13: In the Back of the Mind

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"What?! Niall Thompson proposed to you?" Seonho raised his voice in the car as soon as Sena told him the story, "That man is crazy."

Sena knew that he was overreacting to make her feel validated, "My father supported him." She added, causing Seonho to let go of a small cough.

"Again?" He asked in a normal yet concerned tone now, getting a nod from Sena. "So, what will you do now?"

She shrugged, "I managed to persuade Niall with his siblings' competition. But my parents..." she hesitated, "Talking to them will be useless. Not to mention getting angry."

"So, are you going to leave them be?" Seonho looks really worried now.

"I honestly don't know." She let out a deep sigh.

"They left you with your uncle in The US when you were a kid, then let you stay with your grandma in middle school before she passed away. Now you are a grown up, they suddenly want to take care of you? What a joke." Seonho scoffed angrily. Sena looked at him which made him feel nervous, "Sorry I know they are your parents... but..." He stuttered, worried he was crossing a line..

"No, it's fine." Sena looked like she found inspiration, "Can I disown my family? I think there is a law for that. I can change my last name too."

Seonho is dumbfounded, "Are you for real?" He made sure if she was in her right mind. "I know there is one in The US but I don't think they have one here."

She looked at Seonho with sparkling eyes.

"Do you think it will change anything, then?" Seonho brings her back to her senses.

Sena sat back and let go a deep sigh. Seonho got a point. Her parents will just do whatever they want, but she still can't find a way to stop them. She did try getting off grid but they still found her, like she was in Thailand. It took them six months but somehow they found her. Perhaps, her father is really that one good diplomat like what she heard of which made sense of his appointment as ambassador couple years back.

"Why are they so obsessed with marrying me off with some rich and prestigious guys?" Sena groans angrily. She is so annoyed, especially because she had to recall her past love story which ended up messy because of her parents' involvement.

Sena's flashback.

Sena was dating a senior in her junior year, his name is Kwon Sihyeon. They were taking the same classes as Sihyeon, who served the military before. He was popular at law school, not only was he smart and got the full scholarship, he was also good looking. Sena wasn't expecting a romantic relationship with him at all, especially as there were rumors that he is a player. Sihyeon made his first move on Sena, and to her surprise they got connected pretty fast. He appeared to be respectful and kind and most importantly they are both interested in literature and paintings which made them connect easily. Sihyeon also came from a pretty 'normal' family which is one of her preferences. Her parents' obsession with family status and prestige made her sick of it. Or it was part of her rebellion to her parents, proving to them that even a guy from a regular family can make it big.

They dated for a couple of years. Things were real to Sena and she thought she had finally found the one. Especially when he asked her to meet her parents, they went to Poland together despite Sena's warning on her parents preferences. Things went well to her surprise. Sihyeon was so eloquent and made her proud knowing how picky and condescending her parents could be, they welcomed Sihyeon. Sena kinda opened up a bit to her parents since. After years growing up without them and suddenly telling her to do things, it was deliberating for her to see a change.

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