Pancake Chaos

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My mate starts pulling out all the ingredients to our pancakes and gets out a bowl and pan. He grabs a measuring cup and opens the flour, starting to pack the cup. “Do you want to help me love?” he asks me motioning me to come over to him. I nod and step closer to him “here put this in the bowl” he says handing me the measuring cup full of flour. I pour it into the bowl and turn back towards him to hand him the cup.

As soon as I turn around, flour is flung in my face, my mate stands there with a grin. My jaw hangs open in shock, this means war. I giggle as he packs another cup of flour and hands it to me. I pour it in the bowl, coming up with a plan of revenge. I hand the cup back to him for the half cup more of flour, as soon as he hands it to me I turn to the bowl as he starts to measure out sugar. I quickly turn to him, flinging the half cup of flour at him. 

He looks at me shocked before laughing “oh really that's how this is gonna be?” he questions smiling at me. I smile in response before he hands me the cup of sugar. I turn and pour in the sugar before turning back to him for more sugar when I feel something cold on my head. I put my hand up to figure out what it is, I feel something slimy. Did he just put an egg in my hair!? I just washed it god dammit. I look at him with a blank stair, he wants to play that way fine.

---1 hour later---

Both of us stand there with two plates of pancakes, both covered in their ingredients. I looked at him smiling, I got revenge and my pancakes. We both need a shower but food is more important first. I sit down and pour syrup on my pancakes and start eating. “After we eat we should get cleaned up and then go out, it's pretty hot out so we could go to the lake near here.” he says smiling. I nod my head and the lake sounds nice.

We finish up our food and he leads me back to the bathroom. “You can take a shower in here and I'll use the guest bathroom. I'll see if my sister left a bathing suit here from last time we went to the lake” he says handing me a towel. I walk into the bathroom and start the shower starting my routine from this morning. I start thinking, all my marks are going to show in a bathing suit. He likes me, it shouldn't matter if he will see them at some point anyways. Plus it's not like anyone else will be there.

I finished my shower and there's a bikini on the counter, weird I didn't even hear him knock. I must have been in my thoughts pretty hard. I picked up the bikini top it's pretty cute its black with a cutout on the center if my chest and two cut outs on the hips of the bottoms. I started putting it on, it surprisingly fits pretty well if i hadn't eaten those pancakes it would be a little big though. It shows a lot of my scars, it shouldn't bother me, they just show how strong I am.

I walk out of the bathroom into the room and my mate is sitting there. “Hey, I invited my sister, beta, and their mates i hope that's okay” he says. I start to think more about my scars, I hope they dont ask about them. I'm sure if they do he will say something to them. I hope they like me, what if they don't? I don't speak so he's gonna have to talk for me. What if they think I'm weird, why can't I just talk? I wish I wasn't so mentally unstable. He deserves someone who can talk to him.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts hearing his voice closer to me “you look really nice i'm glad the bathing suit fit and don't worry they won't say anything about your marks my sisters mate has a lot too” he says reassuring me. I guess that makes me feel a little better “oh before we leave so you aren't too surprised my sister's mate is a girl” he says. I nod my head i havent heard of a lesbian or gay mate for a long time its pretty rare in werewolves because one of our main objectives is to have cubs. 

We start to head outside and get into his jeep, It's so pretty I love his car. I get buckled in and we start our journey. “The lake is not far only a few minutes, everyone is going to meet us there” he says excitedly. I nod smiling i'm actually kind of excited to meet his sister and friends. I haven't had many friends myself so hopefully I can become friends with them too. 

After a few more minutes we pull into a parking lot, there's a few people standing behind another black jeep and they wave at us. “There's everyone else, they must have left early and picked up my sister and her mate.” He says getting out of the car I take a deep breath and take off my seatbelt and he opens my door. “It will be okay, they'll love you my sister has been excited to meet you since the day we found each other, so two days ago you were out for a while.” he says, calming me down. I grab his hand and hop out of the jeep making our way towards the trunk of the jeep and he grabs two beach towels for us.

Word Count: 987

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