05: Replacement Trip

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Sena guts told her that there is more Jeon Wonwoo wants from her besides the story from the night before. She couldn't stop making theories in her head as soon as she arrived at the hotel.

"Why do I have to go with him to Pattaya tomorrow? I mean, I have a plan too!"

She talked to herself while drying her hair, she was ranting to the person in the mirror, herself.

Well, you don't Yoon Sena.

"But why should I go with him? We are practically strangers. I mean we barely talked before but now spending the night with him? Cham!" She smirks at herself, "You crazy Yoon Sena. You make enough money to spend it luxuriously! Savings? Who cares? Let's just spend it!"

She ran through her phone trying to find Wonwoo's contact to cancel the plan. But his text arrived just the moment she was about to text him.

I have booked everything for tomorrow. Including the car and accomodation. See you at the hotel!

"Why is this guy doing whatever he wants?" She ranted while typing but another message arrived.

Don't mind the expense. Let's just say I pay your fee for being my tour guide.

Sena stopped typing and deleted all she wrote. She still hasn't got the circle of it. As much as she wanted to cancel the trip, she also didn't find Wonwoo to be an annoying partner for travel. In fact, she enjoys being with him. Their pace matches well.

Yahoo! Thank you Jeon-sajang for choosing my service. I hope you won't take back what you said and regret it tomorrow. This chat can be the proof. Kkkk~

She finally replied although she still feels uneasy deep inside.

"Ah, molla!" She threw her phone to bed and did her night care routine.


The next morning, Sena waited at the lobby after packing up the breakfast from the buffet. She was the first to arrive and she always carried her lunchbox anywhere for other saving reasons, if needed, like this time.

Jeon Wonwoo arrived at 8.15 at the lobby, Sena already checked out and had her belongings with her. She already uses her wrap dress and hat, complete with shades. Anyone could tell she is going to the beach today.

Meanwhile, Wonwoo was just wearing a white shirt and black shorts. Well kinda plain, but with his look he really doesn't need to make an effort.

He helps her with the luggage and Sena sits at the front. She put the drinking bottles on the side for each of them and had the lunchbox with her.

Wonwoo fixes his glasses and rummages through his pockets as soon as he is seated on the driver seat. He then took out a small box from his left shirt pocket "Here..." he said nonchalantly.

Sena looked at the familiar small box and noticed it's an airpod that looked like her lost one but with half-moon stickers on it. She is confused and looks at him.

"It's yours. Sorry for not noticing it earlier and you have to buy a new one." Wonwoo explained before she said a word. "I realized it last night when I found two airpods in my bag and found your name on the device name."

"But it wasn't my name on the device." Sena responded in curiosity.

"You said you were born when it's half moon, it said 반달. So I assume it's yours, isn't it?" Wonwoo starts to doubt himself too from the look.

"Yea, that's right." Sena quickly replied, she smiles, not sure because he found her airpod or because he remembered such things about her. She looks at it closely and touches the sticker. "Thank you." She said then when he started driving.

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