Crossing boundaries;) NSFW 18+ part 1

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Childe pov:

I was a lonely boy in district 69. My only friend was my bro teucer, because i feed it so it listens to me. You might have never heard of district 69. Well it was for a long time ago called district 420 but the weed was banned so they changed the name to district 69. They got the name district 69 from bc yk how the cancer zodiac sign looks like a 69 and mostly everyone is a cancer and has cancer. I am special tho, i am immune. My cells are too strong to get sick. 

Today they would choose a tribute to the hunger games. I hope i am not chosen bc that would be very sad and id have to leave my bby teucer. Teucer and I made a bet, if one of us got chosen, the one that didnt get chosen gets to keep the hisoka body pillow for themselves. I rlly hope teucer gets chosen. 

I am walking to the place where everyone is standing and teucer is standing in the crowd. I go and pick it up from behind and lift it really high up and drop it. Teucer was about to yell some shit at me, but then they started drawing tickets. 

'Hello welcome to the 9832th hunger games yall' the host said, 'time to draw the names and ladies first as usual'. The host smashed it's hand in the pieces of paper and picked up a scrunkly ticket. 

'The first contestant is....... Lumine!!!' the host said. Before anyone could say anything someone yelled from the audience:

'NOOO I VOLUNTER IN HER PLACE' a boy with a long braid yelled from behind me. It broke one of my eardrums and teucer started crying. What a baby. 

'I'm sorry but only women can take other womens place' the judge said. What the hell why cant there be 2 men or 2 women. Everyone is equal and should have the same chances to go and die. 

'B-B-BUT' braidboy stuttered, 'I AM A WOMAN, I JUST HAVENT HAD TIME TO DEVELOP VISIBLE CHANGES YET'. Everyone with a brain noticed that that was made up on the spot, but what are the hosts gonna do, they cant search braidy since it's a minor. But it's lie seemed to work so it became tribute n.1. 

The host then started digging in the other bucket of paperpieces. After a while it picked up a ticket. Pls be teucer pls be teucer I chanted in my head.

'AND TRIBUTE N.2 IIIISSS............ TEUCE-' and before the host could say anything I lifted my hands up in the air while jumping and screamed:

'HEY THATS MY BRO LMAOOOO I AM HAPPY ITS NOT ME' I yelled while pointing at teucer who was almost about to cry from embarrassment. My years of sadness vanished and my mind filled up with things I could do with MY hisoka bodypillow. 

'Hey you interrupted me' the host said, 'and it says teucers big bro on the paper'. My smile faded as quickly as it came. Teucer started making faces at me so I kicked him to the ground. I was looking around for someone to volunteer. Not even Lumine wanted to, she looked pretty happy that she didnt have to go and was shit-talking aether with dainsleif a few rows back. I slowly walked up to the stage while having my main character moment but then it happened. I tripped on some dudes leg and fell right into its lap. This was so damn embarrassing. I tried to get out of its grip but he then pulled me closer.

'Watch where you're going baby gurl' it said with a suggestive overly exaggerated french accent. I looked up to see the one and only the doctor! I punched it hard in the face and swiftly escaped its grip and made my way to the stage. I settled next to aether who was shaking from fear and thats how I got selected as tribute for district 69.

part 2 coming soon...

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