Roller Coaster

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Before I knew it were pulling into the amusement park parking lot trying to find an empty spot to park. “Damn there's a lot of people here today” Lacey says from the back seat. “Yeah it's super hot out, my weather app said it's supposed to be 102 degrees fahrenheit today.” Lilith adds. “Goddess that's hot, I'm glad there's a water park” I say trying to help Kilyian find a parking spot. 

We eventually get a parking spot when someone pulls out of the park lot. "Jack and Lana said they couldn't make it" Kilyian say. Getting out we all grab our bags and towels before making our way to the front gate of the park to pay. Once we finish paying which Kilyian insisted on paying for us all we get two lockers one for each couple for our things before adventuring to the water park. 

“I say water park then roller coasters I need to cool down It's hot as hell out here.” Kilyian says. “I agree” say grabbing his hand as we made our way to the water slides. “Don't forget to grab a tube” Lilith says, grabbing a double for Lacey and her. Kiliyan grabs one for us before we make our way to the first slide. 

“This one looks fun” Lacey says, dragging Lilith to probably the biggest water slide in the park. “Go big or go home” I say following them up the stairs. Lilith and Lacey go in front of us, as we wait hearing their screams as they go down. “Big guy in the back you in the front” the employee says as Kilyian puts the tube into the slide. He sits down before holding his hand out to help me sit down. Soon after I feel a push from the employee and water splash in my face. Laughing the whole way down as Kilyian screams behind me gripping the tube. 

Once at the bottom we hop out of the tube and walk over to Lacey and Lilith. “Well that was fun” I say giggling. We start our walk to the next slides. Eventually we went on all of them and were all visibly tired. “Let's get a drink, some food, and dry off then head to the roller coasters” Kilyian says. “Sounds good I'm starving” I say heading towards our lockers. 

We dry off the best we could before putting our clothes on and making our way to a little area with food. “Oooo i want that” Lilith says pointing to a picture of a packed bacon burger before dragging Lacey towards it. “I want chicken strips” I say looking up at Kilyian. “Okay babe lets get you chicken strips and some water” Kilyian responds, grabbing my hand as we make our way over to Lacey and Lilith. 

Kilyian orders our food and we make our way over to a picnic table with the girls food in hand. “This is amazing” Lilith says with a big bite of burger in her mouth. “Looks like it” Lacey laughs starting to eat her food. We all finish our food, throwing away trash we make our way to the roller coasters. “I'm not gonna lie, some of these rides look intimidating” I say looking up at a ride with lots of twists and turns. “Come on it will be fun” Lacey says, grabbing my hand and dragging me to the ride.

We take our seats strapping in before the ride jolts forward making us all sceam. The wind blowing on my face roughly, the ride is over as quick as it began. “What an adrenaline rush, next” Lacey says like it was nothing. “Give me a minute I'm trying not to puke” Kilyian says grabbing my hand stopping me. An hour later we've gone on just about every ride and my feet are killing me. 

“I'm ready to leave” I said to Kilyian. “Agreed, girls, I think it's about time to go” he says. “Finally my feet are killing me” Lilith says grabbing Lacey before she can drag us to another ride. “Ahhh okay I guess you're right they're closing soon anyways. Lacey groans as we make our way to the lockers to grab our things. We soon make our way back to the car putting our things in the trunk before making our way back to our house. 

“That was so much fun, I took so many pictures I will send them to you Addie. Lacey says as we make our way inside with our things. “I think we're gonna head home, have good night guys” Lilith says as they close the door. “I think it's time for bed” Kilyian says as we make our way up the stairs to our room. “I think so too” I say, making my way to my closest peeling off my now dry clothing and bikini before putting on a new set of underwear and grabbing one of Kiyian shirts. 

I make my way to bed as Kiyian comes out of the bathroom in a pair of boxers. We climb into bed snuggling into each other, he turns on the ac with a remote before cuddling back into me. “Goodnight love" he say kissing my forehead. “Goodnight” i respond closing my eyes. Soon both of us fall asleep in each other's arms.

Word Count: 888

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