01 : Flight to Bangkok

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"I understand, sir. That is the reason why we suggest that particular clause in the agreement." Yoon Sena gets out of the taxi with her airpods on her ears. She hasn't stopped receiving calls since she left the office until she arrived at the airport now. "It might seem small and petty for now, but that kid is very talented. You never know in this industry and if you want to keep representing him, you have to protect his right." She bows and slightly smiles at the taxi driver that helps her take down her luggage. She continues her conversation until the check in gate.

It is one of the entertainment companies that she consults. They are pretty new in the entertainment industry that she has to guide them and set the standard for them to see.

She now has to fly to Thailand to take care of a contract for some trainees that pass an audition for one of the biggest entertainment companies in Korea, HYBE. Their original lawyer team from her company has urgent things to take care of in the US and ask her for help, plus she talked a little bit of Thai which they found advantageous.

"Yoon Sena-ssi..." the counter staff called her to give her ticket and the gate she had to go to for departure. She quickly thanked her and picked up her vibrating phone that has been ringing like crazy since she did the security check in the front gate.

"Mr. Thompson..." Sena greeted in a high pitched tone, yet giving a poker face as the one on the other side can't see her expression. "Yea, that part should be fine. I put the comment on the file you sent me..."
She still maintained the same still face and pitch while talking. This Mr. Thompson actually calls just to flirt while she already gave him all he needs over the mail. While she pretended to listen to him, she found an empty seat in the lounge and quickly sat down resting her tired feet. "I know, I did a great job right Mr. Thompson... oh right! Niall... You want me to call you Niall... alright! Got it!" She gave in while putting a fake smile on a flat face hoping this man quickly hangs-up. She massages her calf to relieve her tiredness a bit. "Airport? What do you mean?... oh you heard the announcement?"
What a creepy guy, damn it. Sena cursed at herself when Niall Thompson guessed her location.
"Hahaha so funny Mr. Thompson, I mean... Niall... I just got back from London last week. Going back so soon might seem like I did a bad job right? Hahaha-" another flat laugh. But Niall sounds so happy listening to her response and trying to find another topic.

Just then a tall man with glasses stands beside her and looks at her in a blank or rather cold look. Sena senses something is wrong and this guy looks particularly familiar.

"Mr. Thompson... You see, my announcement is here. Yea, Bali Bali right!" She slightly heard the announcement. It is hectic in her head, to cut the call, to find the reason to and to guess what this guy wants from her by standing there, "I need a break too right ?... hahaha... ok, bye!" She hung up and looked at the guy in confusion. He then just slightly bowed at her like he knew her.

"I am sorry but you have been sitting on my jacket." He pointed at her seat and she just noticed she was sitting on it all this time. When she turned to take it, she also just realized his backpack was there too all along. Again, she cursed at herself for making a stupid move.

She looked at the guy and smiled awkwardly and then stood up from her seat, "I am sorry... I was on a call, so I wasn't very observant... anyway, please have your seat..." she hurriedly tells the guy to take back the seat, he looks like he wanted to say something but Sena cuts her, "My flight! Bali is here anyway... hahaha-" that unnecessary flat laugh.

Sena quickly got out of the lounge and went to the ladies room. She needs to go and change to comfortable clothes anyway.


The announcement for Sena's flight was released just when she informed her family that she is departing. Now she has changed to jeans and a hoodie with comfortable shoes, from a suit dress and heels. From a soft pink color to blue grey shades. She put on a shade so that she can sleep comfortably in the flight.

Before the flight attendants suspected her for anything, she took down her shades and showed her boarding pass. No one actually suspects her, it's just her feeling as people usually treat her differently just because of how she dresses plus she seats on the business class, she just took a measurement before anyone gives attention.

Sena found her seat in the middle, she dislikes the seat by the window because she dislikes the turbulence sometimes. She quickly settled in as she is so tired after long day work and evening flight. She pulls her hoodie to wrap her face and falls asleep.


It has been over 4 hours since the departure time when Sena checked her watch. She feels hungry now, so she called for the flight attendant for a meal. She checked herself in a mirror to prepare for eating and tied her hair up...
"Seems it's your habit to take someone else's place." The man in a black leather jacket, a black hat and glasses beside her suddenly talks and it feels like directed to her. And there is something about that sentence that also triggers her in a way.
"Excuse me...?" She checks if it's for her, trying to sound as calm as possible. So the man took down his book and looked at her.

Sena regrets it quickly and looks away, daebak! She told herself, now she realized who the guy is, the same guy from the lounge before and maybe because she is refreshed from her sleep. She now notices who the guy is, Jeon Wonwoo!

"I hope you are not on the wrong flight, Yoon Sena-ssi." Wonwoo said calmly. Sena slowly looks at him awkwardly and feels embarrassed to show this side of her at him. It's not like she likes him... well she used to have a crush on him but that was a long time ago.

"Wonwoo-ssi, annyeonghaseyo..." she bows awkwardly, "woah, what a coincidence to see you here." The smile was awkward, the tone was so down and shy.

"At least that reaction is sincere..." Wonwoo said.
"Y..yea?" Sena was surprised by the comment and confused at the same time.

Wonwoo smirked and smiled slightly, but then he quickly put on a normal expression and went back to his book.

But that is a smile right? He smiled, right? The cold Jeon Wonwoo just smiled right? Sena asked herself. She can't help but notice the slight expression he just made.
Why would he smile over that?
She shrugged herself and thanked the flight attendant that delivered her meal.


The announcement for landing has been released. Sena quickly packed her belongings and fastened her seatbelt.

She was checking her documents on her ipad before. She slightly checks on Wonwoo from time to time as he was quickly asleep after that smile incident.

Why would he smile like that? Am I that funny? Sena tilted her head and brushed it off.

As the time for landing, Sena closed her eyes tightly and held onto her backpack. Just when the unfastened your seat belt sign was on, she slowly opened her eyes. She saw people around her had also been preparing to get out of the plane but she took her breath before leaving.

She looks at Wonwoo who is standing and brightly talking to the old man behind his seat with his wife. They talked warmly and shared some good wishes and encouragement.

I guess he is popular among old people too, uh. Sena thought for herself.

"You were sitting on their seat." Wonwoo said to Sena while he packed up the rest of his things and put on a mask.

"But my seat was..." Sena checks her boarding pass and face palms herself out of embarrassment.

Jeon Wonwoo just smirks again behind the mask, it is not visible but Sena believes he did.

He just walked away as the door opened. Sena wants to ask him what happened but she can't find her airpods, so she stays a bit to look for it.

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