childe & zhongli spicy teatime;)

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(angst warning)

One afternoon as Childe was walking by liuli pavilion he saw a magnicifent sight. It arosed his cheekbones and bloodclots. His heart stopped as he fell to the ground. He was dead. He had always been. 

2 years later

Zhongli never really knew childe. Childe was a mysterious man never minding his own business but now he is dead. But that didn't really matter to Zhongli. The only thing that mattered was that Childe never got to taste his spicy whitesy cumsy tea. But it wasn't too late. Zhongli was now at the graveyard gates. It was a long time since he last visited. He coulsn't bare the sight of his wifes grave he saw there. But that didn't matter now, this was too important. He finally reached childes grave. He started digging the ground and finally hit something hard. He pulled out the casket and opened it. There he laid, gracious as always. He whipped out his tea and started to pour down the white humid liquid down childes throat deep throating him. The male fertility tea did its trick, it made Zhongli fertile and soon he birthed the new geo archon. 

the end

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