04: Reconciliation

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Wonwoo is still curious about what Yoon Sena said to the guy last night and tame him in a minute. He tried to ask Kim Jinhee but she hasn't replied to him since. He assumed that she must've asked Sena on their way back to the hotel, but he didn't know because he was dropped earlier than them to a different hotel. His curiosity brings him here spending his holiday with Yoon Sena in Bangkok. Now, he just needs to find a way to bring it up to her during the trip.

There is a reason why he never wanted to be involved with Yoon Sena although they met several times before. It's because she looks cunning. Maybe due to her job and how she socializes make her seem that way. She flutters people a lot and says empty words. Type of people that he'll be less likely to be close to. But weirdly, since last night she is totally a different person from what he imagined. He thought this MRT ride too will be full of conversation or questions from her side, so she could get to his good side. But she is very composed and only says what is necessary.

"Oh, we are here!" Sena told Wonwoo who was standing in front of her, as she heard the announcement. He unconsciously was staring at her all this time, so he looked away pretending to focus on the sound.

They arrived at their first destination and needed to walk 300 meters to get there. Along the way, Sena told the story about the place like a tour guide. He saw her read them on the train and listened to her attentively.

"That's the famous eating place. Let's go there after we go around." She said while checking the map.

Wonwoo switched to the outer side of the lane, so Sena could be in the inner side. They walked and took pictures while walking around. For a while Wonwoo forgot about his mission and also the reason why he came to Bangkok in the first place.

"Finally! Time to eat!" Sena gets excited as soon as they sit at the restaurant. "Anything you want to eat?"

There are many fish and prawn choices in the menu, which he doesn't like. So he looks at the menu closely looking for something he can eat.

"Are you allergic to something?" Sena asked while looking at the menu. He was surprised by the question, not many people asked that. He didn't answer directly so Sena looked at him and repeated her question.

"I don't really enjoy seafood." He finally answered.

"Do you prefer rice or noodles?" She asked again.

"Rice." He answered automatically as being distracted by the menu options.

"How about this one? It's a chicken curry but a little bit different to what we have in Korea. And there is this salad which is very fresh but sour, can you handle sour and spicy?..." Yoon Sena keeps explaining to him that he ditched the menu as she did it very well that they ordered the food quickly.

"It's really good as you said." Wonwoo commented as soon as he tried the food. He digs in and compliments it enthusiastically.

"I don't know if you are picky with food." Sena said after they eat and enjoy their Thai tea. "You look like someone that would eat anything."

He just smirks at her comment "What about you? Anything you can't eat?" He just realized he hasn't asked her the question.

She shakes her head, "Not really, I almost eat everything. But why do you not like seafood?"

"The smell. I don't really like it and their texture, it's just not my style."

Sena just nodded to his answer. "Shall we go then?"


The sun is going down and she now looks out the window, enjoying the warm sun and the shadows it made.

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