Chapter 24

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It had been weeks since Reid, Morgan, Halstead and Mouse went up to the Rocky Mountains and the only thing they found was another word puzzle and to say everyone was getting frustrated would be an understatement. It was almost as if she had them going on a while goose chase to keep them busy so they wouldn't look for her. 

Mouse sighed sitting at his desk, looking over the video she sent him over and over hoping something, anything would help them out. As the ranger sat there he wondered how she was doing, is she was okay? He was worried about what she'd do if she found Doyle. He'd seen what she could do to people who didn't attack the ones she cares about. He'd never seen her go after anyone that went after her and her family, it'd be a death sentence. 

"She'll be alright man," Halstead said noticing Mouse's reaction. "I know, but I'm more worried about how far she'll go. Some things you just... Don't come back from even her man" he said concerned. The detective wasn't sure what to say so he patted Mouse's back. 

Mexico City, Mexico

Allison and Jefferson landed in Russia and tracked Doyle down to North Korea and over half of Europe and finally tracked the terrorist down to Mexico. Both Allison and Jefferson raided a house in Mexico City, in complete blackout gear. Shooting everyone in sight all being known weapons dealers to the cartel. 

Allison pushed ahead dropping 3 men outside a door at the top of the stairs, the agent pushed the door open noticing Doyle standing in his boxers in front of a mirror with a smirk on his face. "If you're gonna kill me have the balls to show me your face," his thick Irish accent said looking at the unidentifiable soldier in head-to-toe gear. 

Allison pulled the trigger dropping the man to the ground with 3 rounds before she pulled her helmet off and black bandana down off her face. Ian laughed lightly when he saw her, "You spent the last 3 months hunting down a monster like me, but have you looked at yourself in the mirror mon Cher? We aren't much different," Doyle said coughing out blood as Allison walked over to a table with a machete sat down. 

The long-haired woman picked it up, "I'm nothing like you, I don't kill innocent people. I don't arm cartels and terrorists to start gang and drug wars on the streets of my home." Allison replied calmly before she raised her arm holding the sharp blade and swung down. 

A loud thud sounded as the man's head hit the floor no longer attached to his body. Allison looked as the remains unphased before she walked over and took a photo of the dead man before putting her tact gear back on and clearing out of the house along with Jefferson. 

The two took off to their checkpoint and the soldiers were on an aircraft back towards Canada. "Hey, do you think we could make a stop?" Allison said to Jefferson who was flying the large helicopter. "Is it on the way?" he asked over the head set as Allison nodded in response. "We're about 30 minutes out," she replied. "Are you sure?" Jefferson asked knowing where they'd be flying over in the next half hour. Quantico Virginia, "I said I'd go back after this was dealt with. I keep my work" she replied to him. 

FBI Academy, Quantico Virgionia

"The general might wanna talk with you, but I'll take care of that," Jefferson replied as the helicopter began to descend and land on the helicopter pad of the FBI academy. Allison sighed hopping out of the aircraft with her helmet in hand leaving her weapon on the aircraft. "Stay in touch Carter," Jefferson said before she closed the door to the aircraft and started walking towards the door going down that was surprisingly unlocked. 

Allison took the stairs down to the 6th floor and the doors slid open and she walked out only to run into Garcia who froze when she saw her. "hey," she said awkwardly only to be engulfed by a hug. "Where have you been? we've been worried sick" Garcia said as she let her go. "I've kinda been all over the place," Allison replied before Garcia practically dragged her through the double glass doors and into the office. "Look who I found- Allison?!" Reid said surprised as the woman in black walked in. 

"You look like crap," her partner said but still pulled her into a hug. "It's been a long couple of months," she replied letting him go only to have Morgan engulf her in a hug. "Is that blood?" Reid asked looking at her clothes. "Don't worry about it," was all the dark-haired agent replied. "Is it Doyle's?" Morgan asked, "Isn't that the JFT2 black-out combat uniform?" Reid asked her as she nodded. "So you went back to the infantry?" Rossi said more than asked. "Had a lead on a target they wanted, just got back from the mission," she replied as Reid took her helmet looking through the goggles that had thermal lenses in them. 

"Let me guess assassination mission?" Hotch asked her walking into the room behind her. "The details aren't important and kinda confidential so..." Allison replied hoping they'd drop it. "I should probably get going though- Why you just got back?" Reid said. "I would but when I resigned and temporarily signed up with JFT2. I lost my work visa here and due to technically still being a born and raised Canadian I gotta go back on a complication. Who knows maybe it's better this way," she replied. "You know I never filed your resignation, as far as the government knows you were working alongside the Canadian infantry on a classified mission," Hotch told her causing her to pause. 

"You could stay, I'd like you to talk to someone and take time off- Is that really necessary?" she replied. "Your damn right it is, what the Hell were you thinking? Running off and chasing a terrorist around the world. Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Jay asked rhetorically walking into the room along with Mouse, Adam and Hank. "Nice to see you too, and I wasn't alone I was with another JFT2 Commander, I wasn't completely reckless" she replied. "Really, are you kidding me?" Adam said sarcastically. "What happened?" Mouse asked her, "I can't tell you" she replied. 

"You're on light desk duty until you clear all your medical exams with a psychiatrist," Hotch said earning a scoff. "Seriously? I got cleared by a shrink before I left on this mission. And they take mental health extremely seriously in the infantry. I'm not seeing a shrink again, I'm fine" she replied. 

"You're going, you start sessions tomorrow And one last thing don't be late," Hotch said before handing her back her gun, badge and ID. "Yes sir," she replied before turning toward Jay, Mouse, Adam and Hank. "I'm heading home feel free to follow me but I'm gonna need whiskey before I endure any more lectures," Allison said before walking out of the office and towards the stairs. 

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