Chapter 17

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The week went by faster than Allison, Jay and Mouse had hoped and it was roughly 2 days before the agent had to be back in Virginia. The three began packing up their campsite and began making their hike down the mountain and back towards civilization. 

The group was roughly an hour away from being off the mountain when Allison tripped over a hidden fox hole twisting her ankle in the process. "You alright?" Jay asked noticing the brunette had fallen over. "Yea, I'm fine stupid hole," she muttered pushing herself up off the ground and ignoring the pain shooting through her ankle up into her shin as she forced herself to continue on. 

The three of them had to at least be off the mountain before dark or they would have to spend another night which they couldn't do considering they ate the last of their MREs this morning. "Are you sure you're okay? Your limping," Mouse pointed out. "I'm fine we need to get out of here by sundown or we'll have to set up another campsite and we finished the MREs this morning," Allison replied pushing on despite the stabbing pain she felt with each step she took. 

"Here give me your kit bag," Halstead told her stopping her in her tracks as he pulled the giant bag of her back and threw it on him before they continued making their way down the montain and back to the small town at the bottom of the Rockies. 

The minute they got out of the forest Allison called Jefferson who drove from Edmonton out to meet the small group and brought them back to the base where they flew back out to London Ontario. 

London Ontario, Airforce Base

Mouse, Jay and Allison got off the large military aircraft walking over to the SUV they left here almost a week prior. "Are you okay to drive?" Mouse asked her worried, "Yea- I'll drive" Halstead said taking the keys from her and hopping into the driver's seat. "Okay then," Allison replied hopping in the passenger seat and Mouse got in the back seat. 

Jay started driving down the highway heading towards Detroit and ultimately back to Chicago where Allison would fly back to Quantico from O'Hare. Not even 20 minutes into the 7-hour drive Allison fell asleep and didn't wake up until they got to the border. 

The border guards let them through without much trouble and the 3 continued the last half of the drive towards the windy city. The drive was mostly quiet since everyone was exhausted from the long hike down the Rockies, Then the flight back to Ontario followed by the long road trip. Allison's ankle was still throbbing in pain with every minor movement she made. 

The agent sat there biting the inside of her cheeks hoping that the pain shooting up her right leg would hopefully subside over time which it didn't. "Are you sure your ankle's okay?" Jay asked as they sped down the interstate just outside Chicago. "Jay, I'm okay" she replied trying to reassure the man as he pulled off the highway driving through the city. 

The SUV came to a stop outside a massive modern building and the detective parked the SUV. "What are we doing here?" Allison asked him noticing the giant red Emergency Department sign at the entrance to the building. "You can barely walk or move without being in pain. Your getting looked checked out," the detective said turning the SUV off. 

Allison huffed, "I don't need to go to a hospital Halstead, I'm fine," she said sending a glare in the man's direction. "Really? Okay stand up and walk from here to the door, If you can do that without limping or being in pain we can leave, deal?" he said more than asked. "Fine," she replied throwing the door open and hopping out. 

The moment she tried to step on her foot it gave out sending her to the pavement as intense pain shot up her right leg. "fuck," she muttered under her breath as Mouse got out of the SUV and helped her to her feet. Jay Walked around the vehicle as Mouse put his arm around the brunette helping her walk towards the entrance of the hospital along with the detective that stood on her opposite side as they walked through the sliding glass doors of the Emergency Department. 

Chicago Med

Mouse and Jay walked Allison towards a counter where a woman sat, "Hey Mags is- Jay what are you doing here? I thought you were on a camping trip in the Rocky Mountains?" A tall ginger in a white lab coat asked cutting the detective off as he walked over. "We just got back but little miss stubborn here fucked up her ankle on the way down the mountain and refuses to get it looked at," the detective replied looking towards Allison. 

"I'm fine,  I'll drink water and walk it off. This is a waste of time," she replied sending daggers toward Jay. "You can't even take a step on your foot, how is that fine?" Mouse said. "Why don't you come over to trauma 3 and I'll take a look?" the ginger suggested before walking towards the treatment room. 

Jay and Mouse led her into the room and helped her onto the bed despite her protests. "I'm Dr. Halstead, what's your name?" he asked her. "Allison Carter," she replied looking towards Jay. "Wait as in Special Forces Carter? The one you served with-" the ginger was cut off by Jay nodding. "It's nice to meet you finally, my younger brother has talked a lot about you." the ginger said. 

Allison looked at the detective, "Hopefully all good things," she replied with a smirk. "So I'm gonna carefully pull your boot and sock off just to take a look at the damage alright?" Dr. Halstead said earning a nod from the agent before he started unlacing her boot. "Let me know if it hurts," the ginger told her as he loosened the laces as much as he could before pulling the boot off causing a small whine of pain to sound from Allison.

"You okay?" the ginger asked pausing as she nodded silently biting the inside of her cheek to distract herself from the pain. The ginger-haired doctor pulled her sock off and paused looking at her swollen ankle that was 3 times its normal size. "When did you injure yourself?" he asked her, "This morning, I didn't see the stupid fox hole and my foot slipped and I landed on the side of my foot," she replied shrugging. "And you kept walking on it?!" he asked her a bit shocked. 

"Yup, it wasn't this bad until we started driving back from Ontario," she replied casually. "I have to do an x-ray to confirm it but it looks like you definitely broke your ankle," Dr. Halstead said as he took a machine and set it up to take an X-Ray of the agent's ankle in the room. 

It didn't take long for the results to come back and the ginger in the lab coat pinned two photos on a light board. "So you have what we call trimalleolar fractures, basically you broke 3 bones and tore some of the ligaments in your shin when you injured yourself along with the excessive use after the fracture. I'm amazed you're not screaming in pain," he said causing the brunette to shrug. 

"Getting shot hurts more, so what do we do from here doc?" Allison replied, "Well I'm gonna schedule you for surgery later today to try to repair the damage but you're looking at a long recovery period," he replied. "How long is that gonna take, I have to be back at work in Virginia by tomorrow morning," she replied. "at least 6 weeks recovering from the surgery and then if everything is healing properly you might be able to return to work. What do you do for a living Ms. Carter?" the ginger asked. " 6 WEEKS?! YOU HAVE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME? I work as a federal agent with the behavioural analysis unit I have cases and unsubs to catch. I don't have time for this," she said annoyed. "Well you gotta make time, if you don't get this surgery you might never walk the same again," the doctor said. 

His words hit her like a wall, 6 weeks recovering or losing her job because she can't walk right, "Fine, but I'm gonna complain the entire time," Allison replied earning a laugh from the ginger. "I'm sure I can handle that, I'm gonna go schedule your surgery for this afternoon. Do you need anything for the pain?" he asked as the brunette shook her head " No thanks Doc, I'm alright" she said as he left the room.  

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