Chapter 15

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21st District Police Department, Chicago 

Allison finished packing up the boxes and climbed into the driver's seat about to take off when the passenger side door and the back door of the SUV opened revealing Halstead who climbed into the passenger seat and Mouse who hopped in the back seat. Allison smiled a little, "You didn't really think we'd let you wander off into the middle of nowhere alone did you?" Jay asked her causing her to laugh. 

Allison put the SUV in drive and started driving away from the parking lot Noticing Voight walking over to his escalade. The brunette send a small smile and wave to him as she drove past earning a smile and wave from him. "So what did Vought say that changed your mind?" Jay asked noticing the small gesture. "He didn't exactly change my mind, Mouse was right shit isn't always what it seems. That does not mean I'm gonna call him dad or come home for Christmas dinners," she replied looking at him. 

"Did you just say I was right?" Mouse asked from the back seat, "I'm not saying it again," she replied looking at him through the rearview mirror. "What do you do on holidays anyways?" Jay asked her. "4 years ago I'd say binge watch World war 2 documentaries and eating box stuffing alone on my couch but when Emily found out she and the team started doing holiday dinners together. Saying my holidays are honestly sad and tragic and I shouldn't be alone," Allison replied as she zoomed down the interstate towards Detroit. 

"That's depressing," Mouse said causing her to laugh, "What did Voight give you before you left, You looked shaken up," Jay asked earning a look from Allison for a moment before her eyes shifted back onto the road. Allison pulled the photo out of her pocket handing it to the detective, "He gave you this?" Jay asked surprised as Allison nodded silently as she drove through Detroit and headed over the bridge into Canada. 

The stop at the border didn't take long before the SUV continued down the highway heading towards the RCMP building in Windsor which was directly across the river from Detroit. Allison called Williams and let him know she was 5 minutes away. 

RCMP Building, Windsor Ontario 

The black SUV pulled up out front of the building and Allison put the vehicle in park before climbing out and starting to unload the boxes for Williams and his colleagues who were waiting for them. "Thank you so much, for helping us solve this case. We've already gotten another 200 kids back home to their parents in the state because of your help," Williams said shaking her hand. "If it wasn't for your files we wouldn't have been able to solve this case so thank you for keeping such detailed case files," she replied with a smile. "Well I'll let you get back to it, I'll see you around Willaims," the brunette said with a small smile before she climbed back into the vehicle where Jay and Mouse were waiting for her. 

"Okay first stop done, now we just need some good old Timmy ho ho's and than we'll meet. Jefferson in London to fly past Alberta," Allison said with a smile as she drove towards the closest. "Timmy Ho Hos?" Mouse asked her, "Tim Hortons is the Canadian staple of caffination in the country," she replied. "Will they even be open right now? It's 3 Am" Jay asked, "Tim Hortons is open 24 hours here," she replied before pulling into the drive-through of the Canadian Coffee shop. 

Allison ordered a triple-Triple and the guys got a regular coffee with 2 sugar and 1 cream along with a box of Tim bits for the trip. The drive didn't take longer than 2 hours due to the lack of traffic on the highway. The black SUV pulled up to the airforce base IDing her before letting them onto the base. 

London Ontario, Airforce Base

Both Mouse and Halstead watched out the windows as the SUV pulled up outside and aircraft hanger. Allison turned the vehicle off before stepping out of the vehicle and walking over to Jefferson who was in head to tow combats. "Carter," he said with a smile noticing the woman before saluting her. The brunette shook her head saluting the man back. "I'm not an active member you don't have to salute me anymore," she told him. "Old Habits I guess, So I have your gear set out on the aircraft. All the troops are boarded and ready to head to Edmonton," Jefferson said. "Thank you so much, Jefferson, this is Halstead and Mouse." she introduced them. "That's Mouse I'm Halstead 3rd battalion, 75th rangers," the detective said shaking Jefferson's hand. "It's an honour, let's get locked and loaded. We gotta get going if we wanna be over the Rockies by morning light," he said leading the three over to the large aircraft where they boarded and took their seat with their kit. 

The doors closed on the craft and they felt the aircraft speed down the runway before they took off in the air. The flight took a little over 3 hours before the sun started rising and Jefferson approached Carter, Mouse and Halstead. 

"We're just about over the drop Zone, be ready," Jefferson said as Allison stood up quickly throwing on her kit bag on her front and the parachute on her back before she walked over to the door they'd be jumping from. "Try to aim away from the trees or you'll be stuck 50 feet in the air," Jefferson told her as Halstead and Mouse threw on their kit bags and parachute. 

Jefferson flung the door open and the light above the door went from Red to Green telling her it was safe to jump. Allison cracked her knuckles shaking off her nerves a bit taking a deep breath before she bolted out the door jumping from the aircraft without a second thought. Allison let out a thrilled giggle as she plummeted towards the ground getting maybe 100 feet away before deploying her chute and swiftly drifting towards a small opening halfway down the Rocky's. 

Rocky Mountains, Alberta 

Allison landed on her feet in a field of tall grass before taking her parachute off and looking up to notice Mouse and Halstead swiftly floating down in their chutes landing on the ground a few feet away from her. "That was insane! I haven't done that in years," Halstead said with a huge smile on his face. "I missed doing crazy shit like that," Mouse said as he walked over to them. "And you two wanted to push the trip off, anyways our campsite is just over that ridge there. I saw it on the way down." Allison said before she started walking in the direction of the glacier lake she'd been missing for years. 

The hike took them almost an hour but the lake was absolutely breathtaking. Allison paused looking out at the massive lake that held turquoise water. It was more mesmerizing than she remembered. "Wow," Mouse said looking at the view Allison was fixed on. "It's beautiful," Halstead said. "There's a small cabin the military uses on recovery missions out here. It should be somewhere over there about a half mile that way," she told them before she continued walking in the direction. 

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