Chapter 8 • Carry Out

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"We're here," I say, slowly pulling into the parking spot. "There aren't that many cars since they've practically just opened, so it shouldn't be too busy. Mm, I can smell the food. Smells so good. Do you smell it? Y'know, I think they do that on purpose, to lure you in with their aroma. Ready to go in?"

He sits there facing the front window, "Huh, I just had a thought."

"What was it?" I ask, getting my purse together.

"Why don't we order our food to go that way we'll have more time to spend at the special shoppe."

I glance over at Harry, "That's a pretty good idea, love. I'll even order online."

"It just keeps getting better," he dramatically rubs his hands together.

I grin as I swipe open my phone and I proceed to go onto their website. After I order the family meal with extra yummy red sauce, I drop my phone back in my purse and put the gearshift in Reverse.

"Estimated time is forty-five minutes for pickup. That should be enough time. Right? I mean I know my way around the vibrators quite well so we won't have to ask for help."

Harry clears his throat, "Oh, no, w-we wouldn't want that anyways."

Smirking at his adult store innocence, I put the gearshift in Drive, "Ready, Mr. Styles?"

"I was born ready, Mrs. Styles, well, not really since I didn't know these types of businesses existed until recently, but I'm very ready, to say the least."

I shake my head with a giggle, "You are something else, babe."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

"You should."

As I cautiously pull out into the traffic, I find myself smiling. I'm in a good mood because we just came from visiting Everette, I'm with my husband and we're going to broaden the horizons on our romantic relationship. I'm relieved that he's open to exploring different things because I've always been an adventurous spirit in the bedroom, even if it was only with myself.

"I just thought of something."

I glance over at Harry, "What's that?"

"Next week is Halloween, which is our third boyfriend girlfriend relationship anniversary and it will be our boys' first Halloween."

"That's right and then it will be their first Christmas. Oh Harry, do you think Ev will be home by then?"

"I hope so. We can ask the nurses next time we're there. She seemed positive about his progress."

"I think I will. Oh I can't wait to take them to see Santa. Can we, Harry?"

"Y-yeah, sure, love. Whatever you'd like," he says, rubbing his palms on his jeans and I realize what I said.

"Harry, I'm very sorry. I should've said visit Santa."

"JJ, it's okay, I promise. I honestly hope with all I have that we really can take our boys to see Santa. There's nothing I'd like more."

"I know you're worried about that. I'm just going to speak it into existence that our boys will have perfect eyesight and perfect everything."

"Yeah, I like that."

"Good. Ah, here we are. Treasured Secrets," I say while carefully parking in front of the store and I turn off the engine. "Ready to go in?"

Harry grins, unbuckling his seatbelt, "Yes. Oh, is there anything next to my door? I'd hate to hit something."

"I'll come around just to be on the safe side," I reply, getting out of the car and I shut the door before walking around to Harry's side. I lightly tap on the window to let him know I'm here before opening the door. "We were in the clear, but you know I'm not a risk taker."

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