Chapter 15 • Rubber Ducky, You're The One

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"That was top notch meatloaf, Mum. Of all the meatloaves I've eaten in my lifetime, that was the best."

"I know flattery when I hear it. Do you think you have room for another slice?"

I grin, holding out my plate, "You know me so well." She giggles and the plate becomes heavier, so I set it down in front of me. "Thanks, Mum."

"You're welcome. Would you like another, JJ?"

"Well, I suppose it's good protein and my doctor did say to eat as much protein as possible while I'm breastfeeding, so yes, please."

"You don't have to explain anything to us, love. If you're still hungry, you can have another. I made plenty for Maggie and we can have meatloaf sandwiches for lunch tomorrow."

"Thanks, Anne. Oh that's a good idea. I'm highly anticipating tomorrow's lunch."

"Glad to hear it," Mum says.

I take another bite and hum, "Mm, 'so good."

"No talking with your mouth full, darling. You need to set a better example for my grandsons."

In shock, I swallow the delicious bite and playfully throw my hands up, "They don't even have any teeth yet."

She giggles, "True, but my grandsons are smart boys. They'll catch on quickly and I don't want them learning bad manners from you."

"Leo, would you help me out, please?"

Leo clears his throat, "Even though you're a splendid son-in-law, I have to abandon the guy code and agree with your mother, Harry. My grandsons, one of whom is my namesake I might add, need perfect examples of table manners."

I playfully scoff, "Hm, I see how it is."

JJ gasps, "You can see now?"

Her tone lets me know she's not playing along with our joking around and I feel terrible, especially with the awkward silence it has caused.

"Uhm, n-no, love. I was just using the common expression."

"Oh, of course. How silly of me to think that you'd magically . . . I'm sorry."

She begins to cry and I reach over next to me, aiming for her knee. She continues to sob and I prioritize her over the rest of my meatloaf.

"JJ, love, I'm really sorry. C'mere," I invite her for a hug which is an awkward side hug since we're sitting next to each other at the dining table. She wraps her arm around my shoulder and rests her head on my shoulder. I press a kiss to the top of her head, "I'm truly sorry. I forgot you don't like me using those phrases."

She sniffs, sitting back up, "Thank you. I'm just emotional from today with bringing Everette home. And I'm exhausted."

"Well, good thing Leo and I will clean up so you two can relax until bedtime."

"Aw, Dad, you'd do that for me?"

"I was going to clean up whether you two were here or not. I take care of my girl."

"He sure does," Mum says rather slyly which gives me shivers.

"I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear that," I chuckle, wiping my mouth with my napkin.

"They're in love, Harry. It's sweet."

"Okay, I'll admit I'm happy my mum has a wonderful man who treats her well, but I'm stopping there."

"That might be a good idea," JJ giggles. "Alright, you lot, I am spent. I hate to cut our evening short, but I still have to feed the twins and get them ready for bed. And get myself ready for bed. It might be midnight before I'm in bed."

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