my bully likes me (more than i thought)? 18+ NSFW

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Zhongli pov

I was walking to school when I felt something big and strong attack me from behind. It was such a strong move it sent me flying to the other side of the road, approx. 400m. The thing that attacked me approached me suggestively and picked me up by the back of my neck.

'aye kitten what r u doin out so late' The thing asked me. I could not tell if it was a threat or pure horniness, but I answered him honestly.

'I-I was making cu- i-i-i m-mean milk for my alpha....' I answered uwuingly. I looked up and saw a smashing face that made my heart arouse in lightspeed. It was almost as pretty as my alphas gingery head but this was gracious in another way. I don't know what took over me as I bodyslammed him into a house. 

'Ii--i-i-i-im sowwy plz fowgive me daddy' i blushed nervously as I saw the blood streaming down his face. 

'It's okay baby girl' the smashingly hot person said in a sexy ass british accent that made me meow. 'My name is Ed Sheeran btw'. 

No it cant be... ANOTHER GINGER???

'Ed she ran... but... no, I already have a ginger ALPHA in my life. I dont want a beta cock like you...' I said hiding in shame because of my strong australian accent.

'Are you sure about that baby girl' He pinned me against a wall, hard. I let out a squeal, he smelled like axe body spray. Typical gingers. I swiftly kicked him in his hairy balls and ran for my life. But I made a mistake. I tripped over a 10 ft tall boulder and slammed my face into the concrete.

'BABY GIRL R U OK????' I heard beta male shout from behind me.

'FUCK OFF' I answered and continued running like an anime girl. But I soon crashed into something hard and familiar. It was my childes rock hard abs. My nose started bleeding uncontrollably and i think i got breeded in that swift moment. 

'Who tf are you' eddie said behind me in a growly mowly voice. He sounded like my dad's lawnmower. His voice made me jump 5ft in the air up in childes abs. In response he smashed me into the ground and sucked my dick. I felt my consciousness begin to leave me as i laid on the ground like a starfish. 

'This is MY kitten dont u dare touch him' Childe growled back at the other ginger. I couldn't believe that two hot fucks were fighting over me. 

'Let's have a singning battle to assert our dominances' ed suggested suggestively. Omg i will get to hear my two daddies sing. Best day of my life frfr. Childe cleared his throat and the sound that came out was breathtaking:

'THIS IS MY FIGHT SONG' he screamed and i felt my eardrums collapsing. 'TAKE BACK MY LIFE SONG' childe sounded so dominant but this song made me turn off somehow. But ill smile at him to not hurt his feelings, nvm he broke my jaw when i got smashed. Ed started to look nervous but then he started to sing:

'I'M IN LOVE WITH THE SHAPE OF U' he sang i think, but it kinda sounded more like creaming, 'WE PUSH AND PULL LIKE A MAGNET DO' i felt my heart shatter by his voice. Both of them then started to growl at each other and Childe ran to me and picked me up in bridal style. I got squeezed in his arms as i heard ed chasing us from behind. I felt childes heart starting to race and it made me feel very sowwy for him. But then i saw him in front of us. Our lord and savior harry styles. Ed got taken back by the sight of him and started breeding him with a british pole. 

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