Chapter 1 • A Good Day

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The past three months have felt like an emotional roller coaster. We knew we'd come home from the hospital without our boys, but I didn't realize it would be as difficult as it was. From bringing JJ home from the hospital to her recuperating from the C-section, and having to leave our babies in the NICU so they can get strong enough to bring home, to getting our room in Mum's house ready with all the babies' things, it has been a busy and challenging time to say the least.

I knew JJ and I were soulmates from the first time we met on our blind date three years ago. I could tell she was a special woman and I knew I wanted her in my life always. I didn't know how much we relied on each other and supported one other had it not been for the birth of our sons and what the past several months have brought us.

Her family and my family, and our closest mates, have gone above and beyond to help us. Whether it was giving us a ride to JJ's follow up appointments or to the NICU, or even just the grocery shoppe, someone was there to help, and I've had to learn to accept their help because they genuinely wanted to help, not because I'm incapable of doing things on my own.

In my twenty-eight years of living as a visually impaired person, I had never once wished I could see, until I met JJ, and now, I'd give anything to be able to see our boys. I feel extremely cheated and extremely lucky at the same time. It's an odd combination, but it's how I'm processing my cruel reality.

"Okay, I think we're ready," JJ says and a waft of sweetly perfumed air rushes in front of me while I'm sat on the couch. "I've got the nappy bag, the bottle of milk from pumping this morning, his fleece onesie, mittens just in case it's gotten colder, his hat, his binkie, oh . . . we did decide to call it that, didn't we?"

I can sense JJ's presence next to me by the couch and I turn my head towards her, "I think so. It's fine with me."

"Good. Okay, I think I got everything. Are you ready? We need to be there in thirty minutes."

"Yes, I'm ready, love. I've already told Maggie that she gets to stay here with Auntie Gemma, but we're bringing her little brother home from the hospital today."

"Great. Oh, you'll need your coat. It was quite nippy outside. Where's your coat? Oh there it is. I forgot I put it over here this morning when I let Maggie out so I wouldn't forget it. I'll get it for you, love."

Even though she seems a tad scatter brained at the moment, I decide to let her follow through with what she said. Over the course of our relationship, I've learned to leave her be if she starts talking to herself and I only get worried when she starts answering herself.

"Here you go," she says, guiding my hand to the soft material.

"Thank you, baby. I appreciate your help," I grin up at her while putting on my coat and she breathes out a laugh. "Do you have your jacket?"

"Oh shoot, it completely slipped my mind. I think I still have pregnancy brain."

"It's alright, love. I wasn't the one pregnant and I feel I suffered from pregnancy brain, too."

"Hmm, what a team we are, right? Two brainless parents," she jokes, making me chuckle. "Alright, enough kidding around. We're running out of time. Where's your mum? Do you need my elbow or you got it?"

I can tell she's stressed and nervous, so I feel around for my white cane that I put on the seat next to me, "I've got it. Be a good girl, Maggie and we'll be home soon."

She answers me with a high-pitched whine and I pat her head before standing up. With my white cane ready to guide me, I start walking the eighteen paces towards the front door.

"Are we ready, darlings?" Mum asks and I can hear the sound of her footsteps on the hardwood floor become clearer.

"Yes, we are. Mind if I borrow your elbow?"

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