Chapter 18

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Chicago Med

DR. Halstead left the room leaving Allison with Mouse and Jay, "I should probably call Hotch and let him know," the brunette said with a sigh as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and began dialling the unit chief's number.

The line rang 3 times before it was picked up, "Hey, how were the Rockies?" Hotch asked answering the line. "Incredible as always minus the fact that I fractured my ankle in three places and tore the ligament in my leg," she replied with a light laugh. "Jeeze, what happened? are you okay?" Hotch asked the worry clear in his voice. "I tripped over a stupid fox hole that was hidden on the way down the moutain. I'm at the hosptal now and it's looking like I'm gonna have to get surgery to try to repir the damage," she told him. "What hospital, we'll be there- It's okay Hotch. It's basically nothing plus I'm looking at a 6 to 8 week manditory recovery period, don't drag the team out here for nothing," she replied.

"Carter I'll get Garcia to ping your phone and locate what hospital your in," Hotch warned earning a sigh from the brunnete. "I'm at Chicago Med- We'll see you in a few hours," was all the man said before the line hung up. "Great, now the entire team is on their way here..." Allison muttered setting her phone down on her lap. "So now would be a bad time to tell you I called Voight?" Halstead said earning a glare from the brunette.

"Why the hell would you do that?!" Allison asked him, "Because wether you wanna admit it or not I'm still your father," Voight said walking into the treatment room along with Adam. "I don't know what detective chuckles here told you but I'm okay. You guys didn't have to rush over here, you probably have better things to do- I'm not going anywhere kid," the older man said walking over to his daughter's bedside pressing a kiss to her forehead.

It didn't take long before Dr. Halstead returned and wheeled Allison out of the room taking her up to surgery. The oporation took a little over an hour to complete. When Dr. Halstead wheeled the brunettes bed back into the room she was still asleep from the anastetic used during the surgery.

The ginger-haired doctor was greeted by his patients room full of official looking people, "Hey, I'm unit chief Aaron Hotchner, How did the surgery go?" the Bau unit chief asked. "Dr. Halstead, the surgery went successfully, but Allison has roughly a 2 month recovery ahead of her. She has to take it easy and rest. I'm putting her on manditory bed rest for the first 4 weeks, then I'll do another set of X-rays and we'll go from there," the ginger in the lab coat replied. "Is she able to fly back to Virginia with us?" Emily asked the doctor.

"She's going to need a lot of help during this recovery time- basically she isn't going to be able to do anything on her own for the next 4-6 weeks until the ligaments and fractures begin to heal, esentially so her joints and ligements set propery along with her tibia, fibia and talus," Reid said causing Dr.Halstead to look at the young agent confused. "Dr. Spencer Reid," he said before loooking over to his partner.

"Whoa... Somebody get me a glass, cause I just found me a tall... drink of, waterrrrr," Allison said clearly still loopy from the anastesia as she stared at Jay and Mouse who were standing beside each other. The enire room erupted into laughter at the comment. "The anastesia should wear off in the next half hour or so, and to answer your question I wouldn't recommend she fly back to Virginia for the next month due to the amount of follow-up appointments she'll need but she's gonna need someone to take care of her for the next 4 to 6 weeks at least," Dr. Halstead replied.

"I'll stay with her for the month," Emily said looking at Hotch who nodded as the ginger haired doctor left the room. Over the span of an hour teh anastetic that was used during the surgery started to wear off and Allison felt less groggy and dazed. "When did you guys get here?" the agent asked confused looking towards her collegues that were standing in the room.

The brunette attempted to push herself into a sitting position only to hiss in pain taking a sharp breath as an excruciating paing shot up her leg that hurt 10 times more than being shot. "Take it easy kid you just got out of surgery," Rossi said looking at her. Allison groaned, "Why the Hell does this hurt more than getting shot?" she asked closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths as teh pain slowly subsided. "They basically manipulated your ligements, joints and reset 3 bones in your foot and ankle so they heal properly, That's probably why your in so much pain," Reid explained to her.

Allison sighed looking down at her left leg that had a massive black air cast that went up to her knee. "I feel like a damn transformer except a lame ass version," she replied looking at the cast. "It's not that bad and if you actually rest it'll be off in no time," Dr. Halstead said with a light laugh as he entered the room holding a bunch of paperwork. "So your saying i can't try trying kick boxing with this? damn, there goes my thursday night," Allison said with a smirk.

Everyone chuckled at her comment even Hotch who smirked and shook his head at teh agents comment. "Just a typical thursday night? what's your friday look like?" teh blonde asked with a smirk. "That's for me to know and you to wonder," Allison replied with a smirk. "No, Ms Carter You can't kick box with the air cast or you could cause permanet damage," Dr. Halstead said. "Kinda figured as much, and please call me Ally, Thena, or literally anythis than ms. Carter," she replied hating how formal it felt.

"Alright Ally I have a few documents I need you to sign here and then you're free to go. But remember your on bed rest and you need to stay off your foot if you want everything to heal correctly," The ginger told her before handing her a bunch of papers to sign which she quickly went through. A nurse came into the room and handed her a small cup containing some pain medication.

Allison took the pills using the saliva in her mouth so she didn't need water, Dr. Halstead began unhooking her from the IV she was attached to as the nurse took the papers with a smile and left before returning shortly after with a bottle of pills and a pair of crutches. "Seriously Doc, Crutches? Is that really nessicary?" the agent said looking at him with an eye roll. "It's this or a wheelchair take your pick?" the ginger replied causing her to roll her eyes before looking at Jay.

"I can see where you get it from," was all she said before Dr. Halstead went a long rant about teh medications she had to take but she wasn't really paying attention due to the pain killers she just took starting to kick in. It would be fine because typically the medication bottle explained how to take them anyways.

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