Warm Embrace

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I wake up with a warm blanket surrounding me and the sun shining on me through the window. Where am i? I sit up and look around the room, this definitely isn't the cold cell i remember. Dark blue paint coats the walls and family pictures hang with pride. I must be in someone's room, I start to think of the memories from the night before. I found my mate! This must be his room, the warm black blanket covering me smells like him. 

Trying to stand up I feel something heavy on my legs, I look down to see a hand resting on top of my thighs. I turn to look at who it is and sparks erupt throughout my body. It's him, he looks so peaceful. I don't want to wake him up. I sit still for a few more minutes before my bladder becomes to much. I need to use the bathroom, I try to move my legs over the bed only to have them pulled back by my mate.

“Five more minutes” his deep morning voice mumbles beside me. I feel my cheeks heat up, this man makes me feel things I wish I didn't. I whimper trying to move again, I really have to pee. I pull his arms off me and rush out of bed before he can pull me back again. “Where are you going?” he asks as I walk across the room to what I assume is the bathroom. “That's the closet, the bathroom the one next to it” he laughs. I make my way over to the door and finish my business, slowly opening the door after washing my hands and heading back to the bed. I was stopped dead in my tracks by my shirtless mate. I feel my cheeks heat up again and I quickly look away trying to compose myself.

“What's wrong, love? Do you like what you see?” he laughs making his way towards me. His large hand tilts my head up to look at him, my cheeks still flushed with red . “You're cute when you're shy, it's okay to like what yours” he says, kissing my forehead and walking to his dresser. I blush even harder, what is this man doing to me. He kissed me, his lips were so soft for such a big rough man. I was brought out of my thoughts by his voice. 

“Are you hungry? You never got the food and water I promised you last night. I'm sorry about that you just fell into a deep sleep and i didnt want to wake you up.” he asks nicely. I shook my head yes a few times. I'm starving after not eating for so long. Food and water sound amazing, I wonder what he's gonna get. I hope its pancakes are my absolute favorite and i havent had them in forever. I look down at my clothes to find im in my same clothes from before. I shouldn't go out like this i look horrible. 

“Would you like some clothes? I can have one of the girls bring you some while you take a shower before we go down” he asks. Walking to grab his phone off the nightstand. I shake my head, a shower sounds amazing, i bet I smell horrible. He leads me to the bathroom and hands me a towel “feel free to use anything in the shower you need, i'll knock on the door when i have the clothes and leave them on the counter. I smile as a way to say thank you and close the door.

Stepping into the warm shower I feel the dirt and sweat from the weeks before wash off of me. This feels amazing, I grab a small hand towel and add some body wash scrubbing away the dirt. It smells just like him, after I wash my body I hear a knock on the door. “It's just me, I'm gonna put the clothes on the counter for you” he says. I hear the door open and then close again telling me he has left. I grab the shampoo and lather my hair, I rinse it out feeling the dirt and grim wash off my hair. I then repeat the process with the conditioner before standing there. I slowly begin to inspect all the marks left on my body now that the dirt is no longer there. I'm covered even more than before with cuts that are sure to leave scars, before I think more of it I get out wrapping the towel around my body.

I slowly dry myself off making sure not to open any of the cuts and then wrap my wet hair with the towel. I put on the bra and underwear that were left for me and they surprisingly fit perfectly. I look at the shirt and leggings on the counter and slowly put on the black leggings making sure not to touch any cuts or bruises to hard. I grab the shirt thankful they gave me a long sleeve so none of my cuts will show. After getting dressed I take the towel out of my hair and leave it down to dry naturally. I walk out of the bathroom and see my mate sitting on the bed waiting for me. 

“You look a lot better, I bet you feel a lot better too” he smiles as I walk towards him. I smile in response and I do feel a lot better and definitely much more attractive than before. I stand in front of him and he wraps his arms around my waist hugging me from his seated position. It feels nice to have someone who cares about me again. I can't believe I found my mate, or he found me since I was in his cell. I just wish i knew his name, i still haven't learned it yet. His body is so warm and it's so comforting to be in his arms. 

I look at him and our eyes meet, his eyes are so beautiful I could stare at them forever. I smile at the thought of him being mine, I really can't believe it. I got really lucky having a mate like him. He smiles back at me looking into my eyes, I wonder what he's thinking? Does he think the same things about me? He slowly begins to move forward, is he gonna kiss me? Am I ready for this? Of course I am he's our mate, he wouldn't hurt us. We've only known each other a day, isn't this a little soon? No no we're mates it doesn't matter we'll be doing a lot more than kissing at some point. I waited for his lips to reach mine, but were both ripped away from our thoughts when there's pounding on the door. 

Word Count: 1144

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