Chapter 25

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Allison's Mansion, Quantico Virginia

The dark-haired woman walked through the door to her house carrying a box of her essentials. Allison went straight to the bathroom to shower while Adam, Hank, Jay and Mouse took a seat at the bar stools around the counter. 

"Allison returned from the bathroom within 20 minuted and changed into a pair of black sweat pants and a Hedley crop top revealing her ripped abs. "You really went full training mode," Halstead said noting her ripped muscles. "2 weeks non-stop of hand-to-hand combat in minus 30 weather," she replied walking over to the counter and grabbing a bottle of whiskey along with 4 cups pouring the liquid. 

"What were you thinking Madison?" Hank asked after she filled the cups a quarter way full and set them in front of everyone. "I was thinking that until this shit brick is done the people I love will continue to get picked off due to my shitty choices. I got Emily killed and I'm not taking responsibility for getting anyone else killed... That's what I was thinking," she replied honestly before holding up her glass. 

"To Emily and to the ones we love," Allison said making a toast before drinking back the whiskey. The sound of her work phone rang catching her attention, Allison picked the device off the counter and pressed answer. "SSA Carter," she said answering the phone, "Hey it's JJ, Hotch needs you back at the office, says it's urgent," JJ's voice said through the line. "I'll head back to the office, what's going on?" Allison asked her colleague. "I'm not sure," JJ replied before she hung up. 

Allison sighed putting her gun on her hip along with her badge and ID. "Duty Calls," the agent said. "Feel free to stick around, I know it's not homey yet but the moving truck should be here by morning with all my furniture and stuff. I'll be back soon," Allison said hugging her brother Adam, Jay, Mouse and her dad. 

"Don't be surprised if we unpack your house by the time you come home," Mouse replied, "And don't be surprised and I rearrange everything you put in the wrong spot," she replied grabbing her keys to her car that got towed back here on a truck from Canada. "I'll be back, make yourselves at home," Allison said before she walked out the front door and climbed into her classic mustang that was sitting in the driveway. 

Allison climbed into the vintage vehicle and started the engine before she backed out of the driveway and took off towards the FBI Academy. The drive didn't take more than 10 minutes before the bright red mustang backed into its usual spot next to her colleague and partner Dr. Reid's classic beetle. 

FBI Academy, Quantico Virginia

The dark-haired agent climbed out of the vehicle walking over to Reid who just got out of his car. "Hey, any idea what's going on?" she asked him as she went toward the stairs. "No idea, and you still have a fear of elevators?" Reid asked as he went to the elevator and Allison paused at the door to the stairs. "It's not a fear, elevators are traps and can make you a sitting duck, I'll meet you up there," Allison replied before taking the stairs 2-3 steps at a time making it to the 6th floor just as the elevator doors open and Reid walked off. "You got faster," he said as they walked through the glass double doors of the BAU. 

"Looks like everyone's in the round table room," Allison said as the two walked up a set of stairs and walked into the round table room where Rossi, Morgan, and Garcia were standing. "What's going on?" Reid asked as they entered the room. "No idea- have a seat," Hotch said as the team just decided to hover instead. "What's going on?" Allison asked looking at the unit chief. "4 months ago I made a decision that affected this team. As you all know Emily lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle, but the doctors were able to stabilize her. And she was airlifted from Chicago to Wisconsin under covert exfiltration, her identity was strictly needed to know and she stayed there until she was well enough to travel, She was reassigned to Paris, where she was given several identities none of which we had access to for her security," Hotch said. 

"She's alive?" Garcia asked as Reid and Allison exchanged looks. "That's impossible we buried her," Allison replied. "as I said I take full responsibility for the decision. If anyone has any issues they should be directed toward me," Hotch said. "Any issues? Yea I have a few" Allison seethed when a figure stood in the doorway causing her to pause. 

Emily stood there in the doorway and the room went silent, "Turns out they found Doyle in New Mexico with 3 slugs to his chest and his head cut off in New Mexico yesterday," Prentiss said from the doorway looking toward Allison. 

Rage burned within her, she spent months hunting Doyle because he killed her best friend Emily but yet she was standing across the room from her. "If this is all, I'm heading back home. To where my family is," Allison said before shoving past Emily and walking out of the office. The dark-haired woman was so angry she was shaking by the time she got back to her car in the garage. Allison wasted no time climbing into her car and taking off back towards her mansion. 

Allison's Mansion, Quantico Virginia

The drive took 5 minutes considering she was speeding the entire time before she pulled into her driveway and garage before turning the car off and climbing out. She's been alive this whole fucking time? Anger engulfed Allison as she walked into the house noticing a photo of Allison and Emily at a bar in Ireland smiling and having a few drinks. 

The agent picked the photo off the wall and threw it onto the floor shattering the glass in the frame on impact. Allison punched the wall in anger, "Ali stop," Mouse said running over along with Jay, Hank and Adam. Mouse grabbed the agent's arm stopping her from throwing another punch. 

"Let. Me. Go," Allison seethed through gritted teeth as Mouse wrapped his arms around her trying to stop her from hurting herself or anyone else. "LET GO," She yelled louder, "Not until you calm dow-" before he finished his word Allison flipped him over her causing him to land on the floor on his back with a groan. 

Allison turned and walked down the hall into the living room noticing a few more photos of her and Emily which she picked up and walked them over to the kitchen grabbing the half-empty bottle of whiskey. She was beyond pissed, and the worse part was Doyle was right. She was no better than him or anyone else she hunted down she assassinated him and 10 others in cold blood. 

"Madison," her dad said in a stern tone after she slammed the frames down on the counter shattering the glass. She took a swing of the bottle before turning and walking through the sliding doors and outside. She didn't wanna be around anyone she was so angry and worse of all she felt so completely betrayed. 

Allison took a seat next to the pool with her legs crossed as she took a shakey breath staring at the still water in front of her. She took a sip of the bottle fighting the urge to cry. "Ugghhh" she yells frustrated into one of her hands trying so hard not to lose all control and start sobbing. She hated that she was this emotional she'd never felt so angry, livid, hurt, betrayed and guilty before it felt like she was drowning without being in the water. 

"Your gonna be okay, just tell me what's going on." her dad said as she went to take a sip of the bottle only to have him take it away and set it on the ground behind him. "She was never dead... it was a damn cover-up," she nearly spat at the words trying to choke back tears. Her dad sat down next to her and put his arm around her pulling her into a hug. 

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