Chapter 20

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Voight Residence, Chicago Illinois

It didn't take long before everyone was sitting around the table eating perfectly cooked steak, along with green beans with peas and mashed potatoes. "How is everything?" Hank asked looking at Allison, "It's perfect, thanks" she replied with a smile, "Not too rare?" he asked her. "No I like my steak bloody, not like shoe leather," she replied thinking back to all the overcooked food she'd been given growing up and overcooked spinach that looked like some weird toxic witches brew. 

"You are definitely my daughter," Hank said with a light chuckle earning a smirk from Allison, "So what G.I Joe stunt did you do to wind up in a cast?" Lindsay asked looking at the dark-haired agent that took a drink of her whiskey with a smirk. "Chased a perp off a roof onto another? Ooo I got it zip lining into a building?" Lindsay said more than asked listing off how she thought the agent gained the injury. 

"I tripped in a hidden hole while I was hiking down the Rockies," Allison replied shaking her head. Of all the stupid things she did she busted 3 bones in her leg tripping over a stupid hole in the ground. "Kinda pathetic if you ask me, but hopefully I'll be back to work in the next couple of weeks depending on what the doc says," Allison said. "You tripped over a hole in the ground?" Lindsay replied in disbelief. 

"Out of all the things- I know," Allison said laughing lightly while finishing off her drink. "I've chased terrorists across the world, assassinated countless terrorist organization leaders so fast that nobody knows what the hell happened before I'm outta there, Skydived and broke into bin laden residence to taunt him that one day he won't know when or where but the US was gonna hunt him down and make him pay, and yet I fuck up 3 bones by tripping on a stupid hike downhill, I'd say that's irony," Allison said with a light laugh. 

"You broke into Bin Laden's residence?" Hank asked in disbelief, Allison nodded noticing Adam and Erin had the same expression, Allison nodded unsure of what to say, "I thought the marines killed bin Laden" Adam said more than asked, "They did, 4 years after I broke into his house and pointed a gun at his head, we got told he wasn't our target to eliminate so we left him," Allison replied as she continued to eat the rest of her food. 

"How did he not know you were there?" Lindsay asked, "We get trained to blend in anywhere anytime. If I went out on a mission it'd be nearly impossible for you to track me down. But I can hunt anyone and anything down. "There's a reason why everyone nicknamed me Athena. The greek goddess of war," Allison replied as Erin's face went from realization to shock for a moment. "Athena? did you ever serve with the Army rangers?" Lindsay asked her. "JFT2 Special forces train US Rangers, FBI, Marines, Ukrainian soldiers and even the small army Afghanistan has. Yeah, I severed with a couple of rangers overseas for a few years why?" Allison asked noticing the look on Adam and Hank's faces. 

What was she missing here? "Halstead told me a lot about you when we were working together in intelligence," Lindsay replied causing her to pause at her words. "And Mouse, they wouldn't shut up about you," she adds. "They tend to exaggerate a bit on some of those stories," she replied half joking with a light laugh unsure of what to say. "So what's going on between you Halstead and Mouse anyways?" Voight asked looking toward his daughter. 

Allison turned to look at the man, "Nothing's going on," she replied earning a look from Hank as he raised an eyebrow at her. "You can look at me like that all you want, I don't have the time for that kind of commitment and I don't want to anybody girl or wife," Allison replied bluntly. "Because you don't have time or you're scared to let anyone get too close to you?" Adam said more than asked. 

Allison straight up laughed at his comment, "I'm not afraid, That's not it at all," she replied looking at her brother. "I spent the last 26 years doing things on my own. I didn't have family or friends to help me get to where I am. I did it on my own. In the process of joining the special forces I pissed off a lot and I mean a lot of really bad fucked up people before I left. These people wouldn't think twice to murder me and anyone I care about. So if you don't let anyone get too close they're less likely to get killed," she replied honestly as she set her utensils down on the now empty plate. 

"Well I take care of myself and my own, I just got you back Madi. I don't care if the Taliban themselves come after me but I'm not losing you again," Hank said looking at his daughter. She shook her head, "The Taliban are the least of your worries," she replied as her phone vibrated from her waistband. 

The agent pulled out her phone noticing a message from a blocked number. 

See you soon Athena - Blocked Number 

Allison furrowed her brows at the message but brushed it off putting her phone away. "Look it's getting late, I should really get back and take my meds. Thank you for inviting me over for dinner. It was really nice," she said with a smile standing up and going to bring her plate and cup to the kitchen when Hank took them from her. "You're welcome here anytime Madi, this will always be your home, same with you two," Voight said looking toward Erin and Adam who was already like a son to him but more so since he discovered the truth about what his dad was doing for the last 2 decades. 

Allison smiled genuinely happy for the first time in years she felt at home, and like she was with family. The same way she felt about her colleagues it was the closest thing to family she'd ever known. The agent always kept walls up worried to let anyone in case they'd leave after they used her or worried that one of her many past lives may come back to bite her in the ass. 

Adam drove Allison back to the hotel mostly because none of them liked the idea of her taking a ride share or a cab. "Thanks for driving me back, do you want gas money- You're my sister you don't gotta pay me. Plus that just means you owe me one later," Adam replied causing her to chuckle. "Sounds good, well Thank you again and I'll see you later bro," Allison said as she climbed out of her brother's vehicle and walked into the Grand Plaza. 

Penthouse suite, Grand Plaza, Chicago Illinois

Allison walked off the elevator walking down the small hallway and over to the door of the penthouse going to retrieve her room key when she noticed the door was open a crack. The agent's gut twisted as she looked to her left picking up a weird-looking marble statue off a table nearby before she slowly pushed the door open walking in. 

The agent walked in going to check the room when she heard the familiar click of a gun and the cold metal of the barrel of a gun to the back of her head. "First rule of a gunfight mon cher, bring a gun," a familiar voice rang through the room. She hadn't heard since she was serving in Iraq. and that's when Allison's gaze met with Emily's limp body that was knocked out on the floor beaten, bruised and bloody she was still breathing which was important for now. "I'm not your sweetheart," Allison growled before her elbow flew back and she nailed the man in the groin with the marble statue before nailing him in the side of the face twice causing the statute to break. 

This caught him off guard and she managed to take the gun out of his hands and disarm him. Allison pointed the gun toward the man who was wanted in 8 countries for his ties with the IRA and known terrorist groups in Afghanistan and Iraq not to mention North Korea, China and Russia. Ian Doyle. 

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