Dont Stop Fighting

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   ‘Addie! Adyna! Wake Up!’ I jolted awake in fear of what's causing her fear. Did we die? I fully regain my vision and adjust to the light to see what the panic is about. A spider web with a quarter size spider in the center is what my eyes are staring at ‘Is that spider really that scary? Really Zeph?’ She woke me up for a freak spider. I swear sometimes she's a puppy not a werewolf. ‘Hey! I'm not a puppy, do you forget I can hear everything you think? I am just afraid of them, how can you not be with they're creepy body and multiple legs? It's not normal!’ She is fastly offended by my comment. ‘Okay Zeph whatever you say’ I internally smile.

Im quickly snapped out of my discussion with Zephyna when I heard twigs breaking behind me. I turn around to find myself face to face with what seemed like a high ranked rogue. “This should be fun.” Zeph comments slightly. She's right, I haven't had a good fight in months. Their red eyes pierced into my gold ones, blood lust in their body language. Ready to fight at a moment I quickly form my fight stance both defending myself and making it easier to lunge forward. A tall man then emerges from the tree's authority radiates off him “Shift!” he orders. Who does he think he is, and I must have been wrong calling them rouges. They must be from a nearby pack or visiting ours and I wasn't told.

“Can you not hear or something? He said shift before this has to get ugly” he said aggravated. I stand for a minute before he nods towards one of the other men who then lunges towards me. Quickly dodging his blow I went straight for his neck, he left himself vulnerable thinking I wouldn't go for the kill… he was very wrong. The tall man looks down at the corpse at my feet “good damit alphas gonna be pissed, he was one of our best fighters” he basically screams at me. So he isn't the alpha but high up since he referred to the corpse as a fighter. I take a good look at the other men taking note of each one's position in case of another attack. “If you just shift so we can talk I won't have to have more warriors attack you.” he states. I just growl in response, there's no way I'm shifting back for this guy unless I absolutely have to which won't happen. He sighs looking at two more men, and they lunge towards me like the last one. 

   Does he really think basic fighters are gonna beat me? Hes stupid for underestimating my abilitys. One man jumps on me, sending us tumbling to the ground slashing and biting at each other. All of a sudden I felt a bite on my back ankle remembering the other wolf. I slush my claws down across the fighter's stomach above me and roll over pushing his now lifeless body off of me. I try to stand the best I can with my injured ankle to take down the other fighter. He has rage in his deep red eyes and my blood dripping from his mouth. He lunges towards me and I dodge his blow only to lose my balance from my wound and fall to my side. Quickly trying to force myself back up I struggle into a fighting pose. 

   “Addie you know you could heal and fight better on this foot in your human form” Zephyna states. “I know you're right but i dont wanna listen to him.’ I replied stubbornly. “So youre gonna let your stubbornness get us both hurt worse?’ she says questioningly. I sigh limping towards a tree, the fighter tries to follow me and I growl lowering my head. He took it as a sign I was giving up I guess and let me change back. I change back to my human form and put on my clothes as fast as I can using my shirt to wrap my ankle. I got up, testing how well I could walk, then made it look worse before walking back from behind the tree to face them. 

   “So you do know how to shift, that wasn't so hard was it?” he states sarcastically. “It's a shame you got hurt, Alpha wanted you unscratched” he adds. His alpha wants me? What do I have to offer other than my fighting skills? He could be someone who doesn't like my uncle and knows I'm the next in line to be alpha. “Now you can come with us willingly or the hard way which do you prefer?” he questions. I look at him with a blank expression. “I know you can hear me, are you just stubborn or do you not speak? “ he questions me once more. I smile and shrug my shoulders ‘both” Zephyna and i say to ourselves at the same time. 

   “Im just gonna take that as a both” he states. He's pretty smart for being so mean and sarcastic. “This should be fun” he smiles turning towards one of his bulkier men “grab one of the needles” he says with a wicked grin. Oh fuck no, no needles, fuck that, not happening on my watch. “And you make fun of me for spiders” Zeph giggles. “Needles and much more scary and painful and we both know it Zeph” I state matter of factly. I'm quickly taken out of my thoughts when the fighter who bite my ankle grabs me. I quickly squirm my way out of his arms and punch him as hard as I can square in the face knocking him unconscious. 

   “I must admit that was a good punch. I'm impressed, but seriously I hope that didn't actually kill him.” he laughs. I smirk at his comment, I'm glad he thinks killing his fighters is funny, not a very good leader thing to say though. My eye contact with him is broken when I feel two arms wrap around me. Immediately I swung my elbow back, blowing him in the gut causing him to let go and crunch down “i think i'm gonna throw up” he comments. I smirk down at him before using my good leg to kick him in the face sending him to the ground to take a nap.  

   Before I can blink the bulkier fighter is in front of me, his fist colliding with my jaw. I look up at him and smirk spitting out blood, it's gonna take a lot more than a wicked punch to send me down. As I'm about to hit back I feel big arms wrap around my chest and a familiar voice in my ear “this may hurt a little.” the tall man says quietly. And before I can react I feel the sharp pain of a needle in my neck. “Don't fight it, just go to sleep.” he says. I keep fighting the tiredness of the medication thrashing around in their hold trying to get out. It was useless as the minute went by. I slowly got weaker before I fell into a dark slumber.

Word Count: 1205

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