk. Maybe he was into her? she thought. 

Allison hung up the phone still keeping eye contact with Halstead before she slowly set her mug down next to him leaning close to his ear. "maybe we could recreate that one foxhole fantasy before I gotta go back to Virginia. Think about it," the brunette said with a smirk winking at the detective seductively before she sauntered out of the room leaving him to cough on his coffee over the comment. "Morgan, CFD is able to walk us through the crime scenes," Allison said to him as she made her way down the stairs as Mouse sent her a confused look and looked at Halstead who was still in the breakroom. 

The brunette shrugged with a huge smirk on her face before she disappeared down the stairs and out of sight along with Morgan. Mouse walked into the break room looking at the detective, "What was that," he asked dumping out Allison's mug of coffee and putting it in a clear evidence bag going to send the DNA through the database to see if he could find any living relatives to her. "She um... she mentioned the foxhole fantasy," he said quietly before taking a sip of his coffee to try to cover the smirk across his face. 

Mouse looked at him surprised, "Really? like in a sarcastic way or more serious way?" Mouse replied confused. "The only way Carter would imply it," Halstead replied sending Mouse that look like seriously you know how she was. "I don't know Jay she might not have been serious "she could've been looking at your reaction to the idea" Mouse replied. 

"I don't think so man, anyways what are you doing with that anyways?" Halstead asked nodding to the bag. "I was gonna run the DNA through the database to see if she had any living relatives here since she came up empty in Canada." Mouse replied. "Don't you think if she really wanted to know she would've looked into it especially when she's working for the FBI?" Halstead replied unsure of whether what he was doing was in fact a good idea. "Come on you and I both know she's too stubborn to admit that even she wants to know even if she doesn't plan to reach out to them." Mouse said. Halstead sighed nodding knowing Mouse was right about that. 

The two turned to walk out of the breakroom when they saw Dr. Reid standing in the doorway. "If your gonna send the DNA through the database send it to Penelope Garcia in Quantico, she'll search nationwide and through ViCap and Kotus to see what turns up nationwide," was all he said before walking over to make himself a cup of coffee already know Allison brewed it by the smell. 

Allison and Morgan drove over to the firehouse and it wasn't until halfway there that he spoke. "Why didn't you ever mention you had no idea who your family was before?" he asked confused. "Because it never came up I guess," she replied. "Or the fact that your hands are lethal weapons. That's pretty cool." Morgan added. The brunette shrugged, "Because I'm not exactly proud of a lot of the things I've done I guess. Or who I was back then" she replied as the SUV pulled up to the firehouse. 

Firehouse 51, Chicago 

"So how do you wanna tackle this?" Morgan asked her as they walked up the driveway towards the large open bay doors of the firehouse. "Agent Carter, Agent Morgan" Severide said walking over to the two the moment they walked through the doors along with chief Boden. "So Severide and I will go walk through the Culter residence if you and Chief Boden wanna go walk through the Jarvise'" Allison suggested as Morgan sent her a smirk and nodded. "We can take my car," Boden told Morgan who nodded and tossed the SUV keys to Allison who caught them. "Meet you back at the district?" she asked and Morgan nodded agreeing. 

The brunette walked over to the SUV followed by the handsome squad lieutenant who got into the passenger seat as she started the car and paused for a moment realizing she had no idea how to get around the city. Morgan grew up here but Allison grew up in Canada. "You alright?" Severide asked her. "yeah, I just have no idea where we're going. Morgan grew up here so I let him drive," she replied as she pulled up the address through the car's GPS system earning a look from the lieutenant who laughed and turned it off. I promise you my directions will be better, faster and hotter," he said with a wink. 

Allison bit the inside of her cheek as she started the SUV and started driving listening to Severide's instructions. "So where'd you grow up?" he asked as they drove towards the crime scene. "I grew up in Canada bounced from coast to coast most of my childhood," she replied keeping her eyes on the road. "How'd you end up in the FBI?" he asked her curiously. "I joined the Canadian Special Forces out of high school and served 3 tours in Afghanistan and 2 in Iraq before I got offered a position in the FBI and the rest is kinda history," she replied. "Special forces?" he asked visibly looking her up and down. "Yeah it's basically the Marines, Rangers, Seals, Air Force 1, secret service, CIA of the Canadian Military," she replied as they arrived at the crime scene. 

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