Chapter 21

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Penthouse suite, Grand Plaza, Chicago Illinois

The man smirked at her, "I wasn't sure but now I know for sure. Hello Athena" he said still smirking. "You know I have a gun pointed at your head, what's stopping me from putting a 3 hole between your eyes," Allison snarled. Ian smirked and let out a light laugh. "Because we both know you wouldn't make it out of the building alive," he replied with a smirk. 

Ian began taking a few steps toward the woman who took a shot at the floor in front of him before reloading the gun in less than 2 seconds fixing it on his head. "Come any closer and the next will be in your head I promise. Now you have exactly 6 minutes before CPD responds to that gunshot. So what do you want?" The agent growled at the man. 

Remembering everything she learned from JFT2 in the special forces, "Now, Now is that any way to talk to your fiance?" he asked causing a laugh. "You don't even know my name, because if you knew anything about me I will never settle down, now what do you want Doyle? 4 minutes" she added. "Always straight to the point something I always admired about you, Mon Cher," he said. "You took something that was very close to me now I'm gonna take the only thing you care about considering you haven't asked if Loren is alright. I'm gonna take your life, like how you took my little boy," He replied as the large glass window shattered and a ripping pain shot through Allison's shoulder. 

"Fuck," she muttered moving behind the counter and out of the way of the window. Ian smirked at her reaction noticing she still had the gun on him just in her other hand now due to her shoulder. "Who trained you?" he asked earning a laugh. "Your mom," she replied with a smirk as Doyle set a photo down on the counter in front of the brunette. 

The photo of a child no more than 3 years old cowering in a corner with a gun pointed at him. "You murdered him," Ian snapped as the sound of heavy gunfire sounded outside the penthouse and within that split second Ian snatched the gun wacking her in the face with it before grabbing a fistful of her hair and smashing her face off the counter. 

The familiar metallic taste filled her mouth as she elbowed the man in the ribs and that's when she heard a loud bang and the familiar ripping pain shot through her side. Allison stumbled a bit and fell over onto the ground. "Just because I pointed a gun at him doesn't mean I shot him," She said spitting blood at Ian's feet. "HE'S ALIVE ?" He asked shocked as the agent gasped at her lack of breath. The second bullet must've nicked her lung, however, she laughed at the panic that washed over his face. "Declan is still alive, Athena where is he?" the man pleaded. Allison laughed and started coughing up blood. 

That's when Ian left and the agent's vision began to blur in and out. "Hey, Hey. No. NO. Ally stay with me do you hear me?" It was her brother Adam. She groaned as he put pressure on the wounds. "You gotta keep pressure here Ally, stay with me," he said panic clear in his voice as he moved her hands to cover the bullet wound. "10-1, 10-1 I have 2 federal agents down at the grand plaza 66th floor, I need 2 ambos, suspects could still be in the building." Allison heard as she started drifting towards blurred unconsciousness. 

"DO NOT CLOSE YOUR EYES, WHERE IS MY MEDIC?" Adam yelled. "Ruzek We heard the call over the radio on the way home, medic's are on their way up" he replied as Mouse ran into the room checking over Prentiss who was in just as bad of shape as Allison. "cal-" the agent tried to say looking up at Halstead's hazy figure as she started coughing blood. "Shh, stop talking," Halstead said looking at her bright green eyes. "Call Jeffer- Jefferson" she managed to say as she continued coughing up blood. "Ally stop, your choking on blood," the dark-haired ranger said. "Declan" she whispered before darkness consumed her. 

Chicago Med

Allison woke up to talking around her along with an extremely annoying beeping, the agent peeled her eye's open to reveal a hospital room. The dark haired woman groaned at the brightness of the lights in the room. "How are you feeling?" JJ asked from next to her, "Like I ate some led," Allison replied pushing herself into a sitting position. "How's Emily? Is she okay? Where is she? Can I see her?" JJ went quiet. "She never made it off the table," the blonde replied causing rage to engulf her. Emily was her best friend, her sister. Family and they'd been like that for 6 years now. 

Allison shut down, she wouldn't talk much and put up a bunch of walls around her. She was on a 6 weeks of mandatory work leave in order to heal from the 2 gunshots she got. The agent over the first couple of weeks made a few calls and mostly kept to herself until she was released from the hospital. She flew back to Virginia and when the team stopped smothering her and coming over as daily she packed her entire house and put it in storage.  

Emily Prentiss' Funeral, Quantico Virginia

The agent beside Reid and Morgan as they all watched a casket get lowered into the ground, Allison didn't cry she held her composure reminding herself she would find Doyle and put him 6 feet under the ground herself before he even had a chance to try to find Declan. 

The agent left before the service was over driving back towards the office. Allison walked through the double glass doors heading over to her desk dropping her gun, id, badge and work phone in the top drawer of her desk. 

With a deep breath, she turned and walked out of the office taking the stairs back down to the parking garage. Allison started her classic mustang and drove away from the building heading back towards her house to pick up her Infantry Kit loading it in her car and leaving the residence she had many fond memories including her and Emily. 

Allison drove to the post office dropping off two packages before heading towards the interstate and heading towards Langley one of the US air force bases where she'd be meeting Jefferson and flying back to Canada so she can heal and train for her deployment with JTF2 Special forces. She and the Sergeant Commander were training for a top secret JTF2 mission to assassinate Doyle, and they would track him down to the ends of the earth and murder the bastard that killed the closes thing to family she had for the longest time before she met Hank or the Bau. Emily was her family. She'd spend every holiday with Allison because she knew she didn't have a family to celebrate any holidays with until the team eventually found out a year ago. 

Since then the team would do something every holiday especially since they didn't want Allison to spend them alone, eating box stuffing and watching Netflix by herself like she had for years. They probably just realized she was gone since they were supposed to meet at the office. If they called her they'd find everything she had associated with the FBI and BAU was in her desk drawer. 

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