Girls Day Pt. 2

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We pull up to the mall and all hop out of the jeep, goddess it's so hot today. “So I was thinking of stopping at urban outfitters first. They have lots of cute clothes and accessories there plus I need a new bikini and they're pretty cute there” Lacey says pulling lilith and i behind her. As soon as we step through the doors she pulls us in the store.

“Okay look around and if you see anything you like grab it and we will try it on lilith and i am going to find a few things for you and ourselves too we will meet at the changing rooms in about twenty minute. Lacey says. She and Lilith both go separate ways and I start to look through a rack of shorts. I pick out a pair of white denim shorts and black of the same pair, then begin looking through what I believe to be the sports clothes.

After picking out a pair of black biker shorts and spandex I begin the search for a sports bra or tank top to go with them. Along with finding a few shirts to go with my shorts. I find a rack of all crop tops and start looking through them, there are so many cute ones. I grabbed a regular black cropped cami, a white halter with sunflowers on it, a yellow cropped tee, and grabbed the same one in black and white. By this time I feel like it's time to head to the changing room.

When I get there the girls are waiting there with way too much clothes in their hands. “Here we got you some more stuff and I'm glad we did cause you don't have much in your hands” Lacey says handing most of her pile and about half of Liliths to me. I headed into the changing room trying my stuff on first and the only thing I didn't like was the white cropped tee shirt cause it was see through. Setting it to the side and hanging the rest on the wall I started trying on the things the girls picked for me.

After trying on about ten dresses I decided I only like two of them and put them with the clothes on the wall I like. I started looking through the rest and found a few bikinis and tried them on. I ended up picking two of the five a plan black triangle bikini and a yellow frill edge two piece. I looked through the shirts and put a few in the dont want since they match the few i had already grabbed, after trying on about seven i picked five i like and started trying on skirts picking two skater skirts that were the same in different color one white and one black. Lastly I tried on the pile of shorts they brought because there had to be at least ten pairs. After trying them all, five didnt fit and I only liked three. 

I came out of the dressing room with a decent amount of clothes and we went to the check out. Lacey and Lilith paid together and I was next. The girl stood close to me waiting as the cashier rang up my clothes. I watched the number slowly go up and remembered what Kilyian said don't worry about the price, get what you want. I didn't even listen to the total and just swiped the black card. With bags in hand we head to the next store.

After about three more stores and many more bags we continue to the next “we should go to Victoria's Secret. You need underwear and bras and I want more lingerie” Lilith says and they make their way in. All of these things are so pretty. I wandered around grabbing a plain black lace set and a red set with rhinestones on the straps and grabbing the pink and black of the same set. I continue to wonder about grabbing a few more pairs of underwear before turning the corner to a whole area of lingerie.

“I didn't think you would want anything from this section but i guess i was wrong” lacey says walking up to me. I smile and blush a little and the thought of wearing something like this for Kilyian. Maybe I should get some stuff for when Kilyian and my relationship gets more serious. I grab a black lace one piece and continue looking. “His favorite color is red” Lacey says before walking away from me. 

I look around more trying to find a cute red set before my eyes land on a red lace corset top and a matching thong. It's perfect, I hope he ends up liking it. I wander around the store more finding cute silk pajama sets and grab a few along with a silk robe. I make my way closer to the register and find perfume. I grab the love spell perfume and lotion and decide I'm done. I go to the register to find Lacey and Lilith there waiting to check out too. 

After checking out we start to head to the food court “I starving” Lacey says and lilith and i agree. They head to get food and a burger place and I head to a japanese place ordering matcha milk boba tea and some chow mein. We meet back at a table and put our things down. We start eating and Lacey stops before grabbing something from one of her bags “i almost forgot Kilyian told me to get you this” Lacey says handing me a phone.

It's the newest iPhone in a sparkling pink case, I haven't had a phone in a while. I smile and hug her since i can't really say thank you “oh i got these too” she says handing me a few more cases. One is a fluffy black case, one is a silicon panda, one clear with sunflowers, and my favorite is a teddy bear fluffy soft case. “I already downloaded a few basic app for you snapchat, instagram, and twitter we will have to set up your accounts”

We finished eating and setting up my social media account flower.child was my username for all of them which makes sense with my love for sunflowers. My profile photo was the picture of us from the beach till I took more photos. I need to take a lot more apparently. The girls said I could be a model if I tried but I think they're just trying to boost my confidence. 

“What should we do next? Kilyian says he's still working on pack stuff” Lacey says as she puts hers and Lilith's stuff in the trunk. I put mine in the backseat with me as we all get in the jeep. “We could get our hair and nails done” Lilith suggests. “Ooo yes! I need a haircut and a new set of nails” Lacey replies. We head off to a nail shop nearby they say is their regular place and when we get there the girls look through their phone for inspiration. “Hey addie i think i found a set you would like '' Lilith says showing me a picture of a clear set of sparky nails with sunflowers and yellow butterflies on them. I shake my head, they're amazing. 

We head inside and all are seated by the nail techs. Lilith sent me the photo so I can show it to my artist and she gets to work. About 45 minutes later we were all finished and we paid and headed back to the jeep. We get in and head to their favorite barber shop. I haven't cut my hair for as long as I can remember. I started looking through instagram for something I like. I found a picture of a lower back length azure and navy blue hair and fell in love. “Did you find what you want?” Lacey asks and I shake my head yes. Okay let's go do it then, we had all decided to surprise each other with our hair. 

The hair stylist takes my hair down and is surprised by the length, my hair goes to my mid thigh. I show her the picture I choose “are you sure sweet hair that's a lot of hair to take off. I shake my head yes and she gets started by washing my hair and then begins to cut it. My head feels so much lighter when she's done cutting. She then begins bleaching my hair, when it's done she rinses it out and begins coloring it. About an hour later all of us girls are done and paid. We head for the jeep we stop outside the jeep and look at each other's new hair. Lacey got hers re bleached and Lilith dyed hers a deep red. “Addie, I love your hair. The blue looks great and the length is perfect on you.” Lilith says and Lacey agrees. “Lets get home and surprise your man with your new look” Lacey says

Word Count: 1517

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