Intimate politicians NSFW 18+ part 2

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Time passed since the meet with childe and zhonglis hand was now fully healed. Zhongli could feel the excitement building up in his bowels as he thought about farming. To re-live those good ol' times when hygiene and human rights werent invented had been a dream of zhongli's for as long as he could remember. Thats why he always listened to the storytellers' stories to fantasize about those times. And now he had finally met someone with the same interests as him. 

At 5pm: 

Zhongli was crawling at full speed to the place where he was supposed to meet his soulmate. He had brought some seeds and shovels with him. When he finally arrived he saw a ginger head stick out from a bush. 

-"Hello comrade im glad you decided to show up!" Childe said while climbing out of the bush, "I was preparing a trap for my bro teucer in the bush". He brushed of the leaves from his arms and walked up to Zhongli, who was standing there with his arms crossed. 

-"Why would you trap your bro?", Zhongli asked, "Is that a thing in the new farming community?". Childe looked at him confusedly. He didnt understand what Zhongli meant with farming but decided to ignore it. 

-"No it has nothing to do with farming, my bro just likes to hide in bushes so when he comes to liyue he will be up for a surprise", childe said with an evil grin. Zhongli still didnt understand why he would do that bc zhongli doesnt have any family, friends, bitches, etc. 

-"But what does THAT have to do with pranking teucer?" Zhongli asked, pointing at the NSFW hisoka body pillow sticking out from the bush. 

-"Oh that is to give him a little scare he'll never go into bushes again", Childe said, "you see, he hides in the bushes and eats the roots". Zhongli understood that childes family had a close connection to farming and dirt, but that body pillow might affect teucer more than "a little scare". Worst case scenario is that his heart stops by the sight of that thing, but not my family so im not one to judge. 

-"And comrade... whats with all that farming equipment?" Childe asked and looked at the shovel in my hands. Zhonglis heart almost fell out of place by this question. They werent going to farm? He felt his eyes almost tearing up as childe's gaze darkened. 

-"W-weren't we going to conquer the farms" Zhongli asked shakingly. His dreams were shattering and he felt himself bend over by reflex. 

-"I asked you to join fatuism?" childe said, not smiling anymore, "that has nothing to do with farming". Zhongli couldnt hold it in anymore and started twerking while running away bawling his eyes out. 

-"WAIT" childe creamed, while reaching his hand after zhongli. He didnt know what to do but he had felt something when being close to Zhongli and couldnt lose him yet. Thats why he decided to transform into foul legacy and hopped after him at full speed. 

Zhongli reached the harbour and jumped in the water and dived to the bottom. Oh no! Childes foul legacy form contains electricity, and jumping in the sea might cause death to both him and Zhongli. But he was too slow if he didnt use foul legacy. So he jumped in anyways and hoped for the best. In under a second he got zhongli out from there, but they were both severely wounded because of the electro and water combo. 

-"W-why" Zhongli said with no light in his eyes. Both of them were taking their final breaths. Childe was somewhat pleased that they both still could say their last words to eachother. 

-"Listen to me closely, we dont have much time" childe said with a serious voice. Zhongli looked kinda dead in the eyes but childe knew he was still there. He had to get his attention somehow, and he had the perfect idea.

- "This has to do with farming", he said. Zhonglis eyes lit up immediately.

- "In the fatuism, we have our own way of thinking called communism 2.0", childe said, "but we can make it 2.1 if you join us". Zhongli looked at him listening to his every word closely. 

-"I want to make everyone who is apart of the communism community farmers, with equal big farms, equal pay and equal crops." childe said, "you have opened the love for farming in me and i believe you can do that to everyone else too". Zhongli couldnt believe these words. Maybe he's dreams weren't long gone, but they were dying, because of him. Zhongli felt guilt building and tears streaming down his face. 

-"I felt a powerful electro on seas that were NOT mine" they heard a smashing voice say from behind. She sounded somewhat annoyed and stood right by their faces so they could see her properly. 

-"Wait... MORAX??" she yelled. Oh damn its zhonglis old friends, the electro archon. 

-"Hello Ei" Zhongli said weakly. Childe was just laying there in shock of the sight of the electro archon. 

-"Anyways putting that amount of electro in the liyue sea might cause some controversial issues with the electro in the inazuma sea so i need to know who did it" Ei said, sounding like she was forced to come here. Zhongli felt fear going through his spine. He couldnt let her know who did it. 

-"Oh and ill take your gnosis" Ei said, "and please tell me who did it". She took the gnosis from zhonglis pocket and he felt the memories coming back. He got healed instantly and his IQ increased by like 50, so he has like 100iq now. 

-"I caused the electro overflow" Childe said quietly. Zhongli couldn't believe it. Why did he say it? They could have just lied. 

-"That was a horrible crime and including the fact that you tried to destroy liyue, ill execute you myself." Ei said. Zhongli could barely breathe and Childe took out a book from his pocket. 

-"This book contains all basic principles of communism and you can add farming yourself, please take care of it" Childe said and since he was in a weak state he couldnt control his strength, so he threw the red and yellow book at zhonglis face with full strength. Zhongli was still shook by the situation and didnt have time to react. The book hit him right in the eyes and he got blind. 

-"ZTUNZEEDNOKCUS" was the last thing zhongli heard as childe got brutally murdered on the streets of liyue harbour. But he wasn't sad. He knew what he had to do. He couldnt read the book anymore because of his ruined eyesight, but he could still spread the kind of community he wanted. He remembered childes words about what communism was and zhongli decided to mix it with farming, but after a month he and his followers got bored of farming. They added new rules to communism 2.1 and so Zhongli created a new kind of belief that is today known as national socialism. 

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