20. Grudge against old allies

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|3rd Person|

For the last few hours, The new couple stood at the cliff looking at the beautiful view. Trying to process all that had happened. Lufian ran his fingers through Luzhiah's hair while she was leaning on his chest. "So, the rumor about your four wives mysteriously disappeared. Are they real or they are also lies?" She asked, the thought made him laugh.

"Do you still believe in that?" he asked and she laughed too.

"I just can't believe that we'd be here now, looking back, I never even thought of seeing you in person. Your name itself once frightened me," She said. A little while later, Luzhiah felt her drowsiness overcoming her energy. She yawned and he noticed.

"It's getting late, we should go back to them," Lufian suggested as he and Luzhiah walked hand and hand toward Blaze.

Most of their company were asleep when they arrived, Except for Leon and Benjamin who were keeping watch of the surroundings. Upon arriving, Luzhiah said a quick goodnight to her brother and Leon, as she placed a mat on the ground near the campfire that they made. Her eyes met Lufian's and they immediately understood each other. After seeing that his woman drifts to sleep, Lufian turned to Benjamin and Leon. He gave them instructions about keeping the night watch.

"We'll see to it, your majesty," Benjamin said.

"Ok, Goodnight," he said as he went to his own sleeping mat a little farther away from Luzhiah's.

Benjamin and Leon looked at each other upon hearing what he said. "Did he just?" Benjamin asked. "I believe so," Leon replied. What has the king eaten today for him to say goodnight even to them? The two spent the night weighing what possibilities led him to say that to them. For them, it's a mysterious occurrence that needs to be investigated.

The next day...

They woke up early to get their resources for the continuation of their journey. Leon and Benjamin took a rest after staying up all night and guarding them. At this time, it was Wynchell's turn to guard them. He stood there keeping lookout, as the others either finds clean water for them to drink or go to the woods to pick fruits and vegetables that grows there for them to eat.

Luzhiah and Lufian assisted those who went fishing, Blaze was also in the water trying to catch fish for himself. But as he couldn't find any, he went running into the woods to find some animals instead.

"How long do we got until we reach Gladius?" Luzhiah asked Lufian.

"If we travel non-stop then we'll reach there in two days, Three if we take a break," he answered casually. For those who hear it, it may seem like a casual talk between a king and his subject. But Luzhiah noticed the change in his tone, it became more gentle than it used to be.

"We'll travel according to the strength of our company," she replied.

Lufian agreed, he noticed that Luzhiah's hair is a little messy. He chuckled as he gently tucked her hair behind her ears, placing the baby hairs to her side so that she could see better. Leon walked into that scene and was a little surprised, Upon noticing his presence, Lufian returned to his usual expression and discussed the plan with him.

Luzhiah is trying her best not to laugh about the cuteness of his reaction. She hurried and called Blaze over and gathered the people together in preparation for their travel.



In Gladius, The prince of Nerian is busying himself with working on his plans.

Prince Eldian shook his head upon the negative reports they've been receiving from their kingdom spies. The stress he had throughout the battle affected his physical appearance as much as his emotional health. Black circles began to appear under his eyes due to lack of sleep. It affected his mentality as well, Avilandrah abandoning them had been a big contributor to his condition right now.

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