You Speak

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I open my eyes slowly adjusting to the natural lighting brightening the room, staring up at the ceiling. My mind begins to wonder about last night and the events that took place. I look to my side to see Kiliyan still fast asleep with an arm wrapped tight around my waist. 

I can't help but wonder what my mark looks like, I try to get up slowly to let his arm slide off me only to be pulled into him tightly. "Where do you think you're going?" he questions, his voice deep and raspy from sleep. "To the bathroom" I try my best to reply, my voice coming out broken. Kiliyans eyes widened "How could I have forgotten you spoke, you speak!" he says, squeezing me. "Yeah, bathroom!" I replied, pushing away, I managed to get out of his arms and make my way to the bathroom.

Finishing my business I stop at the mirror and look at the mark on my neck. It's already turned into a tattoo. A wolf howling to the moon with the initials KR, it's really pretty. I was worried it might be something weird like ive seen on some mates. A little basic but I still love the design, it's perfect for me. 

I must have been very concentrated on the mark because I didn't realize Kilyian had opened the door till I felt his arms around my waist. “It looks perfect on you.” he says, kissing my mark. I smile in response before making my way to the closet to find something to wear. 

Picking out a basic pair of high waisted levis denim shorts and a white cropped t-shirt. I started changing in the closet without thinking about it, that was till I felt eyes burning into me. “Yes?” i say simply. “Uhm nothing just watching?” Kiliyan replies to me as a question then a statement. I guess it doesn't bother me he's my mate after all. 

I finish changing and walk out of the closet over to where Kiliyan is sitting on the bed. “What are we doing today?” i croke out still getting used to the sound of my own voice. “I don't know love, what did you want to do?” He replies pulling me so I'm standing between his legs. “Well it looks really nice out, we could see if everyone wants to go to the lake again or something.” I say smiling, my voice cracking a few times. 

Kiliyan stays quiet for a minute, his eyes glazed over he must be mind linking someone. He looks back up at me “That's a good idea everyone should be here in about ten minutes.” He says getting up off the bed. “Hey! No fair. I wanna be able to do that too. I can only mind link you.” i say pouting.

Kiliyan makes his way back over to me grabbing my face gently “You will soon love but we have to finish the mating process and introduce you as Luna first and i didnt want to rush you into anything you weren't ready for.” he says and kisses me. I feel a blush rise on my face “I apreciate that '' I say quietly looking down at my feet. His hand pulls my face back up by my chin. “Don't worry princess, everyone will know your mine now with that mark you're wearing so we can arrange your ceremony soon, now let's get ready they should be here soon.

I make my way back to the closet and grab a plain white bikini and make my way to the bathroom to change. Kilyan stops me, grabbing my hand “Where are you going? You just changed in front of me” he says smirking. “This is different and you know it.” I giggle, pulling away, closing the bathroom door before he can reply. 

I finish changing and put back on my shorts and top and make my way out of the bathroom. I pull my hair into a top knot while I grab a pair of flats, sliding them on, grab a purse, putting in my wallet and new phone along with a chapstick. 

Making my way out of the room and down the stairs as I hear a knock on the door. Lacey opens the door and everyone follows her in, her eyes going straight to my neck and she smiles. I feel Kiliyan behind me “let's get going” he says grabbing my hand. “I agree” I say giggling being dragged to the door by Kilyian.

“WHAT!?” Lacey looks at us. “What's going on? I'm so confused, stop right now” she continues. Kiliyan stops “I marked her last night. She asked me too. She's been getting used to her voice so no long sentences yet she kinda sounds like a teenage boy going through puberty.” Kiliyan jokes. “Rude!” I say lightly hitting his arm. “But yes” I replied to Lacey.

“Now lets go!” I say dragging Kiliyan out the door to the white jeep climbing into the passenger seat. “ See yall there” Kiliyan says, climbing into the driver's seat and starting the car.

Word Count: 855

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