Chapter 12

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21st District Police Department, Chicago 

All eyes were on agent Carter after Voight spoke, "That's insane, You're saying that I left those marks in that house?!" she asked in disbelief. "Garcia's on line one," Mouse said, "You're on speaker baby girl, tell me you got something?" Morgan asked her through the line. "I charge extra for groups, anyways that blood sample detective Halstead sent came back with a positive ID," she said through line pausing for a moment. "I ran it 3 times and well it's a match to a cold case from 22 years ago. A missing 3-year-old by the name of Madison Allison Carter - Voight," she said through the line.

Shock hit Allison like a train and she shook her head and walked off down the stairs needing some air. She could hear someone following her and she didn't care. The agent was still trying to wrap her head around how the Hell this was possible. She accepted not knowing what happened years ago and now having to face the whole reality that Mouse was right. Nothing was as it seemed. 

The brunette got outside to the parking lot before she lit a cigarette taking a shaky inhale. "Athena," Mouse said from behind her, "How is this even possible? there's no way I was there Mouse" she said shaking her head and taking another long drag of the chemicals before letting out a shaky breath. "Forensics don't lie Thena," Mouse said sadly "I know," she replied softly taking one last drag before tossing the smoke and walking back inside the building and back upstairs. "How would I not remember that?" she said more than asked looking at Mouse not understanding how she could've gone through that and not remember it. 

"You were... 3 at the time not to mention surpassing emotions over time does cause memory loss," Reid said. "I do not suppress my emotions," Allison replied, "Pfft, never," Mouse said sarcastically as he took a seat at his desk. "Really? You don't tend to use things to avoid issues, or try to cope?" Jay asked from his desk with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. "Shut up," she replied when she paused as her eye's landed on the board with a photo of a man. Why did he seem so familiar?  An image flashed in her mind of the man in the photo stood in the doorway of the small space she was in earlier. 

Allison rubbed her eyes as the image went away, "Is this the suspect in holding?" Carter asked looking at the photo. "Yeah, but he's not the talkative type," Rossi replied, "Can I take a run at him?" she asked looking at Hotch who looked skeptical. "Do you recognize him?" the unit chief asked. "I remember the face but apart from that nothing, I just kinda figured if this guy has been doing this a while the last he'd respect is one of his victims walking into the same room as him 22 years later," she suggests. 

"Can you control yourself?" Hotch asked, "Completely, a lady doesn't start fights we finish them," she replied as Hotch nodded, as the agent put her gun in the gun safe and made her way down the hall and into an interrogation room where an older man sat with his hands chained to the table. 

The man looked up when she walked in and he froze as she just looked at him, "This isn't possible," he said barely above a whisper looking at the brunette standing in front of him. "It's been a while I'd say," agent carter said hovering in front of the table. "M-madison?" he asked, "In a past life, I go by Allison now. What's your name?" she asked him trying to figure out who this guy was and what his part in this operation was. 

The man went silent staring at the table, "Look you already messed up here so I gonna get to the point okay? You knew who I was when I walked in which means you played a part in my kidnapping 22 years ago, you're looking at some real time here man especially trafficking kids over the border. So if I were you I'd start telling me everything or I promise you. I will put you in gen pop in Statesville and let me tell you those guys in there are pretty sick bastards but... I do respect in a way how they handle pedophiles and rapists, and I can tell you what they're gonna do to you," Allison said glaring at the older man. 

He stayed silent, "They're gonna run a train on you, make you wish you were dead, they will have you begging for you miserable pathetic excuse for a life," she said knowing her words were getting to him by how he shifted uncomfortably. "You gotta protect me," he finally said, "If you tell us something useful maybe I'll work something out," the agent replied. 

"Are you sure you want the truth?" the older man said, "If you want to stay out of gen pop I suggest you start talking before I get bored and annoyed and walk out that door and the deal goes with me. Then you'll be on your way to prison, how long do you think they'll let you live?" the agent wondered. 

The man stayed quiet as she stood up and started walking out the door, "Wait, Look I work with this Cop in the CPD. He takes money, helps us out by looking the other way and telling us where checkpoints in and out of the city would be. After that, the kids get shipped to Sault Ste. Marie and taken over the border, after that we get paid and we don't see the kids again," the man said. "What's the name of the cop helping you out?" she asked looking at the man who shook his head. "Fine have fun in gen pop," she said starting for the door. "Robert Ruzek," he said causing her to pause. "What about our deal? You have to protect me!" The older man yelled at her as she walked out of the room taking a deep breath. 

Standing in the hall were Rossi, Hotch, Voight, Halstead and Ruzek. "There's no way my old mans involved with this," the detective said clearly upset. "I'm gonna go find him," was all the detective said before he marched towards the stairs. "Morgan go with him," Hotch said as they walked into the bullpen. The agent nodded and followed the detective out of the building. 

Allison walked into the break room and started brewing a new pot of coffee with Tim Horton's coffee grinds. "You okay?" Reid asked walking into the room with a worried look on his face. "As well as I can be I guess," she replied as she poured a cup of the freshly brewed coffee beans. "I thought maybe you wanna talk," he offered causing her to turn and look at him with an eyebrow raised. "So you're profiling me?" she asked him, "Thinking you wanna talk isn't profiling, it's psych 101," he replied as Allison leaned against the center looking toward her partner as she took a sip of her coffee. "Please," he added softly looking at his partner of almost 4 years. 

"Just trying not to dwell on the what-ifs and going down a rabbit hole of alternative realities that could've played out, you know?" she asked him as he nodded, "I don't even remember much before grade 1 if I'm being honest. just flashes of places and objects," she told him as her phone rang from her pocket. 

Allison pulled the device out and pressed answer on the incoming, "SSA Carter," she said through the line. "Hey Carter, it's Williams. you said it was urgent?" he replied cutting to the point, "I got a lead on the case you worked when I got home- Carter I told you before i can't keep chasing dead ends." Williams said cutting her off. "That's the thing the cold case that stopped at the border of Sault St Marie I'm working the cold case stateside with the FBI and I need access to the case and honestly everything you have if your willing to help us out," she said through the line. 

"If there's a federal case open yes, I can share the files but you have to come pick them up, none of them are digital," Williams replied. "Thank you, where can we meet to get the files?" she asked him. "I'm In Windsor Ontario if you can meet me in Detroit?" he asked her. "Yeah Detroit works, thanks again Williams, I'll see you in a few hours," she replied through the line before hanging up earning a look from her partner as she walked into the bullpen with him following close behind. 

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