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After the movie we sat and talked waiting for Jack, when he finally arrived orders were being thrown around left and right. “Warriors! Two on each door and watch the windows!” Jack orders. “We’re also gonna need two guards at our bedroom door in case someone manages to get past the warriors tonight'' Kilyian adds. I sat down on the couch watching the chaos around me. This is exactly what my uncle wanted, by sending the notes he knew the pack would be running around trying to figure out how to keep me and the rest of the pack safe.

I can't help but to think he's coming soon if he knows we’re all on edge. He's going to use this to his advantage. I just know it. As I sit in my thoughts I hear a crash in the kitchen and get up to see what it might have been I step on a ice of glass. ‘This is how people die in movies addy, go sit back down’ Zephs voice rings through my mind. ‘You're right what am i doing’ i step back outside the kitchen pulling the glass out of my foot and yell for Kilyian letting him know what i heard.

“Jack come to the kitchen” Kilyian yells into the living room. After explaining what I heard one more time, we make our way into the kitchen to see a broken window above the sink. “What the hell” I say looking at the all broken glass on the floor and some of my blood from before, I notice writing on a rock. “3 days” I read aloud. “3 days for what, are they declaring war?” Jack questions. “That's what it seems like or a threat to your Luna” Kilyian responds. 

I never would wish a war on anyone against my uncles pack. They are ruthless. There is no surrendering, just death, I don't want the pack to fall because of me. Even if I am strong, I couldn't take them all out. No one here is as strong as me except maybe Kilyian. I don't know maybe I underestimate my pack. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Kilyians voice “Jack call for a pack meeting in the training field, it's going to be a long night. “Yes alpha” Jack responds leaving the kitchen. I never heard Jack call Kiliyian alpha, this is all so overwhelming but i guess i should get to the field.

                                                                                                               ~1 hour later~

I stand next to Kilyian in front of our pack minus the children so as not to worry them. “I've gathered you here to warn you of a war to come, your lunas old pack has declared a war over her. I will not let them take her and I hope you can follow me in protecting our Luna in this fight. Women who aren't warriors will be in the pack house basement with the children. Men eighteen and older shall fight along me. If you haven't started your training you will start first thing tomorrow morning. If you do not wish to fight, speak to me in my office, thank you.” Kilyian says his voice loudly with authority. 

Whispering erupts through the crowd as pack members turn to their friends and mates. I can feel everyone's fear through the pack link, I can't believe this is all happening because of me. “Stop blaming yourself my love” Kilyian says, kissing my forehead. “I know i shouldn't but it really feels like all of this is my fault i mean its my old pack coming to attack ours” I say tears forming in my eyes. This is my fault if I hadn't had left that day this wouldn't be happening.

A warrior runs up to where we stand “There's been a breach at the north border” He says very out of breath. “Get all the women and children to the basement and make sure everything is locked from the inside, and round up all the warriors. I guess this war is happening sooner than planned” Kilyians yells out. He turns to me staring into my eyes “I don't want you on this battlefield but i know you won't take no for an answer so please be careful Adyna i mean it i can't imagine going on without you” he says kissing me and then turning to his beta barking out more orders.

I run inside helping usher the women and children downstairs to the basement “Dont worry ill be back this battle will not be for nothing” i say turning away to put on a suit of armor. I stare at myself in our bathroom mirror “You can do this, you will do this for your pack, your the Luna now it your job to make sure everyone gets out safe” I say to myself before tying my hair up and making myself outside with the other warriors. I make my way to Kilyian at the front line to face the crowd of warriors.

“I know the way they fight! They always attack from the sides or behind, never from the front. And they fight to kill, they wont stop till everyone in this pack is dead so show no mercy! I pray to the moon goddess we all get out of here alive” I say the loudest I can and turn back to Kilyian. “You’re an amazing luna my love, now let's protect our pack” he says and looks around. I close my eyes and listen the best I can. After a few minutes I hear a tree branch break “EAST” I scream, opening my eyes in the east border I see eyes glowing back before wolves start flooding out of the tree line. So much for three days of course they would attack early then threatened i should have known.

Our two packs collide as the battle begins, ripping through warriors. I try to find my uncle within the crowd only to find him with Kilyian, my uncles beta creeping up from behind. I feel zephina forcing me to shift ‘im faster then you there was no way you would get there in time’ she says pushing me to shift and tearing through his beta. My uncle shifts and so does Kilyian as I stand next to him, it's two against one and no one deserves it more than him. 

I charge into him and we slash into eat other as i pin him onto his back he shows his neck trying to submit something he's never done before and before i cant react as zephina sinks her teeth in and rips out his throat smiling at my dead abuser beneath me ‘don't say i never did anything for you’ Zephinas voice rings through my mind caringly. I step away looking up to see the battle has stopped. The remainder of his pack now considered rogues retreat into the forest. 

Kilyian walks up to me shifted back into his human form in sweats and hands me the shirt he was wearing. I shift back pulling the shift over my body “thanks you” i say looking up at him. “Are you hurt at all” is the first thing he asks scanning over my body. “Nothing but scratches, i told you i would be okay” i say kissing him. I pull away looking around the battlefield to see the damage. Warriors are being bandaged up by pack nurses and a few being carried away to what I assume is the pack hospital. “27 with minor injuries, 16 with broken bones, and 3 deaths” Kilyian says. 

I knew people would die but it still hurts to hear ever with number so low. “Did any of them have mates or children” I say worried. “No which is extremely lucky and a very low number of deaths for the amount of people in each pack” he says looking down at me. I look around as the other packs bodies are stacked at a whole in the ground till all the bodies are in a pile before a huge fire blazes over them. Women and children start to come out of the pack house looking for their loved ones as i turn back to Kilyian “Thank the moon goddess this is finally all over” I say pulls into him for a hug. “I love you” he says kissing me.


Word Count: 1492

Thank you all for the support on this book, this book is now going under exteme editing to make the book longer but for now the book is finally complete! (I'm planning on continuing at some point but this will be the end for awhile while I edit the rest of the book more to my liking I want to add more chapter in Kilyian pov and explain how he already knew her name and maybe extend some of the filler chapters along with the war scene  2/8/2023)

~Arial Blair

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