Chapter 14 • Bad News

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The long hallway becomes a blur and I wipe the tears streaming down my cheeks as Harry and I rush toward the NICU. We made record time from Anne's house to the hospital considering I was speeding just a tad but I don't care. I don't even know all that the nurse said over the phone because all I heard was that she said Everette. I just have to get to my baby.

"Can you slow down just a tad, please?" Harry asks, lagging behind and trying to keep up with me. If it weren't for his firm grip on my elbow, I'm sure he'd be a few feet back.

"Sorry, but I have to hurry."

"I know that but I'd hate to trip and fall. It would just take us that much longer."

"Oh, I suppose you're right," I mutter, slowing our pace down and I take a deep breath. My heart pounds in my chest as we quickly approach the ward that we've become too familiar with and I seem to lose my breath again. "Okay, here we are."

Putting on the personal protective apparel has become like second nature but I'm putting them on with shaky hands because I am incredibly nervous about the news. As I make sure Harry has his gear on, I notice something different.

"Where are your sunnies?"

He sighs, "We left in such a hurry, I forgot my white cane, too . . . I'm fine, though, really. Let's go in."

"Okay," I press the button to open the doors and we walk over to where Everette's incubator is set up. There aren't any nurses making a fuss over him so I assume it's not an emergency. "Where is everyone?"

In this moment, all I care about is my baby, so I get close to the incubator to where his head is lying and I smile through my tears.

"Hello, my sweet sleeping boy. What's the matter, hm? Let me see- erm, let me get a nurse to help us. Will you stay with Ev?"

"Of course," Harry says and I guide him over to stand next to the incubator. "Wair, JJ. Is he okay?"

"Y-yeah, I mean I think so. He's sleeping. I wonder why they called."

"Go find out. I'll stay with Ev."

Knowing Ev won't be alone, I hurriedly make my way over to the nurse's desk. One nurse is behind the computer and I walk up to the desk.

"Excuse me, but someone called earlier about Everette Styles. I'm his mother."

"Ah, yes, you're ready to take him home?"

I pause at her words, "Wh-, what? The hospital called . . . I just assumed it was bad news. You're telling me that he's healthy enough to bring home?"

"Yes, ma'am. Everette's lungs have gotten stronger so he doesn't need the oxygen tube, so the doctor just signed a clean bill of health for little Everette, with the exception of weekly check-ups, of course."

"Ha, of course. He's healthy enough to come home? Oh my God, that's such a relief. Oh my-, I have to tell Harry."

I make my way back to the NICU and rush over to Harry and Ev. I can barely contain my excitement as I pass all the other babies that my heart goes out to their parents, but right now my world is going to be complete.

"Harry," I quietly say, soothing my hand on his arm.

"Yes, love? What did you find out?"

"Are you ready to take our baby home?"

His expression is of shock, "Y-yeah, so, he's fine? Nothing's wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. The doctor signed his paperwork off. He can come home, Harry. Oh my God." The happy tears start forming as he embraces me in a hug and I giggle through my tears. "I'm so happy. Are you?"

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