02: Bangkok

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"I can't believe I lost my airpods as soon as I arrived in Bangkok." Sena whined on the phone when she looked for her hotel room. "I have searched everywhere and I am sure that I purposely put on the chair so I can put it in my pocket... I even asked the flight attendants to search for me but we didn't find them. So annoying..." she complained to her best friend Han Miso.

Sena lays on her back and sighs, "My friend Han Miso is starting her own brand, being the boss of her own. While I am here working my ass off working for some people, flying every week to make a living. Ah... I envy you..."

"Why do you have so many things to complain about in just 10 minutes?" Miso asked over the phone.

"Right, I should not be right?" She took a deep breath, suddenly she remembered something and sat up. "You know what?" She said hurriedly to Miso.

"What?" Miso try not to be triggered as her friend tends to be dramatic.

"I met Jeon Wonwoo on the flight." She told her. "And he sat right beside me."

"Really? That must be awkward since you guys have never talked before." Miso said.

Sena, Miso and Wonwoo have the same circle of people that hang out every once in a while. It is not a club or something, just some friends of Jackson Wang that happened to be clique and sometimes he uses it to introduce friends and network since he is a business man himself. Jackson was Sena's friend from uni and one of Miso's investor. Since many people meet through Jackson, some just meet without him and arrange hang-out while they can, just some casual arrangement for lunch, shared-trip and such.

Miso and Sena were friends in Junior High but Sena left and studied abroad. They stayed in touch and accidentally met again in some gathering.

Sena just met Wonwoo twice in a dinner meet up and he usually came pretty late when Sena herself also always came last due to her job. But they'll just greet each other and that's it.

"Yea, that's right." Sena tries to recall, "But he actually talks more than we ever did. Although it can hardly be called a conversation..." She then shrugged, "anyway..."

"I just hope you don't act stupid knowing you can be really weird outside of your professional work." Miso chuckles as she imagines how Yoon Sena can be very sloppy when she is not in working mode.

Sena bites her lip as soon as she heard that, 'I think I accidentally act stupid..."

"Seriously?" Miso tries to hold her laugh as she can imagine stuff can happen when it comes to Yoon Sena. "Don't tell me you are in that hoodie again... You really need to try not to."

"Well, that too... and something else happened. Aish, molla!" She now pulls her head, "mola mola..."

Meanwhile Miso just laughs and teases Sena all night until her boyfriend comes and Sena decides to go to sleep.


Sena wakes up early for breakfast, worried she might do something stupid, she prepared her day better. The meeting will be in the hotel meeting room downstairs, so the moment she steps out from the room is in working mode.

"Okay, let's do this Lawyer Yoon! You are an experienced lawyer with an international degree. Let's live up to that name."

She put on peach long cut bray pants that come in pairs with a blazer and with white shirt inside. Bangkok is a tropical city, so she can just take off her blazer if she needs to go outside today. She did not forget her lawyer pin and also name card in her purse. She has everything ipad, phone, charger but her airpods that are missing, she might need to stop at the mall to buy another one.

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